2013 MACQUARIE BANK ACT & SOUTHERN NSW HACK CHAMPIONSHIPS Conducted by THE ACT & SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS SHOW HORSE ASSOCIATION INC. (ABN: 58 612 709 104) OPEN SADDLE CLASSES – SUNDAY 22 September 2013 For Ponies, Galloways and Horses three years of age and over JUDGING OF OPEN SADDLE HORSES, GALLOWAYS AND PONIES One (1) Judge will judge the individual Classes and Semi-Final. All Hack Judges will judge the Final without any conferring between the Judges. In the Final Scores, only the top two scores will be counted. Complete Final placings will be released and will be displayed in the Secretary’s Office after the event. The horses eligible for the Semi-Final will be the five (5) horses equally placed from each Class. SADDLE PONIES The 2013 CHAMPION SMALL SADDLE PONY & RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Ponies in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SMALL SADDLE PONY will receive: Sash – Garland – Rug – Prize Money of $100 THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50 Class: Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 1. Pony Hack n/e 12hh 2. Pony Hack over 12hh n/e 12.2hh The 2013 CHAMPION LARGE SADDLE PONY & RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Ponies in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION LARGE SADDLE PONY will receive: Sash – Garland – Rug – Prize Money of $100 THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50 Class: Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 3. Pony Hack over 12.2hh n/e 13hh 4. Pony Hack over 13hh n/e 13.2hh 5. Pony Hack over 13.2hh n/e 14hh. SADDLE GALLOWAYS The 2013 CHAMPION SADDLE GALLOWAY over 14hh n/e 14.2hh & RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Galloways in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SADDLE GALLOWAY over 14.hh n/e 14.2hh will receive: Sash – Garland – Rug – Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 6. Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 7. Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14hh n/e 14.2hh The 2013 CHAMPION SADDLE GALLOWAY over 14.2hh n/e 15hh & RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Galloways in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SADDLE GALLOWAY over 14.2hh n/e 15hh will receive: Sash – Garland – Rug – Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50 Class: Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 8. Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14.2hh n/e 15hh 9. Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14.2hh n/e 15hh SADDLE HORSES The 2013 CHAMPION SADDLE HORSE over 15hh n/e 16hh and the RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Horses in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SADDLE HORSE OVER 15hh n/e 16hh will receive: Sash – Garland – Rug – Prize Money of $100 THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50 Class: Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 10. Hack over 15hh n/e 15.2hh 11. Hack over 15.2hh n/e 16hh The 2013 CHAMPION SADDLE HORSE over 16hh and the RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 1 The FIVE (5) equally placed Horses in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SADDLE HORSE OVER 16hh will receive: Sash – Garland – Rug – Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 12. Hack over 16hh n/e 16.2hh 13. Hack over 16.2hh SHOW HUNTER CLASSES – SATURDAY 21 September 2013 For Ponies, Galloways and Horses three years of age and over These classes have been created for the horse which demonstrates a bit more substance than that which is generally seen in an open hack class, but is expected to demonstrate the ability to provide a smooth, even ride and reliable temperament. The Show Hunter should exhibit sound conformation, be free from hereditary defects and unsoundness. It should demonstrate that it is sound in wind and limb but as it is expected to be suitable to carry its rider across country over a variety of terrain and obstacles, an honorable lump can be overlooked. The Show Hunters compete on the flat only and do not need to prove they can jump. The workout should be similar to that expected in an open hack class but should include a hand gallop and a change of leg at the canter. The horse must cover the ground in all paces, with the hand gallop being well balanced and moving from the shoulders, with the hind legs under. A flat and stilted action is unacceptable. Manners are extremely important and all misdemeanours should be penalized. Saddlery should be clean, neat and well fitting, but may be more workmanlike than normal for an open hack class. Bitting is optional. JUDGING OF SHOW HUNTER HORSES, GALLOWAYS AND PONIES One Judge will judge the individual Classes and