Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Specialistični seminar iz raziskav fizikalnega izobraževanja: učenje in razvoj kurikula Specialized Seminar on Physics Education Research: Learning and Curriculum Development Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester Fizika 1 prvi Physics 1 first Univerzitetni študijski program 3.stopnje Matematika in fizika Third cycle academic study program Mathematics and Physics Vrsta predmeta / Course type izbirni predmet/optional course Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: ??? Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje Druge oblike work študija 60 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Samost. delo Individ. work 300 ECTS 12 prof. dr. Gorazd PLANINŠIČ/ prof. dr. Gorazd PLANINŠIČ Predavanja / Slovensko in/ali angleško/Slovene and/or English Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovensko in/ali angleško/Slovene and/or English Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Vpis v letnik študija. Pogoj za opravljanje predmeta je zaključena 2. stopnja študijskega programa fizika ali pedagoška fizika. Pričakuje se, da predmet izberejo študenti, ki imajo jasno željo po opravljanju doktorata na področju raziskav v izobraževalni fiziki (odslej PER). Prerequisites: Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline): Enrollment in the program. Students enrolled in the program need to have a master degree (complete 2nd cycle) in physics/physics education and a strong interest in pursuing a doctoral degree in Physics Education Research (PER). 1 Pri predmetu bodo obravnavane naslednje vsebine: 1. Glavna spoznanja o tem, kako se študenti učijo fizikalne vsebine in kateri so glavni instrumenti preverjanja znanja. 2. Glavna spoznanja o tem, kako se študenti učijo procesnih znanj pri fiziki in kateri so glavni instrumenti preverjanja znanja. 3. Različne reprezentacije in njihov pomen pri učenju fizike. 4. Glavna spoznanja PER o epistemološkem pogledu študentov na fiziko in instrumenti preverjanja znanja. 5. Kako pristopiti k razvoju kurikulov za fiziko? 6. Primeri uveljavljenih in preizkušenih fizikalnih kurikulov, ki so bili razviti na podlagi raziskav. Kaj imajo skupnega in v čem se razlikujejo? The course will address the following topics: 1. The most important findings concerning student learning of physics content and the assessment instruments. 2. The most important findings concerning student learning of physics processes and the assessment instruments. 3. Multiple representations and their role in learning physics. 4. The most important PER findings concerning student epistemology and relevant assessment instruments. 5. How does one approach physics curriculum design? 6. Examples of research -based curricula in physics that have been found effective in helping students learn physics. Common aspects of these and the differences. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Hestenes, D., Wells, M. & Swackhamer, G., 1992. Force concept inventory. The physics teacher, 30(March), pp.1–15. Available at: [Accessed March 20, 2015]. Ding, L. et al., 2006. Evaluating an electricity and magnetism assessment tool: Brief electricity and magnetism assessment. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 2(1), p.010105. Available at: [Accessed March 19, 2015]. Etkina, E. & Van Heuvelen, A., 2007. Investigative science learning environment–A science process approach to learning physics. Research-based reform of university physics, pp.1–48. Available at: [Accessed January 19, 2015]. Van Heuvelen, A. (1991). Learning to think like a physicist: A review of research-based instructional strategies. American Journal of Physics, 59(10), 891-897. Etkina, E., Van Heuvelen, A., White-Brahmia, S., Brookes, D.T., Gentile, M., Murthy, S. Rosengrant, D., & Warren, A. (2006) Developing and assessing student scientific abilities. Physical Review. Special Topics, Physics Education Research. 2, 020103. Etkina, E., Karelina, A., & Ruibal-Villasenor, M. (2008). How long does it take? A study of student acquisition of scientific abilities. Physical Review, Special Topics, Physics Education Research, 4, 020108. Brookes, D. T. & Etkina, E. (2007). Using conceptual metaphor and functional grammar to explore how language used in physics affects student learning. Physical Review, Special Topics, Physics Education Research, 3, 010105. Brookes, D. T. & Etkina, E. (2007). Using conceptual metaphor and functional grammar to explore how language used in physics affects student learning. Physical Review, Special Topics, Physics Education Research, 3, 010105. May, D. & Etkina, E. (2002). College physics students' epistemological self-reflection and its relationship to conceptual learning. American Journal of Physics, 70 (12), 1249-1258. 2 Zollman, D. a., Rebello, N.S. & Hogg, K., 2002. Quantum mechanics for everyone: Hands-on activities integrated with technology. American Journal of Physics, 70(3), p.252. Available at: [Accessed March 4, 2015]. Redish, E.F., 2003. Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite, Wiley. Available at: McDermott, L.C. & Shaffer, P.S., 1998. Tutorials in introductory physics, Prentice Hall. Available at: Hestenes, D., 1987. Toward a modeling theory of physics instruction. American Journal of Physics, 55(5). Hammer, D., 1996. Misconceptions or P-Prims: How May Alternative Perspectives of Cognitive Structure Influence Instructional Perceptions and Intentions. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 5(2), pp.97–127. Available at: DiSessa, A., 1993. Toward an Epistemology of Physics. Cognition and instruction, 10(2), pp.105–225. Available at: [Accessed May 27, 2014]. Linder, C. & Fraser, D., 2006. Using a Variation Approach To Enhance Physics Learning in a College Classroom. The Physics Teacher, 44(9), p.589. Available at: [Accessed June 17, 2014]. Viennot, L., 2014. “Thinking in Physics: The pleasure of reasoning and understanding”, Springer Books. Cilji in kompetence: Študenti so sposobni odgovoriti na vprašanja povezana z vsebinami pričujočega učnega načrta in razpravljati o značilnostih kurikulov, ki so razviti na podlagi raziskav. Objectives and competences: The students can answer the questions related to the syllabus and discuss the features of PERbased curricula. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje Študenti bodo dobili pregled nad praktičnimi vidiki PER in razumevanje o tem, kako poteka razvoj kurikularnih gradiv za poučevanje fizike, ki temeljijo na izsledkih raziskav Uporaba Pridobljeno znanje lahko študenti uporabijo pri raziskovalnem delu za doktorsko disertacijo, pri razvoju kurikulov fizike ter pri izobraževanju bodočih učiteljev fizike. Refleksija Uporaba pridobljenega znanja za načrtovanje sprememb v poučevanju ter razmišljanje o lastnem poučevanju. Prenosljive spretnosti - niso vezane le na en predmet Razvoj in vrednotenje kurikulov drugih naravoslovnih predmetov. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Students develop an overview of the practical aspects of PER and an understanding of how one can design curriculum materials based on the findings in the field Application: Knowledge developed in the course can be applied in research for a doctoral thesis, physics curriculum development and in physics teachers’ professional development. Reflection: Use of developed knowledge for instructional interventions and for thinking about your own teaching. Transferable skills: Curriculum design and evaluation for other science subjects. 3 Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Študenti bodo sodelovali v razpravah (v okviru Students will participate in whole class and majhnih skupin ali celotnega razreda), prebirali small group discussions, read assigned papers, bodo izbrane članke, sami poiskali in conduct literature review on a particular predstavili pregled literature na določeno subject, conduct group project and report on temo, izvedli skupinski projekt in poročali o them. The final project will be a mini-study njem. Študenti bodo v okviru zaključnega involving curriculum design and assessment. projekta izvedli mini študijo s področja razvoja kurikula in preverjanja znanja. Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Assessment: Aktivna udeležba na predavanjih. 30% Active participation in class work, Domače naloge: povzetki domačega 30% Homework: : reading summaries branja vključno s pregledom including literature review and literature ter refleksijo. reflections. Skupinski projekt: skupina predlaga 20% Group project. The students working poučevalski pristop, ki temelji na in groups will come up with a izsledkih raziskav in se nanaša na research-based instructional področje različnih reprezentacij ter intervention in the area of multiple ga preizkusi s kolegi v razredu. representations and try it with peers Zaključni projekt: študenti v 20% in class. skupinah po 2 ali 3, rešujejo mini Capstone project. The course ends raziskovalni projekt, pri čemer with students working in groups of 2uporabijo izsledke raziskav. Projekt 3 on a capstone project that uses the se mora nanašati na področje findings of physics education laboratorijskega dela s poskusi in research in the area of laboratory mora vključevati uporabo tabel za experiments with the use samo-ocenjevanje. Passed / not passed (according to the Opravil / ni opravil (ob upoštevanju Statute of UL) Statuta UL in fakultetnih pravil). Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. 2. 3. 4. Poklinek Čančula, M., Planinšič G., Etkina E., 2015. Analyzing patterns in experts’ approaches to solving experimental problems, American journal of physics. 83 (4), 366-374. PLANINŠIČ, G., GREGORČIČ, B., ETKINA, E., 2014. Learning and teaching with a computer scanner. Physics Education, 49(5), p586-595. PLANINŠIČ, G., ETKINA, E., 2014. Light-emitting diodes : a hidden treasure. The Physics teacher, 52(2), p9499. ETKINA, E., PLANINŠIČ, G., VOLLMER, M., 2013. A simple optics experiment to engage students in scientific inquiry. American journal of physics, 81 (11), p815-822. 4 5. PLANINŠIČ, G., GOJKOŠEK, M. 2011, Prism foil from an LCD monitor as a tool for teaching introductory optic. European journal of physics, 32(2), p601-613. 5