
Mrs. Schmidt
Room 122
Butler Traditional High School
Course Description: Humanities is a course required for
graduation. The course is designed to familiarize students
with the following art forms – dance, theatre, visual arts,
and music. Emphasis will be placed on the specific elements
of each art form as well as the development of these art
forms over a variety of historical periods. Students will
experience and respond to the arts in a variety of ways
throughout the year.
Required Classroom Materials:
You must bring these materials EVERY DAY!
1.5” Binder with Pockets: All assignments and
notes will be organized in the binder. This binder
must be clearly labeled as your Humanities binder
and it can only be used for Humanities class
5 Insertable Binder Dividers
100 Sheet Pack of Loose Leaf Paper: You will
need this dedicated pack of paper just for this
class. If you run out, you will need to get more.
Pens and Pencils: Be sure to bring multiple pens
and pencils (lead, erasers, etc.) just in case.
Assigned Humanities Book: You will be assigned a
book at the beginning of the year. This book will
be yours to keep -- you will not be required to
return it at the end of the year. You will be
required to highlight and take notes in the book
throughout the year. You will need this book for
class assignments and to study during each unit.
If you lose or severely damage your book during
the year, you will be required to replace the book
at a cost of $5.
Recommended (but not required) Materials:
*Clipboard (for use during projects), *3x5 Index
Cards, *highlighters, **Colored Pencils and/or
Fine Point Markers, **glue sticks, **scissors.
(Note: The materials with double asterisks will be
helpful for projects during class. Also, projects
may need to be completed at home and you must
have your own materials in order to do this.)
Academic Grades:
Grading Scale:
Your grade will be calculated based on the following
30% Student Progression - Daily Work (includes all assigned
class work, notes, and quizzes, Weekly Participation sheets
20% Student Engagement - Homework
50% Student Mastery - Tests and Projects
Note: You and your parents are strongly encouraged to check
Infinite Campus often. You will also receive an updated grade
sheet on deficiency day and at the end of the each grading
period. These grade sheets must be signed by a parent and
returned for a homework grade.
Conduct Grades:
A = Generally follows rules and meets class
expectations; no major behavior incidents
1 letter grade deduction for each required parent
signed Participation Sheet
1 referral = C/D/U (depending on severity of incident)
2 or more referrals = U
Note: Conduct grades reset back to “A” at the beginning of
each six weeks.
Class Rules:
R1. Show respect for the teacher and classmates at all times with your actions and words. No Profanity or name
calling will be allowed.
R2. Talk only when it is your turn. Side conversations are disruptive and rude.
R3. No eating or drinking in the classroom. (Water Bottles with a cap will be permitted.)
R4. Be in your seat BEFORE the end of the final tardy bell. Even if you are in the room, if you are not in your
seat, you will be marked tardy.
Class Expectations:
E1. Be on task and focused throughout the entire class.
E2. Pay attention and participate in classroom discussion. It’s okay to not know the answer, but it’s not okay to
not even know the question asked.
E3. Ask questions when you don’t understand something. Take responsibility for your learning.
E4. Follow directions the first time they are given. Pay close attention to all directions given.
E5. Turn in all assignments on time and complete – this includes make-up work when class is missed.
E6. Come to class prepared to learn – this includes bringing all materials and being alert and prepared to work. Do
not be surprised or dismayed when you are asked to work, this is, after all, a classroom.
If you are not meeting these expectations, you are not doing the work required of a successful student.
Assignment Information
All assignments turned in must have your
First and Last Name, your period and the
date written clearly at the top of the page.
No name = no grade. No period or date or
last name = -1 point each.
All papers turned in must be written on loose
leaf paper. No uneven edges allowed. Uneven
edges = -2 points.
No late work will be accepted. An
assignment is considered late if it is not
turned when collected. (You will receive one
Late Work Pass each six weeks. Details will
be on the pass.)
Unless assigned as group or partner work,
you are expected to do your own work – this
includes daily work, homework, and projects.
Copying or being copied from will result in a
zero and disciplinary action.
Make up work is your responsibility. If you
are absent, you must check the Log Book
(located on the side table) the day you
return. Assignments due the day you were
absent will be due the day you return.
Additional information concerning late work
is located in the front of the Log Book.
If I cannot read your handwriting, I cannot
grade your work. Please write legibly.
Quality counts on all assignments.
Completion alone does not ensure full credit.
Test Information:
For each written test, you will be allowed to
take notes on one 3x5 index card (both
sides) to be used on the test. These notes
must be handwritten. Cards will be given
out the day before each test. If you are
absent the day before the test, you can still
bring in a completed card, but you will not
be allowed an extra day to complete a card.
If you are absent the day of a test, come
prepared to take the test in class the day
you return. Class work missed while making
up a test must be completed for homework
and turned in the following class day.
You are required to complete one Invitation
Project each six weeks. These projects will
count as a test grade. Failure to complete
the project and/or follow directions will
seriously lower your grade. You will receive
additional information about the Invitations
very soon.
You are expected to review the material
throughout each unit, not just the night
before a test. If you have notes, your
homework is to review your notes. There
will be frequent quizzes and assessments
throughout each unit.