Semi-Final. The nominated Show Hunter Judge and two (2) Judges from the Open Saddle Classes will judge the Final without any conferring between the Judges. In the Final Scores, only the top two scores will be counted. Complete Final placings will be released and will be displayed in the Secretary’s Office after the event. The horses eligible for the Semi-Final will be the five (5) horses equally placed from each Class. SHOW HUNTER PONIES The 2013 CHAMPION SMALL SHOW HUNTER PONY and the RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Small Show Hunter Pony Section of the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The Five (5) equally placed Ponies in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SMALL SHOW HUNTER PONY will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 14. Show Hunter Pony n/e 12hh 15. Show Hunter Pony over 12hh n/e 12.2hh THE 2013 CHAMPION LARGE SHOW HUNTER PONY and the RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Large Show Hunter Pony Section of the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Ponies in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION LARGE SHOW HUNTER PONY will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50 Class: Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 16. Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh n/e 13hh 17. Show Hunter Pony over 13hh n/e 13.2h 18. Show Hunter Pony over 13.2hh n/e 14hh SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS THE 2013 CHAMPION SMALL & LARGE SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY (Small 14-14.2 and Big 14.2-15) and the RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Show Hunter Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Galloways in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SMALL SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. THE CHAMPION LARGE SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER’S-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 19. Small Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 20. Large Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh n/e 15hh SHOW HUNTER HORSES THE 2013 CHAMPION SMALL & LARGE SHOW HUNTER HORSE (Small 15-16 and Large Over 16hh) and the RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Show Hunter Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Horses in each Class will receive a Ribbon. The EIGHT (8) Finalists will be awarded special Sashes. THE CHAMPION SMALL SHOW HUNTER HORSE will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 2 THE CHAMPION LARGE SHOW HUNTER HORSE will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER’S–UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 21. Small Show Hunter Hack over 15hh n/e 15.2hh 22. Small Show Hunter Hack over 15.2hh n/e 16hh 23. Large Show Hunter Hack over 16hh n/e 16.2hh 24. Large Show Hunter Hack over 16.2hh RIDING CLASSES – SATURDAY 21 September 2013 JUDGING OF RIDING CLASSES. One Judge will judge the individual Sections. JUNIOR RIDING SECTION. RIDER UNDER 12 YEARS. (Copy of Birth Certificate is required). THE 2013 CHAMPION JUNIOR RIDER UNDER 12 YEARS and RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Rider Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. The FIVE (5) equally placed Riders in each heat will receive a Ribbon. Eight Finalists will be selected. The TOP FIVE (5) Riders will receive Sashes and Medallions. The CHAMPION JUNIOR RIDER UNDER 12 YEARS will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $100. The RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: 25 Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit Heat 1. Girl or Boy Rider 6 years and under 9 years Heat 2. Girl or Boy Rider 9 years and under 12 years. SENIOR RIDING SECTION. RIDER 12 YEARS AND UNDER 15 YEARS. (Copy of Birth Certificate is required). THE 2013 CHAMPION SENIOR RIDER 12 YEARS AND UNDER 15 YEARS and RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Rider Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. Eight (8) Finalists will be selected. The TOP FIVE (5) Riders will receive Sashes and Medallions. The CHAMPION RIDER 12 YEARS AND UNDER 15 YEARS will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $100. The RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 26. Girl or Boy Rider 12 years and under 15 years RIDER 15YEARS AND UNDER 17 YEARS. (Copy of Birth Certificate is required). THE 2013 CHAMPION SENIOR RIDER 15 YEARS AND UNDER 17 YEARS and RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Rider Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. Eight (8) Finalists will be selected. The TOP FIVE (5) Riders will receive Sashes and Medallions.. The CHAMPION SENIOR RIDER 15 YEARS AND UNDER 17 YEARS