Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields

Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields
38, Camborne Avenue, Ealing, London, W13 9QZ
Tel. 020 8567 5421
e-mail: website:
Parish Priest: Fr. Jim Duffy
Pastoral Assistant: Miss Anna Maria Dupelycz
Office Opening Hours: Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri, 10.30am-1pm; 2pm-6pm Closed Thursday
Sacraments and Devotions:
Reconciliation (‘Confession’): Saturday, 10am & 6pm
Baptisms: Second and Fourth weekends of the month after attendance at a Preparation Course
Marriages: arranged by appointment. Six months’ notice required. Information on prep. courses available on parish website.
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 10am – 11am
Rosary: After weekday Mass
Psalter Week 1
In case you are admitted to hospital........
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that
you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.
5th Sunday of Lent Year B
Sunday 22nd March 2015
Readings for This Week Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ps 50; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-30
Readings for Next Week (Palm Sunday) Mark 11:1-10; Isaiah 50:4-7; Ps21; Philippians 2:6-11;Mark 14:1-15:47
Reflection from Fr. Hilary: Syon Abbey, Isleworth (1415-1539)
Why am I writing this? Because this year is the 600th anniversary of the founding of Syon Abbey. That would be exactly
one hundred years before the building of Hampton Court in 1515. Syon Abbey and all it stood for is a special part of our
local history. The Duke of Northumberland who is in charge of Syon Park has authorised excavation work this year to
help uncover some of the secrets. Some excavation already took place about 20 years ago but a lot needs to be done.
At the time those involved reckoned the Abbey was bigger than Westminster Abbey. And then there would have been
huge buildings to house the hundreds of monks and nuns. They were Brigettines.
King Henry VIII was a frequent visitor to the then rural Richmond. Frequently he’d get into his boat to sail up to
Isleworth where he loved to stop off and visit the Abbey. He particularly liked to meet up and have discussions with the
Abbot, St Richard Reynolds. He had the highest regard for Richard. Sadly when Henry made himself head of the Church
by the Act of Supremacy in 1534 he sought the Abbot’s approval. He flatly refused and Henry condemned his friend to
death. This was carried out on 4 May 1535. Richard Reynolds plus 3 Carthusian monks were dragged from the Tower
and hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn, now Marble Arch. That was the beginning of executions at Tyburn and
they lasted for a century and a half until 1681.
The Dissolution of the Monasteries and Abbeys up and down the country took place mainly in 1539. Can you imagine the
utter destruction of Syon Abbey and other buildings? The treatment of the monks and nuns and being thrown out on the
road? What happened to them in their terrible suffering? Surely the destruction of hundreds of Abbeys and monasteries
was the greatest act of vandalism in English history carried out by fellow-citizens? The Abbeys and monasteries had a
huge spiritual influence on the people. What might their influence be today if they had never been destroyed? I often
wonder about the thousands who visit Syon Park. How many of them realise the powerful history? Let’s speak to St
Richard Reynolds and the thousands of monks and nuns about the re-conversion of the country to its wonderful,
beautiful Christian heritage.
Please keep and reflect.
1. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday – Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, 8.00am- 9.15am.
2. Morning Prayer will be said Monday – Wednesday, Friday & Saturday at 9.15am.
3. Stations of the Cross will take place each Friday after morning Mass.
4. Holy Week and Easter Services
A leaflet detailing the times of services is now available from the porch and the
back of the church.
5. Ealing Churches Passion on Good Friday
This year the usual walk of witness is being replaced by the “Ealing
Passion”. If you wish to participate, please meet on Haven Green for 9.55am. The Passion will follow the following
format and take place between 10am & 11.15am: Gathering, Procession down Ealing Broadway towards Christ the
Saviour, re-enactment of the crucifixion. dismissal, followed by refreshments at Haven Green Baptist church. Banners,
crosses and palm crosses not needed
Rest In Peace
We pray for the repose of the soul of Zofia Przybylska who died on 12th March. Her requiem will take
place at the Polish Church, Windsor Road on Monday 23rd March, 12 Noon, followed by burial at Gunnersbury Cemetery.
Masses this week
Sunday 22nd March
(5th Lent Year B)
6.30pm (Sat.) John Harrington (Ann.)
8.30am Tereza & Maria Fernandes (Ann.)
10.00am John McLoone (Ann.)
11.30am Caetano Jospeh de Souza (Ann.)
6.30pm Michael Clerkin
Monday 23 March (St Turibius of Mongrovejo)
9.30am John Harrington (Ann.)
