What should you expect in your 8th grade Language Arts class

8th Grade Language Arts
Mrs. Cheryl Muñoz, Room 702 / 228-9493 / cmunoz@hwporter.org
“ Words are some of the most powerful and important
things I know....Language is the tool of love and the
weapon of hatred. It's the bright red warning flag of
danger--and the stone foundation of diplomacy and
- Unknown
“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a
dog, it's too dark to read.”
-Groucho Marks
What should you expect in your 8th grade Language Arts class?
Our Language Arts class will focus on the study of reading and writing and
integrating technology into our learning. Through that integration, you can expect
to do the following:
You will receive a school email address and we will be working with Google
Docs for education and Google classroom. This is great preparation for high
school as both Bolton and EO Smith use Google Docs frequently. You will
have access to an assigned laptop in class (not to be brought home) and you
will be expected to work on a computer at home. You will find that many of
your assignments will be assigned electronically and some will be turned in
electronically as well. Some areas we will use technology include but are not
limited to:
o Receiving and completing assignments in Google Classroom
https://classroom.google.com with your Porter email address.
o Tracking independent reading on the app GoodReads
http://www.goodreads.com/ and writing book plugs for all books read
during the year.
o Accessing homework on the website and app MyHomework
https://myhomeworkapp.com/ which will be linked to my teacher
homework page Teacher.io
o www.newsela.com will be used to assign you online articles to read.
o Research to support the new Common Core LA Standards
o Additional activities are being explored for possible use this year to
support classroom learning.
You will find this year that independent reading is incredibly important in my
class. You will have a wide variety of choice in what you read and you will be
asked to challenge yourself with your reading. You will be held accountable
for your independent reading with the goal of reading 25 books at or above
your reading level this year. You must read a minimum of 15 independent
reading books. You will complete frequent reader responses on your
independent reading, be required to keep an updated Books I Have Read List,
and track your reading on Goodreads. For every book you finish, you are
required to complete a book plug which can be done on Goodreads. You must
have your independent book with you at all times in all academic classes as
this is part of being a prepared student. There will be some in-class time to
read, but you should also be reading at home every night. Please discuss
your book selections with your parents/guardians and make sure you find a
good reading spot at home.
Scope magazine will be used for reading and responding to both fiction and
non-fiction articles. We will use this frequently and we will read a nonfiction
article of the week –assigned to you on computer from Newsela – almost
every week and have an assignment due for this each Friday.
We will sometimes use our textbook – Prentice Hall Literature – to
supplement the reading above as we work together to practice important
reading comprehension and analysis skills and strategies. The text book is a
class room resource and will not go home.
You will read a variety of genres and themes in class depending on which unit
we are on. We will read a mix of fiction and nonfiction.
You will work on improving your vocabulary with both isolated vocabulary
instruction (Wordly Wise) as well as vocabulary from readings done as
assignments for class.
You will focus on improving your skills as a writer by writing in a variety of
genres, including argumentative, narrative, explanatory, and non-fiction
creative. You will use the 5 step writing process to write multiple drafts of
each of these writing styles so that your writing can improve and you will be
ready for high school English. You will also spend time free writing to
express your ideas during Writer’s Notebook. You will enhance your
understanding of the connection between becoming a better reader and a
better writer.
You will spend a significant amount of time improving the mechanics of your
writing. Our study of grammar will help you to master the skills needed for
effective communication. Once a skill is reviewed or taught, you will be held
accountable for applying that grammar skill accurately in all of your classes –
not just LA.
You will work on improving the foundations of becoming a better speller
through our use of the Sitton Spelling Program. This program focuses on
spelling awareness and patterns. It is not a program that requires you to
memorize a certain number of words a week.
Needed supplies: You will need the following supplies for class and should bring
them every day:
 Composition notebook for your “Writer’s Notebook”. This notebook will
never leave (almost never) your LA room.
 A three ring binder (1” or 1.5” is fine) with a section of 4 separators:
The place for all your notes and materials for the class. This should be
brought to class every day.
 A pencil (preferred) or pen brought to class every class.
 A set of page marker post-it notes: You should take notes while you
read, but this process is much easier if you have Post-it notes to mark places
of importance. Since we cannot highlight or take notes in novels that are not
our own, using Post-It notes is the best alternative.