will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $100. The RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 27. Girl or Boy Rider 15 years and under 17 years. ADULT RIDING SECTION RIDER OVER 17 YEARS AND UNDER 21 YEARS (Copy of Birth Certificate is required). THE 2013 CHAMPION RIDER 17 YEARS AND UNDER 21 YEARS and RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Rider Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. Eight (8) Finalists will be selected. The TOP FIVE (5) Riders will receive Sashes and Medallions. The CHAMPION RIDER OVER 17 YEARS AND UNDER 21 YEARS will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $100. The RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 28. Junior Lady or Gent Rider over 17 years and under 21 years. RIDER 21 YEARS AND OVER. THE CHAMPION RIDER 21 YEARS AND OVER & RUNNER-UP shall be eligible to compete in the Rider Section at the Year 2014 GRAND NATIONAL SADDLE HORSE & RIDING CHAMPIONSHIPS to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. Eight (8) Finalists will be selected. The TOP FIVE (5) Riders will receive Sashes and Medallions. PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 3 The CHAMPION RIDER 21YEARS AND OVER will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $100. The RUNNER-UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 29. Senior Lady or Gent Rider 21 years and over. LEADING REIN PONY – SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2013 For Ponies n/e 12.2hh (Stallions not eligible). Rider to be 3 years and under 8 years. Leading Rein must be affixed to noseband. Snaffle bridle only. Egg butt/loose ring Snaffle only. The reins should go directly to the child’s hands. Artificial aid used to keep the pony’s head in position will not be permitted. No spurs or whips: handler may carry a cane. Clothing and equipment to be similar to a Turnout but judged as a Smartest on Parade. A rider must be nominated for the Pony. A copy of Birth Certificate is required. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE. ALL COMPETITORS will receive a MEDALLION. The 2013 CHAMPION LEADING REIN PONY n/e 12 hh shall be Eligible to compete at the 2014 Grand National Saddle Horse & Riding Championships to be conducted by the Show Horse Council of Australiasia Inc. THE CHAMPION LEADING REIN PONY N/E12HH will receive Sash – Garland – Rug and Prize Money of $100. THE RUNNER–UP will receive a Sash and Prize Money of $50. Class: Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 30a. Leading Rein Pony n/e 12hh (Grand National Qualifier class) 30b. Leading Rein Pony over 12hh n/e 12.2hh NEWCOMER HACK COMPETITION – SATURDAY 21 September 2013 For horses three years of age and over that have NOT competed Under Saddle, excluding Racing, prior to 1 January 2013. To be ridden in a jointed Snaffle Bit. Nose Band permitted. Note Declaration on Horse Entry Form. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE. NEWCOMER PONIES Class Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 31. Newcomer Pony Hack n/e 13hh. 32. Newcomer Pony Hack over 13hh n/e 14hh THE CHAMPION NEWCOMER PONY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. NEWCOMER GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 33. Newcomer Galloway Hack over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 34. Newcomer Galloway Hack over 14.2hh n/e 15hh THE CHAMPION NEWCOMER GALLOWAY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. NEWCOMER HACKS Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 35. Newcomer Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh 36. Newcomer Hack over 16hh The CHAMPION NEWCOMER HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PRELIMINARY HACK COMPETITION –SATURDAY 21 September 2013 3.19- A Preliminary hack is one that has not been placed 1st, Champion, or Reserve in an Open ridden Hack class/event at any Royal Show including the R.N.A., Bathurst, Toowoomba and Launceston Royals, or has never been the Winner or Runner Up at the Grand National, any State HOTY Title or has never been the Winner of any HOTY Intermediate or Preliminary Title.Any Performance gained AFTER the close of entries to this Show will be counted. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE PRELIMINARY PONIES Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 37. Preliminary Pony Hack n/e 12hh 38. Preliminary Pony Hack over 12hh n/e 12.2hh 39. Preliminary Pony Hack over 12.2hh n/e 13hh 40. Preliminary Pony Hack over 13hh n/e 13.2hh 41. Preliminary Pony Hack over 13.2hh n/e 14hh THE CHAMPION PRELIMINARY PONY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PRELIMINARY GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 42. Preliminary Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 43. Preliminary Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14hh n/e 14.2hh PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 4 44. 