Whose Data Is Being Stolen in the U.S.? Data Crunch Financial Pitfalls 1. Rounded to the nearest ten, how many business sector data breaches happened in 2014? 340 business sector breaches happened in 2014. DOK 1 2. What was the change in social-security number data breaches from 2010 to 2014? It increased from 280 in 2010 to 340 in 2014. DOK 1 3. How does the quantity of data breaches attributed to hacking compare to those attributed to other types of incidents? Hacking was a more prominent method of data breaching compared to the other tactics that can be used. DOK 2 4. Make an inference about why more social security numbers are exposed more than credit card/bank card numbers each year. Social security numbers are used more in a work place compared to credit or bank cards. Scammers also use phone calls to retrieve people’s social security. DOK 2 5. In every year except 2005, the financial sector had the lowest number of data attacks. Hypothesize why this might be the case. It’s possible that the financial sector had the lowest number of data attacks in every year besides 2005 due to the other sectors growing in popularity because of less security and easier access of data. www.ngpf.org Last updated: 5/4/18 DOK 3 www.ngpf.org Last updated: 5/4/18