Recommended reading

Recommended Reading
The following list has been put together to help students preparing for their degree dissertation
(diplomsko delo), but should also be of help to those interested in a particular area. It will be
updated regularly. DL
Translation Studies
Baker, M. (1992) In Other Words: A Coursebook in Translation. London and New York:
Beaugrande, R. de (1991) ‘Coincidence in Translation: Glory and Misery Again’, Target 3(1):
Blum-Kulka, S. (1986) ‘Shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation’. In Blum-Kulka, S. and
House, J. (eds.) Interlingual and Intercultural Communication: Discourse and Cognition in
Translation and Second Language Acquisition Studies. Tubingen: Gunter Narr: 17-35.
Chesterman, A. (1993) ‘From ‘Is’ to ‘Ought’: Laws, Norms and Strategies in Translation
Studies’, Target 5(1): 1-20.
Chesterman, A. (1997) Memes in Translation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Chesterman, A. (ed.) (1989) Readings in Translation Theory. Helsinki: Oy Finn Lectura.
Fawcett, P.D. (1997) Translation and Language: Linguistic Theories Explained. Manchester: St
Hatim, B. (1997) Communication Across Cultures. Translation Theory and Contrastive Text
Linguistics. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
Hatim, B. and Mason, B. (1990) Discourse and the Translator. London and New York:
Hatim, B. and Mason, B. (1997) The Translator as Communicator. London and New York:
Katan, D. (1999) Translating Cultures. An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and
Mediators. Manchester: St Jerome.
Kocijančič-Pokorn, N. (2003) Misliti prevod: Izbrana besedila iz teorije prevajanja od Cicerona
do Derridaja. Ljubljana: Študentska založba.
Lauscher, S. (2000) 'Translation Quality Assessment: Where Can Theory and Practice Meet?',
The Translator 6(2): 149-168.
Neubert, A. and Shreve, G.M. (1992) Translation as Text. Kent, Ohio and London: Kent State
University Press.
Nord, C. (1991) ‘Scopos, Loyalty and Translational Conventions’, Target 3(1): 91-109.
Nord, C. (1997) Translation as a Purposeful Activity. Manchester: St Jerome.
Toury, G. (1998) ‘A Handful of Paragraphs on "Translation" and "Norms". In Schäffner, C. (ed.)
Translation and Norms. Clevedon: Multingual Matters: 10-32.
Venuti, L. (1995) The Translator’s Invisibility: A history of translation. London and New York:
Venuti, L. (ed.) (2000) The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge.
Vermeer, H. J. (1989) ‘Skopos and commission in translational action’. In Chesterman (ed.): 173187.
A number of interesting articles on translation theory and practical translation issues can be found
Discourse Analysis
Beaugrande, R. de (1997) ‘The Story of Discourse Analysis’. In van Dijk, T. (ed.): 35-62.
Beaugrande, R. de and Dressler, W. (1981) Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman.
Translated as Uvod v besediloslovje by Derganc, A. and Miklič, T. (1992) Ljubljana: Založba
Brown, G. and Yule, G. (1983) Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Coulthard, R. M. (ed.) (1994) Advances in Written Text Analysis. London: Routledge.
Nunan, D. (1993) Introducing Discourse Analysis. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books.
Salkie, R. (1995) Text and Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge.
van Dijk, T. (1997) ‘The Study of Discourse’. In van Dijk (ed.): 1-34.
van Dijk, T. (1997) (ed.) Discourse as Structure and Process. London: Sage.
Genre Studies and Contrastive Rhetoric
Bhatia, Vijay K. (1993) Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings. London and
New York: Longman.
Connor, U. (1996) Contrastive Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[esp. ch. 8]
Enkvist, N.E. (1981) ‘Experiential iconism in text strategy’, Text 1: 97-111.
Enkvist, N.E. (1991) ‘Discourse Type, Text Type, and Cross-Cultural Rhetoric’. In TirkkonenCondit, S. (ed.) Empirical Research in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Tübingen:
Gunter Narr Verlag. 5-16.