45. Preliminary Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14.2hh n/e15hh Preliminary Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14.2hh n/e 15hh. THE CHAMPION PRELIMINARY GALLOWAY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PRELIMINARY HACKS Class Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 46. Preliminary Hack over 15hh n/e 15.2hh 47. Preliminary Hack over 15.2hh n/e 16hh 48. Preliminary Hack over 16 hh n/e 16.2hh 49. Preliminary Hack over 16.2hh THE CHAMPION PRELIMINARY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. AMATEUR HACK COMPETITION – SATURDAY 21 September 2013 DEFINITION. A person who for the past three years, has not received any fee, sponsorship, gift or reward or be or have been in any way subsidised or reimbursed for his/her services connected in any respect whatsoever with Coaching, Training, Riding or Showing of any horse for any other person. An award or prizemoney or trophy won as a prize in an official competition shall not affect Amateur status. The horse shown in an Amateur Class must be owned and exhibited by the Rider who is an Amateur and/or member of the Rider’s immediate family, for a period of not less than three months. The horse must not have been shown, or ridden or trained by a Non-Amateur within the previous three months. Note Declaration on Horse Entry form. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE. AMATEUR PONIES Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 50. Amateur Pony Hack n/e 13hh 51. Amateur Pony Hack over 13hh n/e 14hh THE CHAMPION AMATEUR PONY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. AMATEUR GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 52. Amateur Galloway Hack over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 53. Amateur Galloway Hack over 14.2hh n/e 15hh. THE CHAMPION AMATEUR GALLOWAY HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. AMATEUR HACKS Class Judge: Danielle Slade 54. Amateur Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh 55. Amateur Hack over 16hh THE CHAMPION AMATEUR HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. LED SHOW HORSE COMPETITION – FRIDAY 14 September 2013 LED SHOW PONIES Class Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 56. Led Show Pony n/e 12.2hh 57. Led Show Pony over 12.2hh n/e 14hh CHAMPION LED SHOW PONY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash LED SHOW GALLOWAY. Class Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 58. 59. Led Show Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh Led Show Galloway over 14.2hh n/e 15hh CHAMPION LED SHOW GALLOWAY will receive a Sash THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. LED SHOW HACKS Class Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 60. 61. Led Show Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh Led Show Hack over 16hh CHAMPION LED SHOW HACK will receive a Sash THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER COMPETITION – FRIDAY 20 September 2013 PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 5 For horses three years of age and over that have NOT competed Under Saddle, excluding Racing, prior to 1 January 2013. To be ridden in a jointed Snaffle Bit. Nose Band permitted. Note Declaration on Horse Entry Form. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE. NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER PONIES Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 62. Newcomer Show Hunter Pony n/e 13hh. 63. Newcomer Show Hunter Pony over 13hh n/e 14hh THE CHAMPION NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER PONY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 64. Newcomer Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 65. Newcomer Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh n/e 15hh THE CHAMPION NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER HACK Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 66. Newcomer Show Hunter Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh 67. Newcomer Show Hunter Hack over 16hh The CHAMPION NEWCOMER SHOW HUNTER HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER COMPETITION – FRIDAY 20 September 2013 3.19- A Preliminary hack is one that has not been placed 1st, Champion, or Reserve in an Open ridden Hack class/event at any Royal Show including the R.N.A., Bathurst, Toowoomba and Launceston Royals, or has never been the Winner or Runner Up at the Grand National, any State HOTY Title or has never been the Winner of any HOTY Intermediate or Preliminary Title.Any Performance gained AFTER the close of entries to this Show will be counted. