2016 01 24 Bulletin

Trinity United Church
Ministers: The Whole Congregation
Rev. Greg Davis - Christian Development, Community Building and
Pastoral Care
Mr. Donald Fraser - Organist and Choir Director
Web Page: www.trinityclifton.org E-mail: trinityunited@eastlink.ca
Phone: 902-892-4114
Office Hours: Mon - Fri - 8:30 am - 3 pm
Order of Service January 24, 2016 – 10:30 am
Third Sunday after Epiphany
* denotes standing (please stand if able)
Words of Welcome
Life and Work of the Church
In Stillness We Come To God “Be still in the silence and aware of
the Mystery with and within…”
Introit: Hymn #591 "Jesus, United by Your Grace" (V. 1 & 2)
Entry of the Bible and Christ Candle
Call to Worship:
One: Come, Holy Spirit. Be present to us now as you have
always been, from the beginning of time and creation.
All: Gather us, as people of God
One: Come, Holy Spirit. Renew us, and all your people, in
light and in love.
All: Renew us, as people of God
One: Come, Holy Spirit. Strengthen our hearts and minds in
the promise of God’s Kingdom of justice, peace and mercy.
All: Strengthen us, as people of God.
*Hymn #606 "In Christ There is No East or West" (Tune:St. Peter)
Prayer of Approach: (in unison)
Come to us, Holy God, as we seek to come together
before you. Encircle us with your love. Bless us with
your sustaining presence. Surround us with your
grace. Draw us together ‘round your living Word and
bind us to one another as disciples of your beloved
Child; in whose name we come in worship. Amen.
Scripture – 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
Children at the Front of the Church – The Lord’s Prayer
Prayer of Confession:
(Congregational response is in the bold print)
Hear us O God as we bring our prayers for deliverance to you:
From self-righteousness that will not compromise, and from
selfishness that gains from the manipulation of others,
deliver us, O God.
From the lust for money or power that distorts our vision of
life, deliver us, O God.
From the arrogance and thoughtlessness that abuses your
good creation, deliver us, O God.
From trusting in the weapons of war, and mistrusting the
councils of peace, deliver us, O God.
From hearing, believing, and speaking lies about other people
and nations, deliver us, O God.
From suspicions and fears that stand in the way of
reconciliation, deliver us, O God.
From words and deeds that encourage discord, perpetuate
racist assumptions, sexist stereotypes, and classist attitudes;
deliver us, O God
from everything that contributes to oppression, deliver us, O
God, forgive us & set us free. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Scripture - 1Corinthians 12:12-27
Sermon: “One Body In Christ” – Rev. Jack Spencer
*Hymn #691 “Though Ancient Walls”
Stewardship Second: Generosity sometimes means sharing our
knowledge as well as our more tangible gifts.
*Presentation of Offering: Hymn #191 (MV) "What Can I Do?"
*Prayer of Dedication
Pastoral Prayers
*Hymn #601 "The Church of Christ in Every Age" (Tune: Wareham)
Changing of the Light
*Commissioning and Benediction
Head Usher: David Essery
North Side: David Essery, David & Iris Rogers
South Side: Mary Chandler, Bill & Judy Irwin
Balcony: Bill Lank, Linda Sherren
Sympathies of the congregation are extended to the friends of
the late William MacKinnon.
Happy Birthday to Marion Richards on Jan. 24, to Enid Carter on
Jan. 25, and to Curtis Duckworth on Jan. 26.
Happy 68th Wedding Anniversary to Russell & Margie Burns on
Jan. 28.
Tax receipts: 2015 charitable donation income tax receipts are now
ready. Receipts may be picked up at the church office or at church
over the next couple of Sundays – please help us save postage and
pick yours up! Did you know donations to Trinity-Clifton outreach
projects such as Prince Street School and the refugee project (cash or
gift cards) are also eligible for an income tax receipt? Please contact
the church office for more details.
UCW Sherwood Unit will meet on Tues., Jan. 26, at 10 am.
Affirm Committee will meet on Mon., Jan. 25 at 9:30 am.
UCW Sherwood Unit will meet on Tues., Jan. 26, in the parlour at
10 am.
Church Council will meet on Tues., Jan. 26, at 7 pm. All committee
chairs are asked to attend.
The Nominating Committee invites participation in Committees of
Council. The work of our committees is important to the life of
Trinity/Clifton. If you are willing to work on a committee or need
information about a committee, we would appreciate hearing from
you. Nominating committee members are: Barb Stewart, Harry Kielly,
Bob MacNutt, Ken MacDonald and Susan Willis.
