Burns Simple superficial burn <2% in an adult and <1% in a child with no significant involvement of hands, feet or genitalia (see network guidelines for further info http://www.lsebn.nhs.uk/downloa ds/ ) Category A Plastics not needed ED action: Deroof blisters Dress with Aquacel Ag and an absorbent over dressing Discharge with advice leaflet ED action: Check tetanus status and provide cover as per protocol Provide analgesia Make initial assessment of % burn (please use Lund & Browder chart) Is the burn 2-10% in an adult or 1-5% in a child Refer to 6300 to get assessment with advice on further management and route of dispersal Category C Needs senior review for decision or if delay in obtaining advice from 6300 ED action: Ensure patient is kept nil by mouth Cover burn in cling film Adults; During hours of ‘GP Referral unit’ (8am-8pm) Contact GPRU co-ordinator (BLEEP 6205) and send patient down to be assessed there by plastics Children; During hours of CDU (8am-6pm) - Arrange transfer there if capacity confirmed Outside of these hours, If delay >30 min, escalate up the line of responsibility in plastics to obtain advice and/or agreement to admit by calling 572956 or the on call consultant Dress as advised Book for interval assessment in HAPI clinic as per burns care pathway FIFTH DRAFT 17/07/2014 [Type text] Is the burn >10% in an adult or >5% in a child? Not appropriate for burns care at the John Radcliffe hospital Needs referral to a burns unit or centre direct from ED. Please refer to criteria regarding where to refer and contact details at: Children: http://www.lsebn.nhs.uk/EasySiteW eb/GatewayLink.aspx?alId=126577 Adults http://www.lsebn.nhs.uk/EasySiteW eb/GatewayLink.aspx?alId=126576 Sarah.Tucker@ouh.nhs.uk