Tuesday 24th March
9.30am Special Intention
Wednesday 25th March (Annunciation of the Lord
9.30am Pat O’ Neill (B’day Ann.)
Thursday 26th March
No Mass
Friday 27th March
9.30am Mary O’Mahoney (Sick)
Saturday 28th March
9.30am Robert Andall (Ann.)
Sunday 29th March (Palm Sunday Year B)
6.30pm (Sat.) Franskin Fernandez (Ann.)
8.30am Ritin Fernandes (Ann.)
10.00am Thomas Londra (L.D.)
11.30am Tom Middleton (L.D.)
6.30pm Tom Barrett (L.D.)
Lists are now up in the sacristy to sign up if you’re available to
minister over Holy Week and the Easter period. Copies of the Passion for Palm Sunday are available to collect today.
Liturgical Ministries over Holy Week & Easter
New Young Readers
Training as follows: Friday group, after Easter holidays, Monday (boys), 23rd March. Both take
place in the church 6.15pm – 7pm.
Children’s Stations of the Cross
There will be a preliminary meeting of any children wishing to participate in the
Stations of the Cross on Good Friday morning, Tues. 24th March, 4pm in the Church. Volunteers are needed for both
reading and drama. If you are unable to attend please contact Anna. Arrangements concerning rehearsals will be
discussed at this meeting.
Mount Carmel Stations of the Cross Year 6 children will lead the Stations on Tues. 24th, 6pm in the Church.
Church Flowers for Easter The list is up in the flower room for arrangers to sign up alongside the arrangement they
would like to do. It is hoped to run a workshop in the Parish Hall on the morning of 4th April, 10.00am onwards, to make
arrangements for the pillars should there be sufficient interest. Please sign up on the list in the sacristy or contact the
parish office by the end of this weekend.
Training of servers : Year 6 Fri. 17th April, 5.15pm, in the Church. New rotas are available from the
sacristy. Please take one home. This week: Week 4; next: Palm Sunday rota. Sign up sheets for Holy Week and Easter
are also in the sacristy.
Altar Servers
Music in Mass
Both rehearsals take place in the church. All are welcome.
1. Rehearsal for 11.30am Mass: Tuesday 7.00pm.
2. Rehearsal for Holy Week and Easter Vigil, Thursday, 7.30pm.
Church and Hall Cleaning
Church: this week: Team D; Hall Team 4. More volunteers are needed to boost the
strength of both sets of teams. Please contact the Parish Office if you are able to help. Thank you! Easter clean of the
church will take place on Mon. 30th March, beginning after morning Mass.
Six months’ notice is required for Catholic marriages taking place anywhere
in the world and attendance at a pre-marriage course. Generally, enquiry paperwork should be done in the parish of
domicile. Please do check with Fr Jim or Anna and give plenty of notice.
Thinking of getting married in 2015?
First Reconciliation Session for children only, Weds. 25th March, 5.45pm, Church.
R.E. for Children in Non-Catholic Primary Schools Sessions continue on Weds. 25th, 5.45pm, Parish Hall.
Next session for all candidates, today, 4.30pm, Parish Hall.
Journey in Faith (R.C.I.A.)
Next session Weds. 25th March, 8.00pm, Parish House.
Offertory Envelopes
New sets of envelopes to begin in time for the new tax year are available to collect from the
back of the church today. If you would like to begin regular giving, gift aid your offering or switch to standing order,
please see whoever is staffing the table. Please collect your set as soon as possible. Please note: with the
changeover, somehow between the 2 sets an envelope for 5th April (Easter Sunday) has been omitted. Please
use the ‘spare’ envelope that can be found at the back of the new set. Thank you!
CAFOD Fast Day
Many, many thanks for your generosity. A total of £2848.79 was raised, not including the value of
any gift aided donations.
Date for your diary…Confirmation Fundraiser, 26th April. This year in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. Details to come.
Prayer for the Dying with the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary will now take place at Fl. 10, Berkeley Court, 31-33
Gordon Rd., Ealing, London W5 2AE, at 6.45 PM, on the last Friday of the Month. The next date will be 27th March. If
attending, please ring Sr. Josephine first -- 020 8810 4432
St Richard Reynolds Catholic College seek to appoint an experienced and able Receptionist for our primary and
secondary schools in Twickenham.
Further information and application forms are available on our website Closing date for applications: Friday 10th April 2015
British Summer Time
begins next weekend! Please remember to put your clocks forward.