 Highlighters (multiple colors preferred)
 Flash Drive: It does not need to be able to hold much, but needs to be used
to transfer files between home and school. We will be moving away from
using the flashdrive as we become more comfortable with Google Docs but
you will need a small inexpensive one to start.
Rules of the Road:
 When I start talking, you stop talking. This is my #1 rule!
 You must follow all school and team guidelines while you are in my class. Two
major rules for me are: “Be prepared” and “Be respectful”. That includes being
respectful to each other!
 You can use any general supplies in the room – markers, glue sticks, scissors,
stapler, etc. There are supplies in the bookcase by the front door. Please keep
things neat, and please return all items.
 My desk has an invisible bubble and is off limits.
 If behavioral rules are broken, the consequence will be based on the severity of
the behavior. Consequences include a verbal warning, phone call or email home,
lunch detention, or office referral. My expectation is that all behaviors will be
adjusted after a warning.
This year you can expect me to:
 Treat you with courtesy and respect
 Have high expectations for myself and you
 Be available before and after school for extra help
 Be well prepared for class
 Vary class activities
 Return your work in a timely manner
 Demonstrate a willingness to try new strategies and take risks to help you
 Incorporate technology into learning in new and creative ways
 Provide you with time to read independently
 Read independent novels to help you with recommendations
In return, I expect you to:
 Treat your classmates and me with courtesy and respect
 Have high expectations for yourself and me
 Seek extra help when you need it – I am always willing
 Be well prepared for class
 Participate in activities
 Complete assignments in a timely manner
 Demonstrate a willingness to try new strategies and take a risk to learn
 Be open about using new technology and only using it for its approved and
expected uses during class time
 Find a quiet and comfortable reading spot at home
 Be willing to try to learn to like to read (if you do not already)
At the start of class, check the white board for the objectives and
activities for the day. As soon as you come into the class, always check the
board for homework and write it into your planner. It will be posted on the
Myhomework web site as well.
 You are expected to take notes during class and keep any handouts until I
tell you to throw them away. Some handouts will be kept and used for the
entire year – think final exam. We will have periodic binder checks and clean-
outs. Be sure to keep a neat and organized binder. There is a final exam in
LA, so you will need your papers to do well on that at the end of the year.
 All writing drafts must allow for editing and revising. You will be told how to
set up your papers for each writing assignment.
 The header for all assignments (homework and more formal) is as follows:
Assignment Name
Failure to turn in assignments (not worksheets) with a proper header will result
in a loss of 5% off of the assignment.
Grading: Final grades will be based on four broad categories of scores.
 Quick Check Homework/Participation/Preparation: The purpose of this
category is to encourage you to be an active participant in our learning
community where we can all learn from each other. You are expected to
be “in the here and now” and positively involved in all class activities.
This includes arriving on time to class, being prepared, following
directions, listening, contributing to class discussions, asking questions,
completing all homework, and being respectful. Frequent checks will be
taken and points will be awarded in the following manner:
Complete, with effort: 10 points, incomplete or not done: 0 points.
 Graded Assignments Class Work: This category includes in-class and
graded homework assignments (including reader responses, grammar
work, etc.) that will provide you with an opportunity to apply your
knowledge and refine your skills. They will be graded for content
accuracy, effort, and completion. Grades earned on assignments are:
(+) = 100%, (√+) = 88% - 92%, (√)= 80% - 87%, (√-) = 72% - 76%, (-) = 64.
Assignments are worth from 50 to 100 points and you will always know
what an assignment is worth.
 Assessments: These are major assignments, tests, and projects for all
units. They include in class tests, formal writing, formal presentations,
and long-term projects. All projects and papers will be presented with
detailed instructions and a grading rubric that is specific to each task.
 Quizzes: We will have frequent quizzes. If a skill is not mastered, there
may be an opportunity for a retake or corrections if certain conditions
are met ( additional work completed). All retakes must be completed
before or afterschool at my discretion.
Late/Missing Assignments: Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due at
the start of class. You will be allowed one additional day to turn work in with a 10%
penalty. Partial credit on major assignments turned in later than one day may be
earned at my discretion. No excuses unless you are absent. In the case of
absence, you are responsible for collecting work that you missed (check the folder
on the cabinets for the day you missed) and submitting assignments upon your
return. Quick check homework will not be accepted late and will result in a grade
of zero since they are meant as preparation for the class in which they are due.
It is very important to me that you succeed!