Registrar Memo/Letter ON INSTITUTIONAL LETTERHEAD OR VIA E-MAIL WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO TAILOR THIS LETTER TO MEET YOUR INSTITUTION’S COMMUNICATION STYLE. Date: To: [College] Registrar’s Office From: [Campus Contact] Subject: SENSE Course Schedule File (CSF) Dear [Registrar], On [Date] President [Name] sent a memo regarding [Institution Name]’s participation in the Center for Community College Student Engagement’s Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE). [Institution] will administer SENSE during the fall 2015 semester to a random sample of classes selected from among those listed in the college’s Course Schedule File, or CSF. Your assistance in the preparation of [Institution]’s CSF is greatly appreciated. As you prepare the file, please include all fall 2015 courses in the areas of developmental reading, writing, and math; first college-level math; first college-level English; and student success, colleges skills, first-year experience, freshman seminar, and/or orientation courses. Courses should be listed according to the criteria outlined [below/on the next page]. Be sure that cross-listings of the same course have been combined into a single row of data with one summed enrollment listed. Please send me a preliminary CSF in Excel worksheet format by [Date] so that I have a chance to review the file before sending it to the Center for sampling. If you have any questions, please contact me at [Campus Contact’s Information]. I appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, [Campus Contact] [Campus Contact’s information]