Spring Term introduction letter Jan 2015

Fangfoss, York, YO41 5QG
Telephone / Fax: 01759 368446
Email: fangfossprimary@eastriding.gov.uk
Head Teacher: Mr Paul Edwards
8th January 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
Happy New Year - we are all looking forward to another busy, hardworking and fun term in Class 3!
The following information will give you an outline of the work we will be covering this term.
In Literacy we will be continuing last term’s work on investigating spelling patterns and rules, and
practising our inference skills through guided reading. However, our main unit of work will be called
“All about me”, in which the children will create an autobiography that they will then present on film or
to a live audience. Also, Miss West will be teaching a poetry unit this term.
In Numeracy we will be continue to build on mental maths skills, including working on improving
knowledge and speed when using multiplication tables. Other areas of work will include number and
calculations, geometry and measures, fractions and decimals and data handling.
In Science our area of study will be plants. We will be looking at the function of parts of flowering
plants, how they grow and their life cycles and seed dispersal.
Our R.E. we will be studying Sikhism, looking at the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of this religion.
Our cross-curricular topic this term is called ‘When I was a child’. This is a theme in British history
focusing on children’s lives in Victorian times, as evacuees in World War 2, and growing up in the
Sixties. As part of the topic, in Music Mrs Oxford will cover children’s songs and singing games of
these periods; and we will look at Victorian samplers and developing sewing and embroidery skills as
part of Art, Design and Technology.
P.E. will continue to be on Wednesday and Friday but it will be helpful if P.E. kit is kept in school in
case there is any change to the timetable. P.E. on Wednesdays will be indoors and continues to cover
a gymnastics unit; and on Fridays we will be swimming. Also on Thursday afternoons this term Class 3
will be taking part in cricket sessions with Mr Eede: outdoor kit will be needed for this.
The support you can give your child is also very important. Please encourage them to read at home as
often as possible and to complete their spelling and homework tasks to consolidate their class
learning: homework and spellings will be given out on Fridays to be returned by the following
As always, please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask if you have any queries or concerns.
Yours sincerely
Mrs V.A. Booth & Miss N. West
Class 3 Teachers