Curriculum Map – Spr 1 – Pain, Punishment, Perseverance

Discrete Subjects :
RE : People inspired by God
PE : Basketball/Dance
Music: ‘The Park’ – Herve Analysis
French: Around the School/
Preferred Subjects and Lessons
Recount— Class visit, First Person
Discussion– Victorian Punishment
Narrative -Dickens: Oliver Twist
Star Write—Linked to Theme
Explanations, Reports & Poetry
P.S.H.E & British Values
Difference between the rich and
poor. Health and hygiene.
Justice. New Year Resolutions.
Safe use of the Forest School
Class Visits / Visitors
Beamish; Pockerley Old Hall
Gateshead Library
Saltwell Park
Shipley Gallery
My Money: Salaries and Taxes
Geometry – Position and Direction
Statistics – Data Handling (charts and
Probability – Language associated
Algebra, ratio and proportion
Brighton Avenue Primary School
Curriculum Maps,
Spring 1
Year 6;
Pain, Punishment,
Computing – We are Project Managers
Pupils apply computational thinking to the task of
managing a complex project; assigning roles to
members of their group. Children will be
introduced to the software being used to create
their apps and get used to the interface.
Class Novel: Lob: Linda Newbery
Class Poem: If - Rudyard Kipling
Guided Reading:
Jane Eyre, Tom’s Midnight
Garden, Melleron’s Monsters,
The Toymaker, Waiting Goldie,
Skellig, Carrie’s War
Science - Light
Children will learn about how light
travels and how we are able to see
objects as a result of this. We will
investigate factors that affect our
eyesight and what causes light to
change direction
The Victorians
Contrast—children at work and
school (trip to Beamish)
Punishment– life as a servant
(jobs of Victorian children)
Local Link– Saltwell Park
William Morris—repeating patterns
Tile Printing – Single and Double Coloured
Drawing Elements: linear,
pointillism, feathering, cross
hatching, scumbling, side stroke
Victorian Art Exhibition; choice
of Victorian artist & Fact File