
Deer Valley Unified School District No. 97
40404 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway 623-445-8600 623-445-8680 (Fax) 
Course: Biology 1-2
Teacher: Cindy Knape
Room: 312
Office Hours: 2:15 – 3:00 T, Th
Website: accessible through BC Website
Course Description
This lab course concentrates on the study of living organisms. Labs are designed to investigate
objectives presented in class. This is a required course for graduation.
Course Objectives
 Use a scientific method to solve problems.
 Identify individual, cultural, and technological contributions to scientific knowledge.
 Describe the interactions between populations, natural hazards and the environment.
 Describe the role of cells and cellular processes.
 Describe the molecular basis of heredity and resulting genetic diversity.
 Analyze the relationships among organisms and their environment.
 Explain the processes involved in biological evolution.
 Describe the organization of living systems, and the role of energy within those systems.
Required Materials
 Pens/pencils
 Three- subject notebook
 Colored pencils
Grading Policy
Grade Weights
A = 90-100%
25% - Projects/Labs
B = 80-89%
15% - Homework/classwork
C = 70-79%
40% - Tests/Quizzes
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
The semester grade is a cumulative grade for the 18 weeks weighted at 80% and the semester final
exam grade weighted at 20%.
Powerschool Access
The Powerschools site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades,
attendance, and other information. If you need your access information, please stop by the front desk
during business hours. You will need a photo I.D.
The web address is:
Adherence to the Boulder Creek Academic Integrity Code
All students enrolled in Biology will adhere to the framework and guidelines set forth in the Boulder
Creek High School Academic Integrity Code. Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The
purpose of this code is to promote a positive learning environment for all involved. As humans,
we will make mistakes as we grow. It is understood that we can learn from those mistakes and
become better individuals in the future. Any student who violates this code will be referred to the
Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook and assignment of appropriate consequences.
Please refer to the Academic Integrity Code in your student handbook for more details.
Make-Up Work/Late Work Policy
Upon return to class after an absence, a student has one school day for each day missed to make up
work/test assigned during his/her absence regardless of the number of days absent. For example, if a
student is absent on Thursday and Friday, he/she will have Monday and Tuesday of the following
week to make up work and must turn in the work that was assigned during the days absent on
Wednesday. A grade of ‘0’ will be entered into the gradebook for any missing assignment or
assessment until the work is made up.
Coursework and assessments assigned prior to the absence(s) may still be due on the date
assigned. It is the student’s responsibility to check with teachers immediately upon return for work
missed and possible adjustment of due dates. Teachers may choose to schedule an appointment
with the student to arrange due dates as needed. Students should check my website for missing
assignments when they are absent. Hard copies may also be found in the absent file box located in
the front of the classroom.
Homework is assigned to reinforce the instruction that takes place in class and helps to prepare
students for upcoming assessments. Students will fall behind on required learning goals when they
do not complete and turn in homework, therefore, work will be accepted only 1 day late for 50% of the
Long Term Project Policy
Long term projects are assignments given at least two weeks in advance. Teachers should note that
the assignment is a long term project in the written instructions provided for the students. Long term
projects are due on or before the date assigned, even if the student or teacher is absent on the due
See the Student Handbook for additional details.
Students are allowed to retake two quizzes each semester. Retakes can only be taken during office
hours and the score of the second attempt will be recorded in the gradebook.
Science Laboratory Breakage Policy
Laboratory investigations are a crucial part of our science investigations. Without science equipment,
labs and projects are very difficult to perform. Due to costs, students will check-out equipment and
tools to use in the lab. If a student breaks something, he/she will be held responsible for paying a
replacement fee. This is designed to reinforce that the students follow instructions and use care
when using equipment. Students are responsible for paying the breakage fee at the bookstore.
Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences- PBIS
Learning Environment
Bring materials
Come prepared to learn
Respect others, their property, equipment, and the facility
Complete your own work
All electronic devices are off and out of sight
Arrive on time & be in your seat
Behave appropriately and use courteous language
Keep food and drink outside
Encourage confidence
Cooperate and collaborate
Everyone United
Please contact the teacher for any student concerns. It is crucial that teachers, parents, and students
maintain open lines of communication. Contact information is provided at the top of the first page.
The Deer Valley Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
disability, or age in its programs and activities. For any inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies contact
the Superintendent's Department, 20402 N. 15th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027. 623.445.5000.
I have read the Course Syllabus and Guidelines.
Student Name (Printed) ___________________________________________ Class Pd _______________
Student Signature ________________________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________________________