Uploaded by Sharonoa Moss

Integumentary System: Skin Cancer & Burns Worksheet

Human Anatomy & Physiology 12
Chapter 4 The Integumentary System
Station 1
Station 2
The Case of Skin Cancer
Follow the case of a young woman who has an unusual
mole on her shoulder. Students use the “ABCDE”
characteristics of skin cancer to determine that the mole
should be biopsied. They analyze a simulated biopsy and
determine that the mole is melanoma, a particularly
dangerous type of skin cancer. They use materials
provided to design and conduct an experiment to test
one way to reduce outdoor ultraviolet (UV) light
exposure. They use graphic cutouts to create a Skin
Cancer and Sun Safety infographic.
Station 3
Rules of Nine
Using the Rules of Nine to determine extent of burn. Scan the
code and watch the video then answer the questions that
Station 4
3-D Skin Model
Part 1: Using molding clay your group will create a 3-D
model of the skin. Your model must be accurate. You are
to also label your model. Part 2: Choose a
disease/condition to research.
Human Anatomy & Physiology 12
Chapter 4 The Integumentary System
Name ____________________________________________________
Block ________________________ Date _______________________
Rules of Nine
Directions: Using the Rules of Nine to determine extent of burn. Scan the code above and watch the
video then answer the questions that follow. Use the chart in your textbook found on page 125 or below
to help answer the questions.
Written Response
Define the burn. _______________________________________________________________________
A burn patient has isolated and patchy third degree burns. Which classification method would be most
useful to you in determining percentage of body area affected __________________________________
Distinguish between second-degree burn and third-degree burn.
Estimating Extent of Burns
A patient has burns on the front of both arms and her
entire chest above her costal margin. What is the most
accurate estimate of the amount of body surface burned
A 21 year old male tripped and fell into a small camp fire.
He has burns to his hands, anterior forearms and upper
chest. What percentage of his body has been burned?
A 60 year old man has been burned in a house fire. He has
partial and full thickness burns to the anterior surface of his
neck, chest, and abdomen. The approximate percentage of
burn injury sustained is:
A 23 year old male has partial thickness burns to his anterior thighs and full thickness burns to his
perineum. Using the rule of nines what is his percent of body surface area burned
A three-year-old male has received full thickness burns covering the arms, posterior trunk and right leg.
What percentage of burns did the child receive?