Annual Report Submissions: Deadline for submissions to the 2015
annual report is Fri., Jan. 29. Please email your report to
Luke Doiron says, "I'm going to Youth Forum even if I have
to walk there." Would you like to join him?: If you are ages 12 Grade 9 (intermediates) or Grade 10 to age 19 (youth), you are
welcome to join Luke at Maritime Conference in Sackville, NB in May.
Intermediates at Conference and Youth Forum are places of
community, places of faith, places of visioning, places for the work of
the church, and places of social relationships. Imagine 3 days filled
with fun, games, quiet times, loud times, creative times, exploring
faith, and exploring questions with more than 80 youth from the
Maritimes, the Gaspé, and Bermuda. Contact Greg Davis for more
details at gcdavis@eastlink.ca or 902-892-4114.
Calling You?: If you would like to be involved in our worship time
and space, please contact Greg Davis at gcdavis@eastlink.ca or call
(902) 892-4114.
Trinity Membership: If you are not a member of Trinity/Clifton and
would like to transfer your membership from your previous church,
please contact the church office.
2016 Church Envelopes are available at the church office.
Confirmation 2016: Youth grades 9 and up wishing to be
confirmed in May 2016 are invited to contact Greg Davis. The
confirmation program will begin in January and continue through to
May. Greg’s contact info: gcdavis@eastlink.ca
Capital/Roof Campaign: To date, $95,030 has been given or
pledged for our ongoing project. Thank you for your support.
Trinity Events
Valentine's Dinner: Prime Roast Beef dinner, prepared by Chef
Emily Wells, with all the fixings and a super dessert, will be held on
Sat., Feb. 20, at 5:30 pm. Cost of the meal $20. Tickets will be on
sale at the Richmond St. doors after today's service or in the office
during the week.
Weekly Noontime Bible Study every Tuesday in the parlour.
Bring brown-bag lunch if required. Coffee provided. Newcomers
always welcome.
The first Tuesday supper gathering of the New Year will be held
on Feb 2 at 6 pm. The speaker will be computer scientist and
environmentalist Andrew Lush. Title of his talk:"Fracking in Atlantic
Canada – Mortgaging our Future." Tuesday suppers are held monthly
in the gym during the Fall and Winter and are for everyone, whether
a member of the congregation or otherwise. Come along. Bring a
friend. Cost of the meal $10.
Community Events
Camp Abby will be having its Annual Meeting February 9 at 6:30 at
Trinity United Church in Summerside. Anyone is more than welcome
to attend. Please email Garth Cousins at garthcousins@hotmail.com if
you are thinking on attending so we will have an idea how many are
going to attend.
The Charlottetown Area Christian Council is planning to
celebrate the Week of Prayer with the concluding service to be held
on Sun., Jan. 24, at 7 pm at Park Royal United Church.
Two of PEI’s beloved classical ensembles join forces in
concert - Sirens and the Atlantic String Machine perform “Exaltation”
on Sun, Jan. 24, 2 pm at Trinity United Church, Summerside. Starting
with modern, sacred compositions, and then moving to the rich,
sacred tradition of choral music, the performance will culminate with
the revered “Stabat Mater” by Pergolesi. Tickets $20/$18/$14.
Visit sirenschoir.com for more information.
The Winsloe United Church Ceilidh will be held on Mon., Jan. 25,
at 7:30 pm. Hosted by the group Tip-er-back, consisting of Allen
Betts, Clive Currie, and Wade Murray, with their guest, Darlene
Bradley. There will be a complimentary lunch. Admission is $10 at the
door with doors opening at 6:30 pm.
Fundscrip, Give Easy Gifts - Give Fundscrip Cards, can be
purchased with cash or cheques before and after our service each
Sunday or in our church office during the week.
Available Cards:
Gas - now includes Irving
Office - Staples
Groceries - all stores
Health - Lawtons, Shoppers
Apparel - Payless Shoes, Claires, Aldo, Marks Work Wearhouse, Old
Navy, GAP, Le Chateau
Children - Toys R Us, Children's Place
Department Stores - Hudson Bay, Sears, Winners, Walmart
Electronics - Best Buy, The Source
Entertainment - Indigo, Cineplex
Home and Garden - Home Furniture, Sears Home, Stokes, Home
Sense, Home Hardware, Canadian Tire, Home Depot
Restaurants - Pizza Hut, Boston Pizza, Wendys, KFC, East Side
Marios, Harveys, Starbucks, Swiss Chalet, Subway
Other - Pet Smart, SportChek, Running Room, Best Western, Sears
Travel, Fairmont Hotels