SENSOR TECHNOLOGY AND CAR ALARM SYSTEM – students’ hand-out 1. Watch the video »Viper Car Security/Alarm System with Proximity Sensors« andcomplete the sentences., 4.59 1. The speaker is presenting a new Viper security system with________________________. 2. It detects you when you ________________________. 3. When you arm the system you hear a ____________________ . 4. The alarm goes on for _____________________ . 5. If the burgler leaves the door open the alarm system is still armed and active for ___________________. 6. It also has sensors to sense if the truck is __________________. 7. The system is still armed and active even though the alarm system________________ . 8. Another cool feature is that that when you have the system armed or whenever, there ___________________informing anyone that the car has the security system. 1 HOW CAR ALARMS WORK Photo courtesy Directed Electronics The Sidewinder car-alarm system includes a number of sensors and alarm signals. Car alarm siren 2. Discuss the following questions in small groups. You’ ll find the answers in the following text. 1. When was, according to documentation, stolen the first car? 2. Why are cars so interesting for thieves? 3. Has an absolutely perfect car alarm system already been invented? 4. What does the simplest alarm system consist of? 5. What does a sophisticated alarm system consist of? 6. What is the “brain” of the system? 7. What is “the brain’s” function? 8. What happens to a sophisticated car alarm system if an intruder clips the battery cables? The first documented case of car theft was in 1896, only a decade after gas-powered cars were first introduced. From that early era to today, cars have been a natural target for thieves: They are valuable, reasonably easy to resell and they have a built-in getaway system. Some studies claim that a car gets broken into every 20 seconds in the United States alone. 2 In this article, we'll look at modern car alarms to find out what they do and how they do it. It's amazing how elaborate modern car alarms are, but it's even more remarkable that car thieves still find a way to get past them. The Basics If you want to think about a car alarm in its simplest form, it is nothing but one or more sensors connected to some sort of a siren. The very simplest alarm would have a switch on the driver's door, and it would be wired so that if someone opened the door the siren would start wailing. You could implement this car alarm with a switch, a couple of pieces of wire and a siren. Most modern car alarm systems are much more sophisticated than this. They consist of: An array of sensors that can include switches, pressure sensors and motion detectors A siren, often able to create a variety of sounds so that you can pick a distinct sound for your car A radio receiver to allow wireless control from a key fob An auxiliary battery so that the alarm can operate even if the main battery gets disconnected A computer control unit that monitors everything and sounds the alarm -- the "brain" of the system The brain in most advanced systems is actually a small computer. The brain's job is to close the switches that activate alarm devices -- your horn, headlights or an installed siren -- when certain switches that power sensing devices are opened or closed. Security systems differ mainly in which sensors are used and how the various devices are wired into the brain. The brain and alarm features may be wired to the car's main battery, but they usually have a backup power source as well. This hidden battery kicks in when somebody cuts off the main power source (by clipping the battery cables, for example). Since cutting the power is a possible indication of an intruder, it triggers the brain to sound the alarm. In the following sections, we'll look at a variety of sensors to see how they work and how they are connected to the alarm system's brain. 3. Can you think of any other ways of protecting your car ? - Funny trick , how to protect your car:, 0.19 - World's best anti-theft system:, 0.33 -The best anti-car-theft device I've found:, 1.57 WHEEL CLAMP, 3 Proximity sensor Adapted from: A proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic or electrostatic field, or a beam of electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance), and looks for changes in the field or return signal. The object being sensed is often referred to as the proximity sensor's target. Different proximity sensor targets demand different sensors. For example: - acapacitive or photoelectric sensor might be suitable for a plastic target - aninductive proximity sensor requires a metal target. Proximity sensors can have a high reliability and long functional life because of the absence of mechanical parts and lack of physical contact between sensor and the sensed object. A proximity sensor adjusted to a very short range is often used as a touch