Trinity - Clover

The Lord’s Day
July 27, 2014, 10:00 a.m.
Nurturing community servants inspired by
Gathering Songs
“How Great Thou Art”
“How Great is Our God”
“Awesome God”
Worship Team
Words of Confession and Assurance
“Grace Like Rain”
* The Peace
The Children’s Message
Ian Hamilton
“The Touch Beyond Reach”
Mark 9:14-29
* Response
“Pray Pray Pray”
Ben Pierce
Offertory and Response
“Prayer for a Friend”
Prayers of the People
Worship Team
The Sapelewski Family
* Benediction and Sending
To Our Guests, a warm
welcome to those of you
who are new to our
church. Before you leave,
please let us know your
contact information, and
introduce yourself at the
Connections table.
To join our mailing list and
receive our weekly email
blasts, go to our website,
We at Trinity fulfill
our God-given
calling by:
* Bringing life into
alignment with the
way of Jesus
* Connecting and
accepting all
people through love
and fun
* Mobilizing all ages to
care for one another
“Send Me Out”
Worship Team
The Johanson Family (Carl our sound tech) has been blessed with a new addition.
Lisandra Hope was born on July 23, 2014.
Summer Preaching Series on Prayer - You are encouraged to read Gary Hansen's
book, Kneeling with Giants: Learning to Pray with History's Best Teachers, as we
spend our summer learning different ways to pray.
August 3
Listening Prayer
Holly Bride Hayashida
August 10
Praying with Ignatius of Loyola
Mary Graves
August 17
Praying with Agnes Sanford
Christy Pierce
August 24
Teresa of Avila/John of the Cross
Mary Graves
August 31
Praying in Color
Sheila Denton
* Investing in our
children and youth
in the extended
* Measuring impact
by lives we touch
Songs printed with permission, CCLI
#437799. Assisted hearing devices
available in the narthex. Trinity is
equipped with a T-Coil Hearing
Loop for optimal hearing.
*Congregation stands
Trinity Presbyterian Church
1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226
Summer Seminar - August 10 - “Faith and Science” - Alison Nordt is the
Deputy Program Manager and Principle Engineer for the Near Infrared
Camera (NIRCam) for the James Webb Space Telescope. She has an extensive
background in structures, opto-mechanical systems and astronomical
instrument development. Alison holds Doctor of Philosophy and Master of
Science degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University
and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell
University. In this seminar and discussion we will explore some of the
immense challenges in creating the James Webb Space Telescope and discuss
how its discoveries might fundamentally change our understanding of the
universe and reinforce our faith. The seminar will be kid friendly for children
4th grade and up. There may be child care available with reservations for
younger children.
Island Adventure Countdown - There is just one week until our campus is
turned into SonTreasure Island Vacation Bible School, August 4-8. Plans are
coming along nicely and we're excited about hosting Siena children. We could
still use a couple drivers to help share in the transportation need. Can you
spare a half hour one or twice a day? Contact Pam at
Flower Ministry - You can bless our worship space on Sunday and send it out
to the homebound or celebrate an event or special person you love. Order
flowers at the flower table in the patio after the service or contact Bonnie
McClure at (650) 591-5057 or
Village Harvest – needs your fruit. If you have a large amount or are
physically unable to harvest, their volunteers may be able to help you at no
charge. Visit or call (888) FRUIT-411.
Street Church – needs drivers for Monday and Tuesday nights as well as
letter writers. Email David Shearin at to
volunteer or for more information.
Kitchen Remodel – is underway. Since the kitchen is without a sink at the
moment, we will not have coffee service after worship today. The espresso
cart is available for your caffeine needs in the Atrium.
Session Welcomes New Members on August 24 - If you call Trinity your
church home but have yet to meet with the leadership and commit yourself to
this ministry, Trinity’s Session will be hosting a brunch meeting to review the
vows of faith and receive new members on Sunday, August 24, 11:15am to
1:30pm. All are welcome! Childcare can be provided upon request. Please rsvp
to the church office –
FISH - is in need of volunteers. If you would like to serve our Lord by serving
your neighbor, we can use you! Volunteer opportunities include serving either
as a linesperson taking calls from the answering service or as a driver. We
have openings for half days a month as regular volunteers as well as a need
for drivers who can help on an as needed basis. For more information or to
volunteer, contact Julie Haslam, 593-2826, or Pam Tenn,
Those in our presbytery
Ingleside Presbyterian
Church, San Francisco;
Inglesia Presbiteriana de la
Mision, San Francisco
Supported ministries
Global AIDS Interfaith
Alliance (GAIA), Malawi; Saint
Francis Center
For prayer needs, please call
the church office, (650) 5938226, or Pam Tenn, (650)
591-7007 on the prayer
chain. You may also use the
‘Prayer Request’ cards in the
pew racks.
Dr. Mary Graves
Senior Pastor
Ian Hamilton
Interim Pastoral Assistant
Dr. Brett Fenwick
Parish Associate
Jamie Holden
Director of Trinity
Rosemary Smith
Director Em. Trinity
Kristan Verveniotis
Director of Children &
Youth Ministries, Worship
Andrew Cardiasmenos
Interim Choir Director
Grace Schulz
Carl Johanson
Sound Technician
Victoria De Salles
Office Manager
Trinity Presbyterian Church
1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226