Spanish 1 - Judson International School

Judson International School
Spanish 1
Course Description:
World Languages help prepare students to live and work in a diverse society. Learning a
language promotes understanding and improves human relations in our world. Students
involved in the study of Spanish must become proficient in listening, speaking, reading
and writing; as well as develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history
and geography associated with the Spanish language.
Texts include:
BJU Press Spanish 1
2nd Edition
• seek help as needed from the teacher
Participation: includes actively participating in all class, group and partner activities.
These may include dialogues, readings, writing and listening activities.
Class work: includes note taking, vocabulary, and writing assignments.
Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.
Homework: Learning a foreign language requires more than understanding the material.
It is necessary that you practice it daily and memorize. Therefore, homework assignments
are given daily in order to develop and maintain fluency of the language.
Quizzes: Quizzes are designed to assess a small section of a chapter and will cover only
the material learned in that section. You can expect to have 2 to 3 quizzes a week.
Tests: Chapter tests will be given at the end of each chapter and will cover all the
material learned in that chapter. You can expect to have a test about every 3 to 4 weeks.
Proficiency Assessments: Proficiency assessments are assignments and projects that
assess your progress in the four facets of foreign language learning: listening, reading,
writing and speaking. You can expect several proficiency assessments per chapter and in
every chapter test.
GRADING POLICY: Quarter grades are based on class work and participation,
homework, quizzes, tests, and proficiency assessments (listening, reading, writing, and
speaking), and the final exam. Grades are calculated on a point system: the number of
points earned by a student is calculated as a percentage of the total points possible.
Course Outline:
Semester 1
• Greetings
• Alphabet
• Adjectives
• Numbers
• Professions
• Family
• Regular verbs
• Introduction to irregular verbs
• Questions
• Introduction to the the verbs ser/estar
• Pronouns
• Time
• Cultural references: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Columbia
Semester 2
• More irregular verbs
• verbs with ending changes
• Pronouns with infinitives
• Comparatives
• Superlatives
• Demonstrative adjectives
• Preterites ir y ser
• De + infinitive
• Cultural references: Espana, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
1610 East Elizabeth St I Pasadena I CA 91104 I 626.398.2476 I I