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER PONIES Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 68. Preliminary Show Hunter Pony n/e 13hh 69. Preliminary Show Hunter Pony over 13hh n/e 14hh THE CHAMPION PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER PONY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 70. Preliminary Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 71. Preliminary Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh n/e15hh THE CHAMPION PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER HACKS Class Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 72. Preliminary Show Hunter Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh 73. Preliminary Show Hunter Hack over 16hh THE CHAMPION PRELIMINARY SHOW HUNTER HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER COMPETITION – FRIDAY 20 September 2013 DEFINITION. A person who for the past three years, has not received any fee, sponsorship, gift or reward or be or have been in any way subsidised or reimbursed for his/her services connected in any respect whatsoever with Coaching, Training, Riding or Showing of any horse for any other person. An award or prize money or trophy won as a prize in an official competition shall not affect Amateur status. The horse shown in an Amateur Class must be owned and exhibited by the Rider who is an Amateur and/or member of the Rider’s immediate family, for a period of not less than three months. The horse must not have been shown, or ridden or trained by a Non-Amateur within the previous three months. Note Declaration on Horse Entry form. RIBBONS TO FIFTH PLACE. AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER PONIES Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 74. Amateur Show Hunter Pony n/e 13hh 75. Amateur Show Hunter Pony over 13hh n/e 14hh THE CHAMPION AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER PONY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 6 AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 76. Amateur Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 77. Amateur Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh n/e 15hh. THE CHAMPION AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER HACKS Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 78. Amateur Show Hunter Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh 79. Amateur Show Hunter Hack over 16hh THE CHAMPION AMATEUR SHOW HUNTER HACK will receive a Sash and Embroidered Cotton Rug. THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. LED SHOW HUNTER COMPETITION – FRIDAY 20 September 2013 LED SHOW HUNTER PONIES Class Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit 81. Led Show Hunter Pony n/e 13hh 82. Led Show Hunter Pony over 13hh n/e 14hh. CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER PONY will receive a Sash THE RESERVE will receive a Sash. LED SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS Class Judge: Ms Danielle Slade 83. Led Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh 84. Led Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n/e 14.2hh CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY will receive a Sash THE RESERVE will receive Sash. LED SHOW HUNTER HACKS Class Judge: Ms Kate Dolan 85. Led Show Hunter Hack over 15hh n/e 16hh 86.. Led Show Hunter Hack over 16hh CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER HACK will receive a Sash THE RESERVE will receive a Sash ADDITIONAL CLASSES 2013 Show Horse & Show Hunter Junior Equestrian - become “Childs” & winners to be eligible for new Childrens Day Classes on Thursday at 2014 Grand National Class No. Judge: Ms Yvonne Barr 87. Childs Pony n.e 12.2h rider under 12yrs, 88. Childs Pony n.e 12.2h Rider 12yrs-17yrs, 89. Childs Pony 12.2h n.e 14h rider under 12yrs, 90. Childs Pony 12.2h n.e.14h rider 12yrs-17yrs, 91. Childs Galloway 14h n.e 14.2h Rider under 17yrs, 92. Childs Galloway 14.2h n.e 15h rider under 17yrs, 93. Childs Hack over 15h n.e 16h rider 12-17yrs, 94. Childs Hack over 16h rider 12-17h. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Childs SH Pony ne 12.2h rider under 12yrs, Childs SH Pony ne 12.2h rider 12 under 17yrs, Childs SH Pony 12.2h n.e. 14h rider under 12yrs Childs SH Pony 12.2h n.e. 14h rider 12yrs & under 17yrs, Childs SH Galloway 14h n.e 15h Rider under 17yrs, Childs SH Hack over 15h rider 12yrs & under 17yrs, Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit Judge: Ms Danielle Slade Judge: Ms Kate Dolan (Horses/Ponies can only enter one childs class either the Under 12 or 12 & Under 17 yrs class – not both) Class 101. Judge: Ms Maryanne McMahon-Bullpit Ridden Shetland, Rider Under 14yrs Champion & Runner-Up Ridden Shetland PROGRAM - 2013 Macquarie Bank ACT & Southern NSW Hack Championship Page 7