24 January 2016 - Diocese of Westminster

Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields
38, Camborne Avenue, Ealing, London, W13 9QZ
Tel. 020 8567 5421
e-mail: northfields@rcdow.org.uk website: http://parish.rcdow.org.uk/northfields
Parish Priest: Fr. Jim Duffy
Pastoral Assistant: Miss Anna Maria Dupelycz
Office Opening Hours: Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri, 10.30am-1pm; 2pm-6pm Closed Thursday
Sacraments and Devotions:
Reconciliation (‘Confession’): Saturday, 10am & 6pm
Baptisms: Second and Fourth weekends of the month after attendance at a Preparation Course
Marriages: arranged by appointment. Six months’ notice required. Information on prep. courses available on parish website.
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 10am – 11am
Rosary: After weekday Mass
Psalter Week 3
In case you are admitted to hospital........
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that
you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.
3rd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
Sunday 24th January 2016
Readings for This Week Nehemiah 8:2-6, 8-10; Ps 18: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 (or 12:12-14, 27); Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Next Week Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 70; 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13; Luke 4:21-30
Reflection from Fr. Hilary
Time and Eternity (2)
We’ve mentioned the preciousness of Time. It is a great gift of God. Fr Jim McManus makes some helpful points. Our
society has made time into a commodity rather than a gift. This is very wrong. People talk about not having enough
time and saving time! When we focus on time as a commodity and not as a gift, we develop intolerance towards waiting.
Fast is good, slow is bad. Fast is good because it doesn’t take up too much of our time as a commodity; slow is bad
because it uses up our commodity. Our culture is impatient of waiting because it is rushing headlong towards tomorrow.
It hasn’t cultivated the inner life. It lives life on the street, before the TV, in the workplace. This culture doesn’t encourage
a healthy spirituality of waiting. It doesn’t encourage a healthy attitude of ‘being’ more than doing.
Being – rather than doing. That’s it. That should be our emphasis – each person is a precious creation in God’s gift of
time. Not time seen as a commodity. Of course ‘doing’ matters but there is such a fever around today which says that if
we’re not ‘busy’, not doing, we’re useless. Very wrong. The poet John Milton has a famous line ‘they also serve who only
stand and wait.’ This is not talking of laziness, much less justifying it. It is emphasising ‘being’. If we lose the art of
waiting patiently on God and God’s will as manifested in the events of our own life, we cause frustration to ourselves.
Someone said we need to nurture the virtue of gratitude for today which is so often obscured by the race towards
We can then begin to see more clearly that each new day is God’s gift, not just another 24 hours. It is given to us so
that we can become more profoundly the quality persons God wants us to be and that deep down, we crave to be also.
There is a lovely phrase – ‘The Sacrament of the present moment.’ Reflect on it and pray on it so that God can show you
more clearly the preciousness of His gift of time.
Finally, a point of sobering Wisdom from Elizabeth Kübler-Ross: It is only when we truly know and understand that we
have a limited time on earth – and that we have no way of knowing that our time is up, that we will then begin to live each
day to the full, as if it was the only one we had.
(Please keep for prayerful reflection)
Rest In Peace
We pray for the repose of the soul of Perrin Anson. Her requiem will take place on Tuesday at
11.00am. This replaces the 9.30am Mass. The intention for Jimmy Breen has been transferred to 29th January.
Liturgical Ministries, Flower Group and Cleaning Teams
New rotas are available to collect as follows:
liturgical ministries from the sacristy; flower group and cleaners from the flower room/sacristy toilet.
Altar Servers
Training for existing servers: details of dates have been sent by e-mail. New servers: 29th Jan.,
5.15pm, church.
New Young Readers
Training continues as follows: Friday Group 2, 22 nd January; Monday group 25th January. Both
6.15pm in the church.
Music in Mass
Rehearsals for 11.30am Mass Tues. 7.30pm, in the Church. All welcome. Both singers and
instrumentalists needed.
Church: Team C; Hall: Team 3.
Masses this Week
Sunday 24th January
(2nd Sunday Year C)
Thursday 28th January (St Thomas Aquinas)
6.30pm (Sat.) Martin McInerney (Month’s Mind)
No Mass
8.30am (Sun.) Mary Teresa Gahan (Ann.)
Friday 29th January
10.00am Mary Healy & Family (Intentions)
9.30am Jimmy Breen (Ann.) (trans. from 26/1)
11.30am John Sweeney (Ann.)
Saturday 30th January
6.30pm People of the Parish
9.30am Carmena Sammutt (Get Well)
Monday 25th January (Conversion of St Paul)
Sunday 31st January (4th Sunday Year C)
9.30am Perrin Anson (L.D.)
