Hannukah Activity Afternoon – Wednesday 27 th November

Friday 22nd November
Hannukah Activity Afternoon – Wednesday 27th November
Hannukah is a Jewish Festival which actually begins on Wednesday. As part of our
RE curriculum, Class 2 and 3 are getting together on Wednesday afternoon for some
activities, led by Mrs Morris, in order to learn more about it. If you would like to come
and help or just come in a watch and learn more about it, please come along at 1pm
on Wednesday (main entrance).
Zoo lab – Thursday 28th November
As part of our curriculum enrichment, we are expecting a visit from Zoo lab on
Thursday afternoon. They will be bringing some weird and wonderful creatures with
them for the children to learn more about – the title of the workshop is Jeepers
National Roast Dinner Day
The children had a super roast dinner on Wednesday! Mrs Royle did a splendid job
so many thanks to her and her new team of helpers!
Building Work Update
The work is nearly finished for a new pathway along the front of the school. Thank
you for your patience while this has been sorted out. I hope that this will make the
children’s journey into school safer, in the longer term too.
Be Safe, Be Seen
If you would like to order any of the reflective items on the Be Safe Be Seen leaflet,
please send in your order by Friday 29th November. Many thanks!
Hudson Close
Many thanks for not parking in Hudson Close or using it as a cut through!
It is good to see the children excited and raring to go with the preparations for the
Christmas Play. We are all getting into the Christmas mood now and I am looking
forward to seeing how Partney Church of England Primary School celebrates the
season in style!
Mrs Sue Kay
Hot School Lunch Order Form
Week Commencing: 2nd December 2013
Child’s Name: _________________ Class: ______
Allergies: _____________________________
Enclosed £ ________ (£10.00)
Cheques made payable to Partney C of E Aided Primary School
Please send me a receipt ____________________
Signed: _______________________________
Form and Money must be handed into the office by Thursday (28th
November) lunch-time. Many thanks!
Termletly Savings
Pay for the termlet for just £60 and save money!!!