Agenda 8:30-9:00 am Registration 9:00-9:35 am I. Welcome, Objectives a. Welcome b. Objectives c. Connector – Fears & Hopes i. Self-Reflection 1. Sticky Notes (1. Fears, 2. Hopes) ii. Introductions iii. Create T-Chart iv. Whole Group Share Themes 9:35-9:50 am II. Common Core State Standards Context a. Activity: What do you know about the Common Core State Standards & Smarter Balanced Assessment (Pair-Share) 9:50-10:35 am III. Quality Learning & Teaching 10:35-10:50 am a. Lecture Burst b. Activity: Quality learning & instruction is… (P3T) i. Poll Everywhere/Wordle ii. Video: Applying your definition BREAK 10:50-11:20 am III. Instructional Core Overview a. Lecture Burst – Introducing the Instructional Core b. Video: Elmore c. Activity: Principles 1 & 2 (Say Something) d. Role of Content – CCSS/SBAC i. Standards v. Curriculum 11:20-11:45 am IV. Morning Wrap Up a. 11:45am-12:30 pm Connect-Extend-Challenge LUNCH 12:30-12:45 pm V. Reconnector (12:30 pm) a. Activity – Line up: One Word that Describes Your Learning this Morning i. What do you want to remember from this morning’s learning 12:45-1:45 pm VI. Role of the Teacher (12:45 pm) a. Lecture Burst – Depths of Knowledge b. Activity: Science Literacy Lesson – “Fracking” i. DOK 1 & 2 1. Read 2. Answer the questions 3. Identify the Level of DOK ii. DOK 3 & 4 1. Answer the questions 2. Identify the Level of DOK iii. c. 1:45-2:00 pm Write with your table group another Level 3 or 4 question that you can share with the whole group Debrief i. As we look at the role of the teacher, what are the… ii. As a leader, what might you do to support this? BREAK 2:00-2:55 pm VII. Role of the Student a. Video: CCSS: I Pick C b. 3-2-1 Bridge i. 3 you know about how to increase student ownership of their learning ii. 2 questions about increasing student ownership of their learning iii. 1 leadership implication for increasing student ownership of their learning c. Article: Fischer, D. & Frey, N. (2008). Releasing Responsibility, Educational Leadership, 66(3), 32-37. d. Micro Lab Protocol e. 3-2-1 Bridge f. Debrief i. As a leader, what might you do to support your teachers in the gradual release of responsibility? 2:55-3:00 pm VIII. a. Wrap Up Definition of Quality Learning & Instruction Is… i. 3:00 pm Poll Everywhere/Wordle b. Strategy Harvest c. Purpose & Objectives Adjourn