Lesson 6 Programme Extending and enriching your learning In the following pages, you will find a ‘menu’ of activities from which you can choose a ‘lesson 6’ activity for term 6. Please read through all the options carefully, and then complete the form at the back and hand it in to reception no later than Wednesday 14th May Guidance for making your choices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The first page contains activities for all years. The second page is for KS3 students only, and the third page for KS4 students. You must choose one activity. You may (especially Key Stage 4) want to do several, but you will only be registered for one. Make sure you choose an activity on a day that you can be at school until 4pm You will be doing this activity in terms 6. List 5 choices on your form in order of preference. If you don’t make 5 choices, you may be allocated to something you don’t want to do! If you are doing Cookery Club, please note you will need to pay £1 each week for the ingredients. The sessions may go on until 4.30pm some weeks, so you need to be able to get home yourself afterwards. You may be timetabled for catch-up lessons if you are working below your target level or target grade. ACTIVITIES OPEN TO ALL YEARS Activity Arts and Crafts Learning through exercise Description Enjoy a variety of craft activities Learn relaxation techniques, ways of revising and enjoy some fun based sporting activities Learn to cook a variety of dishes for all times of day! Practise and improve a variety of sports, including rounders. Develop your analysis and performing skills Support for Polish students to gain a qualification Learn how to care for your pet Enjoy embroidery and working with textiles Make the most of your swimming skills in the Leisure Pool For students involved in the High School Musical production For students involved in the High School Musical production For students involved in the High School Musical production Staff Ms K Cassell & Mrs Wilkins Mrs Hopkins Capacity 10 20 Day Wednesday Thursday Ms Davies & Ms H Hughes Ms James Mr Elcock Mrs Gredzinska Miss Greenwood Miss Harris Ms Pearce Ms Mowat and Mr Stewart Miss Harper Miss Harper Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Ms Tiala & Ms Smith Ms Denton Mr Squire Aquila Team-building Origami Film Club Radio club Hockey club Tennis club Use your green fingers to grow plants and vegetables Explore your creativity and develop your skills A programme to help students improve gross-movement skills (by invitation) For Aquila students to enjoy fun activities together Learn the ancient art of paper folding Watch and discuss interesting films Learn how to broadcast on the airways! Learn and practise your hockey skills Learn and practise your tennis skills 18 20 20 10 18 12 12 Cast Cast By invitation 10 15 By invitation 20 15 20 12 20 30 Athletics club Improve your performance and get fitter 30 Wednesday Cookery Girls’ games Drama club Polish club Animal care Textiles Club Swimming Club HSM singing rehearsals HSM dance rehearsals HSM acting rehearsals Gardening Club Photography club Stepping Stones Ms Evans Mrs Mitchell Mrs Nicholas Mr Bird Mrs Cassell Mr Peach and Mr Bougourd Mr Frugniet and Miss Dawe *For cookery, you will need to pay £1 a week towards the cost of ingredients. Sessions last between 1 –1 ½ hours Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday ACTIVITIES OPEN TO KEY STAGE 3 STUDENTS ONLY Activity Manga and street art Reading together Book club Science Club Year 7 and 8 boys’ cricket Year 9 and Y10 boys’ cricket G&T Classics taster course Animation using computers Reading ahead for Y9 and Y10 Italian club for Year 9 Description Develop your skills in Art Enjoy listening to and reading some classic children's books. Suitable for all abilities A group for keen readers to read and discuss books (Years 7 & 8) Explore the world of Science Improve your cricket skills and train for matches Staff Mrs Adams & Mr Bennett Mrs Brightley Capacity 25 20 Day Wednesday Thursday Mrs Grist Mr O Bird Mr Frugniet and Mr Flew 12 12 20 Thursday Wednesday Thursday Improve your cricket skills and train for matches Mr Carraway and Mr Lee 20 Thursday This is for gifted students who are interested in learning about ancient civilisations Learn how to create animations Mr Crowley 20 Thursday Mr Wistow 25 Tuesday A group for gifted readers to study A level texts Miss Baxter 20 Weds Providing you with the skills to hold a conversation in Italian. Mr Mossoni 20 Weds ACTIVITIES OPEN TO KEY STAGE 4 STUDENTS ONLY Activity GCSE English Revision GCSE Maths Revision GCSE Science Revision GCSE History Support GCSE Geography Support GCSE RE Support GCSE ICT Support GCSE Business Support GCSE French GCSE Music Getting ready to work Art Club (printing) Description Extra support for KS4 to help you prepare for your exam Extra support for KS4 to help you prepare for your exam Extra support for KS4 to help you prepare for your exam An opportunity for students to develop their knowledge and get to A/A* An opportunity for students to develop their knowledge An opportunity for students to develop their knowledge An opportunity for students to develop their knowledge An opportunity for students to develop their knowledge An opportunity for Year 10 students to practise their skills and prepare for controlled assessments For those students who want to take GCSE Music as an extra Write your CV, learn to write applications, prepare for interview and use different medias to view your progress. Develop your printing and etching skills or catch up on your coursework Year 9 and Y10 boys’ cricket Girls’ group Improve your cricket skills and train for matches Reading ahead for Y9 and Y10 A group for gifted readers to study A level texts An opportunity for KS4 girls to meet, chat and develop in confidence Staff Various Various Various Mr Stevenson Mrs Murray Ms Whaley Ms Wright Mr Standing Mrs McMullan Capacity No limit No limit No limit 25 25 25 25 25 No limit Day Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Mr Stewart Mrs Goff 15 20 Thursday Tuesday Mr Sales & Ms Stephens Mr Carraway and Mr Lee Ms Carter & Mrs Duke Miss Baxter 20 Thursday 20 Thursday 20 Tuesday 20 Weds Option form for lesson 6 Complete the following form, and hand it in to reception by Wednesday 14th May at the latest. Some students will be selected for catch-up lessons (KS3) or GCSE support (KS4) and this will show on their timetable. You must list 5 options, in order of preference. At the bottom, please sign the sheet and discuss your choices with a parent or carer. Name: ……………………………………………………………………… Activity (please describe) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Signed ………………………………………………………… (student) Date …………………………………………………………… Tutor ………… Year Group …….... Day