Sunday May 25, 2014 OEF membership is required for all

Schooling Show
2014 Prize List
This show is meant to be an enjoyable introductory
hunter-jumper competition for riders and horses of
all ages and various skill sets, which will help prepare
you for the whole show season. Everyone is welcome,
whether you are riding or a ring-side cheer leader!!!
Sunday May 25, 2014
OEF membership is required for all entries in the 2013 series.
A photocopy of current OEF membership must accompany entry
2014 Abydos Schooling Show Class List - Classes $10.00 each
Secretary Office opens at 7 am - Show Starts at 9 am.
Warm Up from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. There will be no warm up for the Jumper Division.
Novice Hunter Division: Rider and/or Horse in first
full year
of showing.
Hunter Hack - cross rail jump 18"
Over Fences - Cross rails 18"
Jumper Division:
13] Optimum Time 2'3"[No Jump Off] The
winning ride must be clean and closest in time to
the time set. The fastest time does not win.
14] Table A -2'6" [Immediate Jump Off]
15] Table A -2'9" [Round 2 Jump Off]
16] Jumper Derby 2'9"
Hack Division: Open to horses & Ponies. No Whips.
4] Show Hack
5] Road Hack
6] Pleasure Hack
Low Hunter Division: Fences 2'0"-2'3".
7] Over Fences
8] Over Fences
9] Under Saddle
Open Working Hunter Division: Fences 2'6" 2'9".
10] Over Fences
11] Over Fences
12] Under Saddle
Ribbons are awarded to 5th place.
Some prizes will also be awarded.
WARM UP TICKETS - All horses wanting to school must
be entered in the show and wearing their numbers in
the ring. Limit 3-5 horses in the ring at a time. Ring
may be occupied by multiple trainers. Warm-up will
be monitored by show management. No Changes or
Adjustments are to be made to any jump. When you
enter the ring, jump the course once and then leave the
ring. Warm-ups will be limited to five minutes per
group. Competitors must respect the whipper-in
when time is called.
Directions and Contact Information for SHOW SITE
Sunday, May 25, 2014 - Abydos Farms
599 County Road 35, R.R. 2, Picton, Ontario. K0K 2T0.
Contact Jann or Rhonda - 613-476-8103 or 476-6328
Fax 613-476-6886.
Check us out on our expanded
Exit 566 from Hwy 401, drive south on Hwy 49, approx 7 km. Cross
Skyway Bridge over Bay of Quinte. Turn right at bottom of bridge
toward Northport. Drive 100 m and turn right again onto our road.
Drive 4 km to the farm. Welcome, and Enjoy the View!!!
2014 Abydos Schooling Show Entry Form
One form for each horse/rider combination. We start promptly at 9:00 AM!!!!
Contact Jann Istead, 599 County Road 35, Picton. K0K 2T0. 613-476-8103/6328. Fax 476-6886.
Please have entries phoned/faxed/emailed by Thursday May 22. You may enter at any time but after Thursday you will be considered a post-entry. Each class is $10.00 to enter.
Pre-entrants may add additional classes the day of show at no extra cost. Post-entries pay a $25.00 surcharge. Circle the appropriate classes below.
Waiver: As a participant and/or horse owner, I hereby acknowledge and agree to release and forever discharge the owners, operators and staff of Abydos Farms of and from all
claims, demands, damages and actions arising by reason of my participation in the 2013 Schooling Show. I am also aware of the need for obtaining liability insurance to avoid claims
against myself and my horse, in the form of my 2013 OEF membership.
Rider or Guardian Signature
Class Name - circle class number
Class Name
Entry Fees
Novice Hunter - Walk/Trot
Jumper - Optimum Time 2'3"
Total of Classed Entered
Novice Hunter - Hunter Hack
Jumper - Table A - 2'6"
Warm Up Tickets: ____@$5.00
Novice Hunter - Cross Rails 18"
Jumper - Table C - 2'9"
Show Hack
Jumper Derby - 2'9"
Road Hack
Day Stall - $15.00
Pleasure Hack
Overnight Stall - $30.00
Low Hunter - Over Fence 2'0"-2'3"
Low Hunter - Over Fences 2'0"-2'3"
Low Hunter - Under Saddle
Open Working Hunter - 2'3"-2'6"
Open Working
Open Working Hunter - Under
Hunter - 2'3"-2'6'
Administrative Fee
Stabling [check with farm]
Post Entry Surcharge - $25.00
Remember to send copy of
2014 OEF Registration
Overall Total
Form of Payment: Cash
Rules and Regulations
Entries, with payment and proof of OEF membership, must be
received on or before the closing date to avoid post entry surcharge.
Please help us by submitting entries by Thursday, May 22, 2014.
Refunds: Administration and stall fees are not refundable. NO
EXCEPTIONS. Class fees will be refunded if cancellation is made in
writing and delivered to the show office 24 hours prior to the start of
the horse show with the required medical documentation. Once a
horse has entered the show grounds, there will be no refund unless
authorized by the show committee. Entry fees for classes cancelled
due to unsafe weather conditions will not be refunded.
Numbers will be issued to competitors with the receipt of the
completed entry form and monies to cover it.
A $50.00 NSF charge will be added to all accounts paid with cheques
that are returned from the bank for any reason.
In the event of a fall of horse and/or rider, the exhibitor must leave
the ring dismounted.
6. Proper show attire, including jackets is required for all divisions and
classes. This includes all jumper divisions and warm-up
rounds, unless excused by the judge and show management.
Half chaps are acceptable in the short stirrup division.
7. Table A Jumper classes will be run under EC Article 238. The use of
draw lines is not permitted.
8. Approved headgear: Competitors must wear proper fitting, approved
protective headgear, with the safety harness correctly
secured at all times while mounted in competition or on event
grounds. Approved headgear must meet the ASTM
standards and display the SEI seal.
9. All competitors must be OEF members in good standing.
10. Management reserves the right to limit or close the entries of any
class or division in an attempt to adhere to the timetable.
11. For Jumper Derby, a protective eventer vest is recommended.