switch. A proximity sensor is divided in two halves and if the two halves move away from each other, then a signal is activated. A proximity sensor can be used in windows, and when the window opens an alarm is activated. Applications Car bumpers that sense distance to nearby cars for parking Ground proximity warning system for aviation Vibration | Position measurements of rotating shafts in machinery Anti-aircraft artillery Mobile phones (video, 037) Roller Coasters ... Parking sensor Video from inside a roller coaster car The Netherlands) (59s) 4 4. The words in A are highlighted in the previous text. Match a word in A with a definition in B. A B A) A desired goal B) nearness or closeness C) A device that detects the presence of a 1. inductive proximity sensor 2. capacitive or photoelectric sensor 3. to emit (an electromagnetic field) 4. to adjust (to a short range) 5. proximity 6. reliability plastic object without physical contact. D) the quality of being dependable or reliable E) give off, send forth, or discharge F) A device that detects the presence of a metal object without physical contact. 7. target G) to adapt CAPACITOR, CONDENSER, KONDENZATOR An electric circuit element used to store charge temporarily, consisting in general of two metallic plates separated and insulated from each other by a dielectric. 5. Unscramble the tiles to reveal a message. Created by Puzzlemaker at 5 INDUCTIVE SENSORS 6. Complete the crossword with the help of the specification lists for inductive sensors. Across 2. žila(kabla) 4. bron 5. obremenljivost(toka) 6. navoj 11. kratek stik 12. tok 14. matica 15. izhod 17. teža 18. napetost 19. pribor, dodatek, oprema Down 1. prikazovalnik 2. priključek 3. zaščita 7. izguba, znižanje 8. vgradno 9. nerjaveč 10. jeklo 11. stikalo 13. razdalja, območje, razpon 16. preobremenitev Created by Puzzlemaker at 6 7. Go into the mechatronics workshop and prepare the presentation of the sensors on the production line in English. Ask one of the students to video record the presentation. It will be used as a didactic material for other students of Mechatronics. SŠTS – Mechatronics workshop, photo:SŠTS Students’ video: SORTING ASSEMBLY LINE”: 7 SENSOR TECHNOLOGY AND CAR ALARM SYSTEM -the KEY 1.Watch the video »Viper Car Security/Alarm System with Proximity Sensors« and complete the sentences. 1. The speaker is presenting a new Viper security system with_________________.(proximity) 2. It detects you when you ___________.(become too close to the car) 3. When you arm the system you hear a __________ .(beep) 4. The alarm goes on for ____________ .(three minutes). 5. If the burgler leaves the door open the alarm system is still armed and active for ________________. (any future people) 6. It also has sensors to sense if the truck is _____________. (moving) 7. The system is still armed and active even though the alarm system____________ . (went off) 8. Another cool feature is that that when you have the system armed or whenever, there ___________________(blinks a blue light), informing anyone that the car has the security system. 8 2. Discuss the following questions in small groups. You’ ll find the answers in the following text. 1. When was, according to documentation, stolen the first car? In 1896 2. Why are cars so interesting for thieves? They are valuable, reasonably easy to resell and they have a built-in getaway system. 3. Has an absolutely perfect car alarm system already been invented? No, it hasn' t. Car thieves still find a way to get past the most elaborate of them. 4. What does the simplest alarm system consist of? - one or more sensors connected to some sort of a siren, a switch on the driver' s door 5. What does a sophisticated alarm system consist of? - an array of sensors - switches, pressure sensors and motion detectors - a siren - a radio receiver - a computer control unit 6. What is the “brain” of the system? Acomputer control unit 7. What is “the brain’s” function? To close the switches that activate alarm devices 8. What happens to a sophisticated car alarm system if an intruder clips the battery cables? The hidden battery kicks in (starts or becomes activated). 