Class 6 30/09/11 Homework Spelling The children have been given a spelling sheet with words for them to learn. One side is full of activities to help the children use their new spellings. The other side has a fold line so that the children can copy the words, then cover them to write again without looking. English This half term we will be working on tenses and verbs. This week’s activity sheet revises the past, present and future tenses. I would like the children to cut out the sentences, then say them aloud before sorting them into past, present and future tenses. They may want to make up slips of their own, recording additional sentences that can be spoken aloud, then placing them in the correct group. Victorian Experience On Wednesday 12th October we are planning a Victorian Experience for the children in Class 6. Members of CANW and the Living Streets project would like to retrace the route taken by the orphans from the orphanage to Salesbury School. Please could I ask you to drop your children off AT THE ORPHANAGE at 9.00 am on this particular day. We would also like the children to dress up in Victorian clothes (please resurrect the clothes the children wore for the Victorian Day last year). Thank you for your support… I am hoping this event will make history come alive for the children.