Enkvist, N.E. (1997) ‘Why we need contrastive rhetoric', Alternation 4: 188-206.
Pisanksi, A. (2001) Angleško-slovenska kontrastivna analiza nekaterih metabesedilnih elementov
v znanstvenih besedilih. Magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta.
Pisanski, A. (2002) 'Angleško-slovenska kontrastivna analiza nekaterih oblik organizacije
znanstvenih člankov'. Vestnik 36 (1-2): 309-317
Swales, J.M. (1990) Genre Analysis. English in academic and research settings. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
EU-related articles
Dollerup, C. (2001) ‘Complexities of EU language work’, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology,
9 (4): 271-292.
Koskinen, K. (2000) ‘Institutional Illusions: Translating in the EU Commission’, The Translator,
6(1): 49-65.
Koskinen, K. (2001) ‘How to research EU translation’, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 9
(4): 293-301.
Nordland, R. (2002) ‘Equality and Power in EU Language Work’, Perpectives: Studies in
Translatology, 10 (1): 31-53.
Seymour, E. (2002) ‘A Common EU Legal Language?’, Perpectives: Studies in Translatology,
10 (1): 7-14.
Stolze, R. (2001) ‘Translating legal texts in the EU’, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 9
(4): 301-313.
Šarčević, S. (2001) ‘Multilingualism – the challenge of enlargement’, Perspectives: Studies in
Translatology, 9 (4): 313-330.
Idiomatics and stylistics
Carter, R. A. (1998) Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. (Second Edition) London:
Carter, R.A. & Nash, W. (1990) Seeing Through Language: A Guide to Styles of English Writing
Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Crystal, D. and Davy, D. (1969) Investigating English Style. New York: Longman.
Haynes, J. (1992) Introducing Stylistics. London and New York: Routledge.
Haynes, J. (1995) Style. London and New York: Routledge.
Hickey, L. (1990) The Pragmatics of Style. London and New York: Routledge.
Moon, R. (1998) Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Sinclair, J. M. (1991) Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: OUP.
Weber, J. J. (1996) The Stylistic Reader: From Roman Jakobson to the Present. London: Arnold.
Britain, the USA
Differences between Slovenia and the Anglo-Saxon world with regard to communication:
Limon, D. and Šabec, N. (2001) Across Cultures: Slovene-British-American Intercultural
Communication. Maribor: Založba Obzorja
General texts on Britain and the States:
Crowther, J. (ed.) 1999. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Lavery, C. 1995. Focus on Britain Today. Macmillan.
Mauk. D and J. Oakland. 1997. American Civilization: An introduction. Routledge.
McDowall, D. 1999. Britain in Close-Up. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
O'Driscoll, J. 1999. Britain - The Country and its People An Introduction for learners of:
English (revised and updated). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Paxman, J. 1998. The English: A Portrait of a People. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin
Room, A. 1990. An A to Z of British Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sheerin, S., Seath, J. and G. White. 1986. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Storry, M. and Childs, P. 2005 British Cultural Identities. London: Routledge.
The English language
An interesting history of English:
Bragg, M. 2003. The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language. London: Sceptre
The role of English as a lingua franca:
Crystal, D. 2003. English as a Global Language (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Phillipson, R. English-Only Europe? Challenging Language Policy. London: Routledge.
An entertaining and amusing book on (surprisingly) punctuation:
Truss, L. 2004. Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. London:
Profile Books.
Education systems
Farell, Michael, Trevor Kerry in Carolle Kerry (1995) The Blackwell Handbook of Education.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Holt, Gill, et al (1997) Education in England and Wales: a guide to the system. Slough: National
Foundation for Educational Research.
Kejžar, Ivan (1990) Organizacija vzgojno-izobraževalnega sistema v Sloveniji. Kranj: Fakulteta
za organizacijske vede.
Macura, Dušan, in Jana Babšek, ur. (2004) Kakšna bo šola prihodnosti? Radovljica:Didakta.
