Future Club Dates: Please circle desired sessions and include the appropriate start date. payment. Payments must be received 3 days prior to start date of each session. Select Wednesday Session OR Thursday session, or both. Make check payable to Nick Kluge or Sarah Kluge. Each session Wednesday or Thursday will consist of 4 days, Each session will include a few new activities and games, as well as student please see selected dates above. Each session will only accept a certain amount of Participants. Each session listed below is $30 Session 2A: Wednesday group February 10th (Tuesday), 18th, 25th, and March 4th Session 2B: Thursday Group February 12th, 19th, 26th, and March 5th Session 3A: Wednesday Group March 11th, 18th, 31st (Tuesday), and April 1st Session 3B: Thursday Group March 19th, 26th, 30th (Monday), and April 7th (Tuesday) Session 4A: Wednesday Group April 8th, 22nd, and May 6th, 13th Session 4B: Thursday Group April 9th, 23rd, and May 7th, 14th Session 5: Both Wednesday and Thursday combined May 20th-21st 27th-28th Flyers and Sign-up sheets will be sent home two weeks prior to each session Sign-up for 1 session, 2 or all! favorites. Please provide a light snack for your child Questions please notify Mr. Kluge by school mail, phone: 610-724-6989, or email: nkluge@octorara.org . Please see Back page for Permission Slip