3. Can you think of any other ways of protecting your car ? Some ideas: Park your car in a crowded place Park your car were everyone can see it (or rather: see the thief) Park your car next to nicer looking car hoping it will be the victim instead Take your detachable face plate with you! Install an alarm system, it will at least make your car less attractive than cars without one Do not attach stickers showing the make of your alarm, this makes it easy for thieves to eliminate your alarm 4. Proximity sensor - The key: 1–F, 2–C, 3-E, 4-G, 5-B, 6-D, 7-A 9 5. Unscramble the tiles to reveal a message: capacitive sensor 6. Complete the crossword with the help of the specification lists for inductive sensors. ACROSS DOWN 2. CORE 4.BRONZE 5. RATING 6. THREAD 11. SHORT-CIRCUIT 12. CURRENT 14. NUT 15. OUTPUT 17. WEIGHT 18. VOLTAGE 19. ACCESSORIES 1. DISPLAY 2. CONNECTION 3. PROTECTION 7. DROP 8. MOUNTABLE 9. STAINLESS 10. STEEL 11. SWITCH 13. RANGE 16. OVERLOAD 10 LESSON PLAN LESSON TITLE: Sensor technology and car alarm system LEVEL: Intermediate LESSON OBJECTIVES/AIMS: Students will practise their listening skills, reading/comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and discussion in the context of sensors and alarm systems. Students will learn about different types and sensors, and how car alarms work. TIME SPAN: 2 hours RESOURCES: handout, internet, you tube, powerpoint I. WARM UP II. COMPREHENSION SLOVENE TEACHER Ask students to observe the photos on the top n Page 1. Ask them what they know about car alarm systems. FOREIGN TEACHER Ask students to guess the answers to the questions, then show the video. After that, check the answers. Ask students to guess the answers to the questions. Read the text to the class, then ask students to complete the comprehension exercise. Help students understand the text with Slovene translation. III. VIDEOS IV. 2ND TEXT V. CROSSWORD VI. REVIEW / MECHATRONICS LAB Check answers with the class. Ask students about different ways of protecting their car. Help students with translation. Ask students to complete the vocabulary exercise. Ask students to complete the crossword. Move around to help them. Review the topic with half of the class. Show the videos to the class, and get students’ feedback. Read the text about proximity sensors and use the PowerPoint presentation to consolidate the students’ understanding. Check answers and ask students the answer to the puzzle. Move around the class to help students, then check answers as a class. Accompany students to the lab and help them prepare the video about sensors. LESSON EVALUATION Students were very keen to learn technical English terms about sensors, since it is a topic that they have been doing actively in professional subjects. The lessons were completed in time, but both teachers had to repeat explanations several times to explain the vocabulary. In the future, a visit in the mechatronics lab ahead of the lessons, with the English teachers, would make a lot of sense, as students would get a preview of the final product to be produced, i.e. the video. 11 Refleksija/Evalvacija Prednosti: 1. naloga vključuje video o kraji avtomobila, ki jo prepreči imeniten alarmni sistem. Je dobra motivacija in uvod v strokovno temo o senzorjih. Vprašanja razumevanja usmerijo dijakovo pozornost na natančno poslušanje ključnih delov teksta. 2. naloga opiše dele in delovanje alarmnega sistema, vprašanja razumevanja pa usmerijo dijakovo pozornost tako, da z odgovor nanje dobi že kratek povzetek strokovnega teksta. 3. naloga se je izkazala kot uspešna, saj vsebuje bolj ali manj šaljive videe o različicah varovanja avtomobilov. Dijaka izzove k ustvarjalnemu razmišljanju o tem, kako bi še lahko zavarovali svojega jeklenega konjička in k vljudnemu izražanju mnenja. Izražanje mnenja se je izkazalo kot pomembna naloga, ki jo kot rdečo nit vlečemo skozi različne vsebine. Sledijo tri naloge za utrjevanje in osvajanje strokovnega besedišča, povezovanje besede z definicijo, zlaganje zlogov v novo besedo in križanka. Ugotavljamo, da imajo dijaki igrive načine utrjevanja besedišča radi, ker delajo naloge z veseljem, je tudi pomnjenje učinkovitejše, zato jih večkrat uporabljamo kot vmesne dejavnosti. Končna naloga je uporaba naučenega znanja v mehatronski delavnici. Dijak programa Mehatronik v delavnici, ki ima pomanjšano različico delujoče proizvodne linije z vsemi obravnavanimi senzorji, predstavi senzorje in njihovo delovanje v tujem jeziku. Ker dijaki programa Elektrotehnik te delavnice sicer ne poznajo, na ta način združimo dva različna programa. Dijak mehatronike ima pravo občinstvo, dijak elektrotehnike pa se dejansko nauči nekaj novega. Dijaki mehatronike svojo predstavitev še posnamejo, tako da nastane še gradivo za uporabo v razredu oz. zanimiva povratna informacija za udeležene dijake. Video smo pokazali tudi na učiteljski konferenci. Slabosti: Manjkale so nam blok ure, TU je prisoten le dva dneva v tednu, zato se je obravnavanje teme nekoliko zavleklo. A dijaki so vseeno temo povezali s TU in z malo daljšim ponavljanjem vsak teden, smo oviro vseeno premagali.Težava je bila tudi v organizaciji, saj smo komaj našli ustrezen prost termin mehatronske delavnice za vse sodelujoče skupine dijakov. Izziv: Takšen način dela bi z veseljem prenesli še na druge strokovne vsebine. Prispevek TU: Dijake oddelka smo lahko razdelili na tri skupine, dve sta se s SUTJ ukvarjali z dejavnostmi v razredu, z eno pa je TU opravil obisk oz predstavitev v mehatronski učilnici. Na individualnih urah je TU dijakom pomagal napisati scenarij strokovnega videa in jim tudi pomagal video posneti. 12