Biology 208 Evolution Spring 2015 Syllabus

Biology 208 Evolution Spring 2015 Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Neil Buckley.
Office 221 Hudson Hall; phone: ext. 5165; E-mail:
Class times: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 12.00–12.50pm, Hudson 106.
Main Text: Evolution: Making sense of life 1st edition by Carl Zimmer and Douglas J.
Emlen. My plan is to cover all or portions of chapters 1and 2, 5-8, 10-13 and 15, 16 and
As a supplement to the main text, we also will also read a variety of chapters from books
by several authors who include Jerry Coyne, Richard Dawkins, Donald Prothero, and
Carl Zimmer.
Office hours:
10.00-11.45 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Other times by appointment or if I’m available.
Want to talk? You are always welcome to drop by my office to discuss the class and any
problems you might be having with the material. I am always available during office
hours and there is no need to make an appointment. Outside of office hours, I am happy
to meet with you. However, I do have other commitments and occasionally I will not be
free to chat. Therefore, if you want to guarantee that I will be available to talk with you
outside of normal office hours, you should make an appointment.
Have a routine query? If I am not in my office, please use e-mail. It is much more
efficient than playing telephone tag. I will respond to e-mail messages as quickly as I
can, usually as soon as I receive them. A lot of routine class material is posted on the
class web page (see Class Web Page below), so if you cannot find me, you may be able
to find the answer to your question there.
Why study Evolution? There is no topic more essential to a biologist. Evolution
(primarily by natural selection) is the central idea that underpins all of modern biology. It
is one of the most important of all scientific theories and also one of the most significant
ideas in western thought. All educated people should understand how evolution occurs
and no one can claim to be a biologist who does not.
Class Web page. There is an Evolution class web page located on my faculty home
page. You can obtain access to the page in several ways:
1. Go to the main SUNY Plattsburgh page and at the top of the
page click on current students. Then on the left hand side under Resources click on
Faculty web pages. Then click on my name Buckley, Neil to go to my home page. There
click on Evolution.
2. Alternatively you can get to my home page through the Department of Biological
Sciences home page From there on the left hand
side under Contact Us click on Faculty Directory and then click on the link to my faculty
Material related to the class is posted on the class web page. I make lecture notes
available on the web. Notes are intended to be a supplementary aid to learning. They are
provided so that you can check the material we covered in class or, if you have missed a
class, find out what material was covered. However, routinely missing class and
attempting to study exclusively from the posted material is a very bad idea. If you want
to understand what is going on in class you must attend lectures.
Classroom approach and teaching philosophy: It is my aim in teaching this class to be
approachable and receptive to questions. If you have a question, please ask. I am happy
to answer questions at any time in class. Also, if at any time in class you are having
difficulty hearing me, or reading something, or are having any other difficulties with how
I’m teaching, please tell me. I’m not going to get offended. It doesn’t do either of us any
good if you wait until the end of the semester to tell me in evaluations that you couldn’t
read my handwriting!
Grading: The course will be graded based on the standard scale of A = 90-100%; B =
80-89.9%: C = 70-79.9%; D = 60-69.9%; E < 59.9%. Minus/plus grades will be assigned
at <3.0 and 6.9. University policy is that there are no A+ or D- grades.
Breakdown of grading.
Three Midterm Exams
In-class Writing Assignments related to Supplementary
Comprehensive Final Exam
Participation in class discussions
Homework assignments
70 points each
60 points
110 points
20 points
50 points
450 points
Writing assignments relating to supplementary readings: This semester we will be
reading selections from the writings of a variety of authors including Jerry Coyne,
Richard Dawkins and Carl Zimmer. We will devote the bulk of six (6) classes to a
graded written quiz and a discussion of the material in the assigned reading.
The discussion session is not optional and you will be graded on your degree of
participation over the course of the semester. In addition, points will be deducted if you
leave class after handing in your written paper. To encourage you to read carefully and
to assist you in answering questions on the reading assignment quizzes you are allowed
to consult hand-written notes you may have taken in advance. You are not allowed to
consult the assigned reading itself when answering the questions.
Midterm exams: 70 pts each. Each exam will have a mixed format that will include
short-answer, fill-in the blank and a number of essay questions.
Midterm exam dates: February 25th, March 25th, April 22nd.
