Humanities Research Course Expectations 2015_1

Humanities Research
Ms. Anuszkiewicz
“The arts and humanities define who we are as a people. That is their
power ― to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common. To help us
understand our history and imagine our future. To give us hope in the moments of struggle and to bring us
together when nothing else will.” –First Lady Michelle Obama
Course Description
Humanities Research I is the first part of a two or three-year sequence. This
course encourages each student to find and use evidence to support his or her
passion(s). Students will be exposed to a variety of topics traditionally associated
with the Humanities, as well as 21st century research methods. Mini-units on
each topic will be taught by the instructor and students will be responsible for
researching and creating one project per unit throughout Humanities Research I
& II. Humanities Research III allows each student to choose an independent
project subject to instructor approval.
New York State Common Core Social Studies Standards, Grade 10-12
The common core standards will be introduced where appropriate as they appear
relevant to the chronology of the course.
Text Books/Supplementary Materials
 Supplemental reading materials will come from appropriate criticisms,
biographies, journal articles and other scholarly writings.
 Research will include materials from websites, videos, and books.
 Loose-leaf binder or notebook for class notes.
 Blue/black ink pens
 Google Account (we will utilize Gmail, Docs, Slides, Keep)
 EasyBib Account
Classroom Expectations
 Be on time. If you are not on time, disciplinary action will be taken in
accordance with the school policy and regulation.
 Be prepared. All necessary materials should be brought to class on a daily
 Be respectful of fellow classmates, teachers, and school property.
 The student must be in class when scheduled. Absences will be recorded
as per district policy (Consult Student Handbook for details).
The majority of work for this class will be independent. Students should expect to
complete portions of their research and project on their own. Checkpoints will be
done to ensure timely completion of each portion of each project.
Projects are always announced in advance. If a student is legally absent when a
project is due, he/she will have the opportunity to turn in his/her project upon
return to school. If a student is illegally absent on the day a project is due or
otherwise does not turn in a project on its due date, he/she will lose 10% of the
total point value of the project for each day that it is late until it is turned in.
Quarter grades will be computed as follows:
Homework, Participation/Do Now
Final grade will be computed as follows:
Average of 4 quarters
Mid-term Project
Final Project
Extra Help is Available during Activity Period. Please remember to make an
appointment first.
Please sign below to acknowledge you have read and understand what is
expected of you this coming year.