Syllabus - SPA 1.2 - Deer Valley Unified School District

Deer Valley Unified School District No. 97
40404 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway 623-445-8600 623-445-8680 (Fax) 
Update 2015-15
Course: Español 1.2
Teacher: Sra. Mora
Text: Así Se Dice
On-line textbook- website:
Room 305
Voice Mail: 623-445-8715
Web Page: Boulder Creek Website scroll on left to teacher contacts- look for Mora and click blue web link
Tutor time: Wednesdays 2:20 – 3:00 pm
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. Students learn basic vocabulary
and basic language structures through speaking, writing, reading, and listening in the target
language. This class requires oral participation in the target language at all times.
Course Objectives
Students will be able to discuss topics dealing with their own lives; such as, likes, dislikes, school,
subjects, family, sports, food, clothing, and household chores. Students will demonstrate control of
common basic grammatical structures, present tense regular verbs, irregular verbs, and vocabulary in
the four skill areas; speaking, writing, reading, and listening.
Course Expectations
The student will demonstrate:
 Knowledge of daily Spanish language by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts.
 Understanding of facts and ideas of Spanish culture and language
 Application of the Spanish language in grammar, vocabulary – speaking, listening,
writing and reading
 Analyze the Spanish language by breaking down and examining language,
grammar, and vocabulary.
 Synthesize the Spanish language by combining vocabulary, grammar and cultural
aspects into speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities
 Evaluation by listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language
A list of beginning “survival expressions” will be given to you so that you can ask clarifying
questions. This is a language class, it is imperative that students strive to make a meaningful oral
contribution on a daily basis – in the ultimate end being able to communicate in the target language!
Textbooks: Each student will be assigned to a specific book number for the 2014-2015 school year.
All students are expected to treat their textbooks with care and respect. Textbooks cost over $100
each. Should any damage occur to the textbooks, (i.e. drawing and writing in the book, torn pages,
destroyed binding, etc.), the student associated to that specific book number will be held responsible
to replace the textbook at full cost.
Materials: Due by Aug 17, 2015 – (10 points) Please see me if you cannot complete this by the
due date.
 ****** Internet access is ESSENTIAL at home, school or library.
 1 inch 3 ring binder
 Pen/pencil
 Paper
 2 tabs
o Handouts
o Notes
 One colored (not blue- black) pen
 2 dry erase markers
 1 box of colored pencils
Grading Policy: academic integrity and strict honesty is expected
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 59%
World Language Department (80% total grade)
o Speaking 20%
o Writing
o Reading
o Listening 15%
o Culture
District Final exams(20% total grade)
o Written/Speaking/Objective
Homework: Daily review of notes from the day – approximately 15-20 minutes.
Homework is given regularly. Students are expected to write assignments down in a secure
place. Assignments are available on-line, shown on screen in class, and written on the board. Online assignments will be given in advance of a due date to be completed in a diligent responsible
There will be a project assigned for each chapter with rubrics for peer evaluations.
Regular and timely attendance is a critical part of learning a foreign language. If you must be
absent, it is your responsibility to check the assignment calendar and/or call a buddy student in class
to make up the work missed. Handouts for the day missed are the responsibility of the student.
Please speak with teacher before or after class.
Upon reaching any combination of 12 excused or unexcused absences, a student may lose
credit in this class.
Powerschool Access
The Powerschools site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades,
attendance, and other information. If you need your access information, please stop by the front desk
during business hours. You will need a photo I.D.
The web address is:
Adherence to the Boulder Creek Academic Integrity Code
All students enrolled in Spanish 1.2 will adhere to the framework and guidelines set forth in the
Boulder Creek High School Academic Integrity Code. Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
The purpose of this code is to promote a positive learning environment for all involved. As
humans, we will make mistakes as we grow. It is understood that we can learn from those mistakes
and become better individuals in the future. Any student who violates this code will be referred to the
Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook and assignment of appropriate consequences.
Please refer to the Academic Integrity Code in your student handbook for more details.
Make-Up Work Policy
Upon return to class after an absence, a student has one school day for each day missed to make up
work/test assigned during his/her absence regardless of the number of days absent. For example, if a
student is absent on Thursday and Friday, he/she will have Monday and Tuesday of the following
week to make up work and must turn in the work that was assigned during the days absent on
Coursework and assessments assigned prior to the absence(s) may still be due on the date
assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to check with teachers immediately upon return for work
missed and possible adjustment of due dates. Teachers may choose to schedule an appointment
with the student to arrange due dates as needed.
If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to check the assignment calendar and/or teacher and/or
a buddy student in class to make up the work/notes missed. Handouts for the day missed will be in a
file folder for your period number.
Late Work
Assignments that are totally complete on the due date will receive credit. Assignments turned in
within one week of the due date will receive 50% of the earned credit. After one week late
assignment are not accepted and will receive a zero in the grade book.
Long Term Project Policy
Long term projects are assignments given at least two weeks in advance. Teachers should note that
the assignment is a long term project in the written instructions provided for the students. Long term
projects are due on or before the date assigned, even if the student or teacher is absent on the due
See the Student Handbook for additional details.
Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences
It is important to respect the learning rights of all your peers.
Classroom Rules:
1. Speak Spanish
2. Be prompt
3. Be prepared daily
4. No hats
5. No food or drinks
6. No electronic devices - If these are seen/heard anywhere in the classroom – they will
be confiscated and taken to administration.
Cell phones use is allowed outside, in hallway and in the cafeteria. No cell phone use in the
Dress code is strictly enforced in my classroom, infractions will be sent to the office immediately –
Hats are removed before entering classroom or they will be confiscated and reported as a dress code
Late to class is unacceptable and will be considered a sweep to the office where a consequence will
be given and the student may come back to class. Please do not disrupt class upon re-enter – enter
and sit quietly, listen for direction.
Consequences as a result of choice:
1. Verbal warning from teacher
2. Out of classroom with behavioral reflection sheet completed by student and reviewed by
teacher & student after class
3. Parent contact by teacher
4. Written referral to administration
Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences- PBIS (JAG NATION)
Learning Environment
Bring materials
Come prepared to learn
Respect others, their property, equipment, and the facility
Complete your own work
All electronic devices are off and out of sight
Arrive on time & be in your seat
Behave appropriately and use courteous language
Keep food and drink outside
Encourage confidence
Cooperate and collaborate
Everyone United
Please contact the teacher for any student concerns. It is crucial that
teachers, parents, and students maintain open lines of communication. Contact information is also
provided at the top of the first page.
The Deer Valley Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. For any inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies contact the Superintendent's Department, 20402 N. 15th Avenue, Phoenix,
AZ 85027. 623.445.5000.
! Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
JOIN THE world language CLUB!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this portion by August 14, 2015.
I have read the Course Syllabus and Guidelines.
Student Name (Printed) _____________________________ Class Hour ____
Student Signature ________________________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________________________