[April 2015 Trumpet] The President’s Corner And the Winner Is...(Part 2) Aside from the conclusion of MSU's continuing run through the NCAA's and the start of major league baseball games that count, one of the most eagerly anticipated bits of news this month is no doubt the announcement of our as yet unnamed Trinity innovation award winners. What's that, you say? Considerable doubt? Well, I am also having doubts about this awards business. The reason is not so much that no good ideas have been floated around here lately. Both Laurie Swanson and John Kolo came up with some worthy ideas last month (although these were suggested either advance of or, perhaps, in spite of this column's suggestion regarding award winners). Instead, my reason for postponing or tabling the announcement of any awards can be found elsewhere in this month's issue of the Trumpet, specifically, in our Pastor's report. As close followers of Trinity developments will recall, our church is in the midst of a redevelopment stage. As part of that process, churches receiving assistance are expected to participate in certain steps involving their mission statements and visions. Some readers will no doubt recall that we have already recently engaged in that process, so we could simply re-adopt our prior decisions, which would give us a leg up on others. On the other hand, we have to ask ourselves whether those prior decisions and the resulting documents still inform and guide Trinity today. At our recent (March) Council meeting, Trinity took the first small step in this process by beginning the task of choosing the members of the group that will reimagine our role in our community, Synod and the ELCA as a whole. The goal of this discussion was not to put forward specific names but to identify personal traits, outlooks and talents that would be considered favorable in members of this group as well as a much shorter list of traits that would be considered unfavorable. At the end of this exercise, Pastor asked each of us to prayerfully consider this process and come back to April's meeting with names of persons who we would recommend for inclusion in the group that would lead this study. Our goal would be to have the resulting team beginning their work sometime in June (when we could expect all of our members to be back in the state). With respect to potential team members, aside from exhibiting the sorts of traits and qualities identified as positive in our March meeting, the only firm guideline is that this group should not simply replicate or be a subset of the Church Council but should include non-Council members. On the other hand, it was expected that one or more Council members would be included in the final team and that Council membership would not necessarily disqualify potential candidates. Conversely, even membership in Trinity is itself not a hard and fast requirement for inclusion in this group as persons outside of Trinity but having a connection with Trinity could also be considered for inclusion. Thus, in this month's column, I am announcing that a much bigger game is afoot than simply suggesting awards for good ideas. Rather, we are looking for a few good members (and nonmembers) to constitute our new re-visioning group. However, even this group cannot be expected to come up with every good idea. So keep on submitting your favorite ideas to the Church Council, the new committee and the Trumpet. Who knows? You may see your favorite ideas given wings as part of a newly invigorated Trinity going forward for the next hundred years. Until then, happy imagining and happy submitting! Yours in Christ, David Herdman Council President