6.30pm (Sat) Mary Anne Osborne (Ann.)
Tuesday 26th January (Ss Timothy & Titus)
8.30am Deceased members of Jones Family
11.00am (Requiem) Perrin Anson (RIP)
10.00am Gerry Harlowe (Ann.)Wednesday 27th January
(St Angela Merici)
11.30am Elizabeth Owens (Ann.)
9.30am Billy Mulchrone (Ann.)
6.30pm André Carrington-Genoni (Ann.)
New Auxiliary Bishops for Westminster
Canon Paul McAleenan (a priest of Westminster diocese) and
Monsignor John Wilson (a priest from the diocese of Leeds) will both be ordained as bishops on Monday at Westminster
Cathedral. We pray for them as they take on their new role in the Church.
will take place on Sun. 14th Feb., 2,30pm, followed by refreshments in the Parish
Hall. If you require transport, please sign the list at the back of the church.
Mass With Anointing of the Sick
Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in Westminster Cathedral, 2.00 pm, Sat., 6 Feb. and will
be the Jubilee Mass for the Sick and the Disabled, for Healthcare Workers and those who care for the Sick. All are
welcome. Wheelchair users: please contact the parish office if you wish to attend as soon as possible.
First Reconciliation Sessions continue on 27th January, 5.45pm, for children and parents, Parish Hall.
R.E. for Children in Non-Catholic Primary Schools Session on Wednesday 3rd February, 5.45pm, Parish Hall.
Sessions continue today, 4.30pm in the Parish Hall. Rite of enrolment takes place during Sunday
6.30pm Mass next week.
Journey in Faith (R.C.I.A.)
Session Sat. 6th February, 11.00am, Parish Hall.
Please contact Kathleen (020 8567 5864) or Hazel (020 8567 9595) to arrange a mutually
convenient time to return and process applications. Application forms available from the parish office. Checks are
needed for anyone involved in any parish ministry or work involving children, young people, or vulnerable adults . If you
are unsure, please contact Kathleen or Hazel. They will be available to process forms on Wednesday, 7-8.00pm, Parish
John Fr John Egan on this ‘Great Adventure’, as he journeys through the Bible, uncovering for
us the ‘big picture’ of salvation history. The course begins on Tuesday 2nd Feb, 7.30pm, for 7 consecutive Tuesday
nights. Venue is Our Lady of the Visitation, Parish Centre, Greenford, UB6 9AN. Cost is Free! For booking, contact the
parish office at 020 8578 1363. See poster on noticeboard for more information.
Bible Study Course
Faith Formation for Readers and Ministers of Communion
Both will take place at Vaughan House, 46 Francis
Street, SW1P 1QN, 7.00-8.30pm. Registration is required. Email at livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk and indicate your name and
the date of the event. If you do not have an access to the Internet, please leave a voice message at 020 7931 6078.
Suggested donation £4. Tea/coffee will be provided.
Thu 28th Jan , Faith Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Thu 4th Feb, Faith Formation for Parish Readers
Refugee Volunteer Evening
26 Jan., Centre for Youth Ministry, 20 Phoenix Road, Euston, NW1 1TA, 6.- 8.30pm,
a chance to talk to organisations and projects working with migrants and refugees in London and Hertfordshire, to find out
about volunteering opportunities, and to get information on setting up a project. If you would like to come, please contact
caritaswestminster@rcdow.org.uk by 19 Jan. Flyers available in the porch.
Arts Day for Young People
On 6th February the youth service hosts an Arts Day at the Art Studios in Wapping.
The day will help young people, aged 14-20, develop their skills, be inspired by works of past artists and learn how to use
their artistic talents to glorify God. The day runs from 10am – 4pm and will be led by talented artists, Alice Robertson and
Marie-Louise Van Spyk. The day is free of charge. For further information and to confirm your attendance email:
callummoore@rcdow.org.uk See: http://dowym.com/events/
Lift Up Your Hearts, the diocesan faith-sharing resource for this Lent, explores the mystery and beauty of God’s mercy
by reflecting on the parables devoted to mercy as well as the Gospel accounts of personal encounters with Jesus, who
embodied Divine Mercy. We will consider how He invites each of us to turn to Him and be healed. Lift up your Hearts will
be available for individual or group reflection. Details to follow.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Westminster Cathedral, Sat. 14th May,
3pm. All couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60)
wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2016 will be invited. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give the
parish office the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone
number, if no email) by the 7th March 2016.