The concepts explored and skills learned were in the areas of:
1) Social Skills: o Understanding Body language, o Reading Social Cues, o Practicing appropriate responses and then looking for the results/feedback o Partnering with Others, Teamwork,
2) Life Skills: o Empathy o Leadership Skills o Making good decisions (keeping self and others safe) – addressed:
thinking before doing for those with ADHD and
managing perceived risk for those with anxiety o Managing your environment to increase comfort levels – addressed anxiety or sensory issues
1) School or class projects/theme of the month…, i.e.
Inclusion – celebrating our differences
Recycling/sustainability – could support the garden/agricultural program
Work/employee skills,
2) *Academic Projects; (horses, farm and barn as third space learning environment)
Science: i.e. skeletal structures rebuilding the horse using a real horse skeleton, looking under a microscope for eggs of different types of parasite worms sometimes found in horses
Health; horses and humans have a lot in common o Well-care to stay healthy include: diet, teeth care, exercise, social interactions, meaningful work, enough rest, clean and safe environment to live in… o Early signs of declining health and what to look for: dull hair coat, not taking care of self, change in diet, energy levels, heat or swelling, measuring pulse, respiration, temperature, o Basic wound care
History: horses have been by mankind’s side through most of history and it can be an interesting and very educational experience to study it through this perspective.
Language arts; reading engagement, creative writing….
*Co-facilitated by Jane Muir & BHA teachers
3) Guidance/Counseling: **
Targeting common issues of specific groups of students, i.e. o Self-Care skills
Target a specific topic that comes up regularly with groups o (i.e. if a group of girls are complaining because another girl continues to monopolize their conversations with constant talk about boys/a boy)
** It is often helpful to explore the issue when they see it in another situation (i.e. working with horses)
** Co-facilitated by the BHA Counselor
4) Competitions (at the Saddle Up! Super Show in October):
*Showmanship Levels 2, 3, and 4 o Students who have participated in EFL 1, could train for level 2 and 3 o Students who have attended EFL 2 could train for level 4
**Knowledge component (similar to 4-H and Pony Club shows)
*Taught by Ann Craig
May want to discuss
** After school program taught by The Equestrian Club members or alumni????