Homework assignments: 50 points total. Five homework assignments each worth 10
points will be assigned over the course of the semester. Each assignment will be
distributed in class at least a week before it is due to be handed in. Answers to
homework assignments must be typewritten and are due in class on the date assigned. In
addition, to the scientific quality of the answer, basic grammar, punctuation and writing
quality will be a factor in the grading of homework assignments in accordance with the
departmental policy of student writing. Homework submitted late is subject to a 10%
penalty for every day late. Homework assignments not received in class because you are
absent may be picked up from the Biology Department Office (337 Hudson Hall) during
normal office hours. Answers to homework assignments will be posted online after the
homework assignments have been graded and returned.
Comprehensive Final Exam: 110 pts. Finals week begins Saturday May 9th. Date and
time of final TBA.
Absences from exams/delay in handing in work -- I will be happy to make alternative
arrangements to provide alternative exams or accept late work if you have a legitimate
excuse. Legitimate excuses include: a documented family emergency, an illness or
accident to you, or participation in a University sponsored scheduled activity (e.g.
membership of a University team). Please inform me in advance in the event of a nonemergency excuse. In the event of an emergency, please let me know as soon as possible
Use of cellphones and other electronic devices in class: Please turn off all cell phones
and similar devices before class begins. Do not text during class or engage in any
other form of electronic communication during class. It is unprofessional, rude and
distracting to me and to other students. Anyone who violates this rule will lose 5 points
(1%) from their final grade for each violation. Please note that it is permissible to use a
laptop computer to take notes during class.
College Policies
SUNY Plattsburgh Honor Code Statement
“It is expected that all students enrolled in this class support the letter and the spirit of the Academic
Honesty Policy as stated in the college catalog.”
College policy on accommodations
It is the policy of the College that any student requiring accommodations of any kind to
fully access this course must be registered for accommodations with the Student Support
Services office located in the Angell College Center. If you need any accommodations
for this course, please contact Student Support Services at 518/564/2810.
Biology Department Polices
Two policies of the Department of Biological Sciences are relevant to this course.
Assessment of Student Learning: Analytical skill development
and understanding of fundamental biological principles
The faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences are committed to providing
students with a first-rate educational experience as articulated in the Departmental
Mission Statement:
“The Department of Biological Sciences strives to provide students with the
fundamental understanding of the principles and methods of the life sciences within the
context of a sound liberal arts education. Emphasis is on the development of the
student’s ability to analyze problems, apply scientific method, communicate biological
information, and interpret current advances in research.”
Student progress toward attaining the goals set forth in the Departmental Mission
Statement will be assessed in part by an exam or quiz question that has been selected for
this purpose by the faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences.
Writing Standards for Department of Biological Sciences
It is the position of the Department of Biological Sciences at Plattsburgh State that all
students must learn to write in a clear and intelligent manner. We recognize that this goal
cannot be achieved by depending only on the efforts of others to foster good writing. We
further believe that the general quality of student writing will not improve unless we as a
department are willing to state explicitly the standards we expect students to meet and to
enforce those standards. Therefore, in courses taught by the Department of Biological
Sciences, in addition to grading the content of written assignments, all faculty will also
grade assignments for writing.
E: Unacceptable. The student will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. The
student is advised to withdraw and take a remedial writing course before attempting
the course again.
D: The writing is not at the minimal level generally expected for college students, but
improvement appears possible.
C: Poorly organized or with an excessive number of errors in grammar, spelling, or
syntax, even after making allowances for circumstances such as time available.
B: Acceptable in organization, grammar, spelling, and syntax after making allowances
for circumstances such as time available.
A: Clearly and correctly written.
Summary of important dates
January 26th
February 25th
March 16th to 20th
March 25th
March 25th
April 10th
April 22nd
May 8th
May 11th-15th
May 20th
First day of class
Exam 1
No classes (Spring Break)
Exam 2
Midterm grades due
Last day for unrestricted course withdrawals
Exam 3
Last class
Final Exam week
Final Grades due
Supplemental reading discussion dates and assigned readings
Supplemental readings will be read at the same time we are discussing the relevant
material in lecture. Because the time we will reach certain topics during the semester is
not entirely certain, I cannot predict exactly when we will be doing the reading
assignments. However, all readings (with the exception of the first which will be covered
the first week of class) will be distributed to the class at least one week before we will
discuss the topic. If you are absent when a reading is assigned you may pick it up
from the Biology Department office in 337 Hudson Hall during normal office hours.