Medveš, Zdenko (ur.) Primerjalne raziskave srednjega izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Znanstveni
inštitut Filozofske fakultete. 9- 37.
Moon, Bob (1996) A Guide to the National Curriculum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sharp, Paul, in John Dunford (1990) The Education System in England and Wales. London:
Slanc, Anton, ur. (1996) Srednješolsko izobraževanje v Republiki Sloveniji 1990-1996. Ljubljana:
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
White, Roger Crombie (2000) The school of tomorrow: values and vision. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Zakrajšek, Srečo (1995) Slovensko šolstvo v tranziciji. Ljubljana: Biteks.
The Information Data base on Education Systems in Europe: The Education System in the United
Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland 2002/03.
Political systems
Birch, Anthony H. (1998) The British System of Government. London: Routledge.
Brandt, Neven (2002) Politični sistem Velike Britanije. Koper: Visokošolsko središče.
Brezovšek, Marjan (1996) Slovenski parlament - izkušnje in perspektive. V: Politološki dnevi.
Ljubljana: Politološko društvo.
Denver, David (1989) Elections and voting behaviour in Britain. Hertfordshire: Philip Allan.
Farrell, David M. (1997) Comparing Electoral Systems. Hampshire: Macmillan Press Ltd.
Gaber, Slavko, ur. (1996) Volilni sistemi. Ljubljana: Krtina.
Grad, Franc (1992) Novi volilni sistem z volilno zakonodajo. Ljubljana: Inštitut za javno upravo
pri Pravni fakulteti.
Grad, Franc (1996) Volitve in volilni sistem. Ljubljana: Inštitut za javno upravo pri Pravni
Grad, Franc (2000) Parlament in vlada. Uradni list Republike Slovenije: Ljubljana.
Kobal, Aleksandra (1994) Slovenski parlament: ga poznamo? Seminarska naloga. Celje: Srednja
trgovska šola.
Krašovec, Tatjana (2000) Razvoj slovenskega parlamentarizma. Ljubljana: Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije.
Lukšič, Igor (2001) Politični sistem Republike Slovenije. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično
Pezelj, Janez (1996) Po parlamentu. Ljubljana: Služba za informiranje Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije.
Ribičič, C. (2000) Podoba parlamentarnega desetletja. Ljubljana: Samozaložba.
Toplak, Jurij (2000) Volilni sistem in oblikovanje volilnih enot. Ljubljana: Nova revija.
Trstenjak, V. (1993) O nekaterih vprašanjih ob konstituiranju državnega zbora in državnega
sveta Republike Slovenije. V: Pravnik, št. 1-2. Ljubljana: Uradni list Republike Slovenije.
Zajc, D. (1990) Oblikovanje parlamenta in vprašanje eno- in večdomnosti. Teorija in Praksa,
letnik XXVII. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo Univerze v
Other sources...
British Government publications
Published by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in London and available free from the British
Embassy or the British Council in Ljubljana or via the Internet from .
Titles include: Young People in Britain, Focus on Britain, 100 Questions Answered, People in
Britain, Education and Training in Britain, Employment in Britain, Housing in Britain, Ethnic
Diversity in Britain, Britain’s Ethnic Minorities.
Other British Government sites:
Department of Education
Foreign Office
U.S. Government publications
Published by the United States Information Agency and the US Department of State and
available free from the US Embassy in Ljubljana (
Titles include: History: 1865 to 1929, History: 1929 to the Present, American Regionalism,
Geography and Environment, American Economy and Financial Institutions, Business and
Industry, Urban Culture: The American City, Labor in America, The American Political System,
The Public Welfare System in America, Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education,
Religion in America, Science and Technology: An American Record, Medicine and Health Care,
Black America, The Native American, Media and Communications, Ethnic Groups and
Minorities, Art and Music in the United States, Literature: 1600 to 1914, Literature: 1914 to
1990, The American Family, American Youth, American Holidays, Immigration to America,
Facts and Figures, This is America, The United States System of Education, Considering a
Higher Education in the United States; A Handbook for Foreign Students, Info USA: Information