Chapman’s Corner Week of December 2-6 ☺ We will focus on figuring out the author’s purpose for writing: persuade, inform, entertain, or describe. We will also use the analyze and evaluate strategy to help us understand the author’s purpose. ☺ Math: We will continue working on multiplying one-digit times 2- and 3-digit numbers. We will also multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. We will be learning multiple strategies, including lattice multiplication and expanding the number before multiplying. ☺ In Science we will begin learning about electricity and how it works. ☺ Social Studies: We will begin learning about the Triangular Trade Route, the Middle Passage, and slavery in the 13 English colonies. ☺ Reading Record—Please make sure your child reads daily and completes the reading record. This log will be taken up on Fridays and will be graded. Thank you for helping with your child’s reading skills. ***Star Student December 2-6: Tykeria London Important dates to remember: ☺ Nov. 27-29~Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL!) ☺ Dec. 2~Midterms Go Home ☺ Dec. 10~Pastries for Parents ☺ Dec. 12~PTO Open House (K-1) Spelling The spelling words for the week are: beginning, dishonest, kept, several, usually, magnet, reflect, refract, conclude, opening The Bonus words are: incident, prospect, isolated, refurbish, dumbfounded Don’t forget: Three spelling activities are due on Thursday of each week! Vocabulary The vocabulary words for the week are: jolt, pry, prospect, incident, dumbfounded, vindicate, isolated, refurbish ****Science/Social Studies Review: Your child will be getting a science/social studies review sheet on Mondays. This sheet is due on Fridays. It will count as two grades—one for Science and one for Social Studies. Please make sure your child is completing this review. Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt Chapman’s Corner Week of December 2-6 Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt