Arts & Humanities Course Syllabus - Katherine Ledger

Welcome to Arts and Humanities
Teacher: Katherine Ledger
Course Description: Arts and Humanities teaches a mixture if visual arts, music,
theater, and dance. Students will be learning about the history of each aspect of
the arts and humanities and will even participate in learning the techniques of
Objectives: Mastery of material covered in the texts Music! and Art Past and Art
Present. Students will also learn the material through hands on experiences in the
Materials: Textbook Music! and Art Past and Art Present, accompanied by guest
speakers, videos, and art materials.
Student Materials: Textbook, pencil/pen, notebook paper. Composition books
and dry erase boards will be provided in class.
Evaluation: The county grading scale will be followed.
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70- 79%
D 60-69%
E Below 59%
Determination of Grades: Homework, quizzes, bell-ringers, tests, projects, and
classroom participation make up the final grade. Bell-ringer grades will be added
up each week for a weekly grade. At the end of each quarter, the week with the
lowest grade will be dropped and not included in the final grade. Daily
participation points are earned by listening attentively, responding appropriately,
having necessary materials, and completing in-class assignments and homework.
Extra Credit assignments will be given sporadically throughout the year to all
Make up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete
missed assignments resulting from absences. Daily assignments are written in a
notebook kept at my desk. Missed worksheets will be places in a folder with the
student’s name on it. School policy for make-up (1 day later for 1 absence, 2 days
for 2 absences, ect) will be strictly enforced. Make up tests and quizzes will be
given weekly before and after school. Tests and quizzes must be made up within
the week unless given extra time by the teacher.
Classroom Expectations: Remember your Ps!
Be Polite- no disrespect will be tolerated
Participate!- Answer questions asked in class
Be Prompt- in your seat when the bell rings
Be Prepared- have your materials, homework completed, and review
and information each night.
Success in Arts and Humanities: is dependent upon consistently learning the
vocabulary and historical information in each unit. You cannot “cram” before a
test and never expect to see those words again. Each unit builds upon the previous
one. Therefore, it is difficult to catch up if you fall behind. By participating in
class, doing all of your homework and studying 15 minutes each night, you
prepare yourself for the challenges of the upcoming year.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student’s Pledge
I understand Ms. Ledger’s requirements for a productive year in Arts and
Humanities and commit myself to the successful completion of this class.
(Student Signature)
Guardian’s Pledge
I have read the syllabus and will commit my support to Ms. Ledger’s goal
of achievement for my child.
(Guardian Signature)