Half term information sheet for my class

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Half term information sheet for my class
Date: June/July 2014
Class: St Francis Y1
Teacher: Mrs Hirst
Mrs Munich
Other adults who work in my
class are:
Mrs Sieradzan
St Joseph’s Catholic School
This half term’s topic is:
Plants, Insects and Environments
In my topic in Science I will be
learning about:
Naming and describing plants
and insects that live around
Life cycles of plants, insects and
Comparing plants and animals
that live in different locations
around school.
SOUND – experimenting with
different sounds and how we
can change sound.
Books my teacher will read or
use with me are:
Read Write Inc books.
Oxford Reading Tree books,
Fiction & non-fiction books
relating to plants and animals
In Mathematics I will concentrate on:
Shape-Naming and describing
properties of shapes. (Vocabularyedges, faces, vertices).
Calculations-Including money
problems using addition and
subtraction and solving word
Working with Fact families. Finding
halves and quarters of numbers.
Measures-Time (analogue and digital
time to 5 minutes), capacity(Litres/ml),
length(cm/m),and weight (g and kg)
In English I will be learning key skills
using ‘Read Write Inc’, if appropriate,
and be grouped according to my
This will include:
-Phonics (letter sounds). To help
reading and spelling.
-Reading,(with expression)
-Comprehension skills
Poetry books.
In Religious education I will be
thinking about:
You can help by
Special days for my class are:
-Listening to your child read.
-Helping your
P.E. – Wednesday & Thursday
Miracles of Jesus, how
child to complete
Jesus cures the sick,
Reading Book Changed - Fridays
Jesus calms the storm
-Providing water, a sunhat,
Library Book Changed – Fridays
How we can help other people
suitable shoes (for PE outside)
I will learn about Sikhism.
and putting sun cream on your
Read Write Inc Book Changed –
child before they come to
I.C.T We are zoologists- Data Collection and Handling- how can we set it out so it can communicate our findings?
Other special days or events this half term are:
Thursday 5th June Tropical World trip all day
Friday 13th June 9.10am Class Mass at English Martyrs’ Church
Saturday 21st June Summer Fair 11am-2pm
Wednesday 25th June to Tuesday 1st July Travelling Book Fair
Thursday 26th June 9am Parents Forum
Tuesday 1st July Transition Day
Tuesday 8th July Maths Open Day – pop into school and learn about how we teach maths
Wednesday 9th July 2.40pm Class Assembly
Friday 11th July School Reports Sent Home
Saturday 12th July 6.30pm School Family Mass in English Martyrs’ Church
Monday 14th July Parents Open Day
Wednesday 16th July 9.30am End of Term Mass in Church Friday 18th July 3.15pm School Closes for the Summer Holidays