Injury to flesh caused by heat, electricity, chemical, light, radiation or friction. First 48 hours are the most critical! Challenges! Dermabrasion Skin Grafts Split thickness, Full thickness, composite graft Using Cadaver skins or animal skin Cultured Skin Artificial skins are temporary, thinner skin graft can be used. Essential for the recovery period of the patient Increase Protein intake is to provide material needed to synthesize lost tissue Carbohybrates Fats Infection Acute Gastrointestinal Ulcers Seizures in Children (abnormal electrolyte levels) Pneumonia Pulmonary Edema Respiratory Problems from inhalation of soot Estimate the body surface area on adult that has been burned Dividing body sections by a factor of 9% First step in assessing a burn and planning resuscitation Quick way to determine if victim needs to go to specialized burn centers. Measuring the size of a burn is difficult! Every person is different A square foot of burned surface area is much worse for a 130 pound person than a 200 pound person. 355533/ ticle.asp?Article_ID=1077629 07_severe_burns.htmhttp://www.burnsurvivor.c om/burn_types.html e/treatment.html