Unit : The Holy Trinity 5th Grade Lesson 3: The Mystery of the Trinity/Prayer and Worship Alive in Christ book Chapter 4: The Mystery of the Trinity pp. 87-96 Chapter 5: Prayer and Worship pp. 97-106 *Appreciate the hardships our ancestors endured to help us to know about the mystery of the one God in three Divine persons *Recognize that Jesus invites us into a deeper understanding of the mystery of God *Understand that the Theological Virtues help us obey the 1st Commandment and live I relationship with the Trinity *Examine worship as a natural response to God *Recognize that in the liturgy we participate in the saving work accomplished through Jesus’s life mystery, Holy Trinity, virtues, reverence, worship, liturgy Objectives Catholic Faith Words Bible Verses Welcome Invite Prayer Space Discover Live People of Faith Going Forth Mark 1:9-11 John 1:32-34 Phillippians 4:4-7 2 Samuel 6:1-15 Unit 1 Review pp. 83-85 Black board question: God is like… One last Getting to know you activity from the icebreaker doc on the church website or the remember me game (below) Include Rosary prayer: Glory Be. See history prayer and history below. (prayer stickers) Let Us Pray p. 87 or chapter 4 Chapter Story: Guidance on the Journey Prayer Scripture: Mark 1:9-11 What Do You Wonder? p. 87, p. 97 Have students create their own prayer book. See below, they can add the Glory Be sticker to the book and add other prayers, as they like. Define Mystery p. 88, Trinity p. 90, Mystery of Mass p. 99 and connect to Trinity p. 101 Additional activity: Gratitude mural Chapter 4 Activity Master: Trinity Puzzles Chapter 5 Activity Master: Prayer and Worship Songs: “Father We Adore You”, “Love Which Never Ends”, “For the Fruits of This Creation” Additional activity: Daily Worship or Additional activity: Words of Liturgy Saint Athanasius Saint Cecilia People of Faith: Saint Athanasius or Saint Cecilia activity Prayer of Thanks and Petition p. 104 Remember me? Preparation: a bed sheet Break the class into two groups. Two teachers hold up the bed sheet between the two teams to obscure the view between the teams. Quietly each team selects a member of their team, who moves front and faces the bed sheet. When both teams have done so, the teachers drop the bed sheet so the teams can see each other. Of these two players the first to name the other wins a point for their team. Continue playing rounds until everyone has had a chance to play. Glory Be Also referred to as the Doxology Glory be to the Father, And to the Son, And to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning Is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen As early as the year 300 Catholics began using the phrase, "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit". This phrase became popular for two reasons. The first reason is because it is fitting to praise God in this form following the example Jesus gave when He instructed his followers go out and baptize. And secondly to defend and promote the belief in the Blessed Trinity. The belief in three divine Persons in one God. In the year 529 the second part of the prayer was added. "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end." This phrase was added to confirm that there truly are three Persons in one God. That the Son and the Holy Spirit were one with the Father in the beginning, now and always will be. From How-to-pray-the-rosary-everyday.com My Prayer Book ___________ Front and Back Covers St. Ann’s Catholic Parish 5th Grade Religious Education Wednesday 7pm Inside Pages