Professor Wendy Hunter

The U.C.R. Department of Political Science
Professor Wendy Hunter
“Whither Clientelism? Good Governance,
Technocracy and Brazil’s Bolsa Família Program”
Wednesday, May 25th
10 am – 12 noon.
Jenkins Library
2145 Watkins Hall
Wendy Hunter is Professor of Government at the University of
Texas-Austin. She has recently published The Transformation of
the Workers’ Party in Brazil, 1989-2009 (Cambridge University
Press, 2010). Together with Kurt Weyland and Raul Madrid, she
edited Leftist Governments in Latin America: Successes and
Shortcomings (Cambridge University Press, 2010). Before her
work on the left in Latin America, she studied the armed forces in
the region. She also did research on social policy issues. Her
Ph.D. is from the University of California, Berkeley.