Norsk akkreditering VII.2.1.31 NA-S18: Summary of procedures for calibration laboratories Form/Skjema Utarbeidet av: Sidenr: Godkjent av: SBE Versjon: ICL 3.00 Gjelder fra: 12.09.2005 1 av 1 Please specify the extent of the application: Critical locations *): Field no. (se NA Dok 24a): (Please fill in a new page for every technical field that is included in the application for accreditation) Parameters Field Measurement uncertainty Short description of measuring procedure, or reference to this: *) To be filled in if the applicant has more critical locations performing key activities. The definition of key activities is: Issuing of offer/contract, approval of managing documents, qualification of personnel, performing of calibration, approval of calibration certificate. If the locations are performing different calibrations, this has to be specified. Kryssreferanser Eksterne referanser