OUTJ-3 Priprava na kurikularno povezavo Interaktivno znotrajpredmetno timsko poučevanje pri ciljnem TJ WHAT IS A FACEBOOK FRIEND? LETNIK 3. letniki RAZRED: PROSTOR uč. 305 UČNI PRIPOMOČKI ODDELEK STAROST PREDMET(A) UČITELJA DATUM 3B, 3Č 16-17 EGD-ANG Ivanič 15.10.2015 POSEBNE ZAHTEVE: računalnik in LCD projektor internetna povezava ZA UČITELJA: izročki Frayer model template internet links mobilni telefoni slovar tabla, flomaster, računalnik ŠOLSKA URA POTEK URE 1 šolsko uro UREDITEV UČILNICE: Dijaki se bodo sedili v obliki črke U ZA DIJAKE: izročki računalniki zvezki pisala različnih barv učni list (kopija Family and Relationships from Čist simpl angleščina maturitetne teme, Rokus Klett http://www.knjigarna.com/cist-simpl-anglescina-maturitetneteme-p-1232.php) ZARIŠČE ALI FOKUS URE oz. učnega sklopa Ss speak about their families and relationships Ss define friendship Ss critically consider just whom is a FB friend TIP UČNE URE SPLOŠNI PODATKI Ciljna skupina dijakov UČNI PRISTOPI: UČNA METODA: UČNE OBLIKE: collaborative learning inquiry-based learning reflective learning razlaga, razgovor, delo s textom in idejami frontalna (lockstep), individualna, whole class VRSTA ITP OUTJ-3 podčrtajte, obkrožite dvogovorno (kolaborativno) soodvisno (tradicionalno) izmenjalno (alternacijsko) BESEDE POTREBNO PREDZNANJE Priprava na kurikularno povezavo Interaktivno znotrajpredmetno timsko poučevanje pri ciljnem TJ dopolnjevalno (komplementarno) vzporedno (paralelno) SLOVNICA All verb tenses Basic vocabulary concerning mobile phone use, text messaging, social networking (telecommunications) UČNI CILJI 1. The aim of this module is to provide students with a greater understanding of teenage (mobile phone use and) texting. 2. The aim of this module is to dispel the general myths surrounding texting by teens. 3. The aim of this module is to generate an awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of (mobile phone use and) texting. podporno (suportivno) razločevalno (diferencirano) KLJUČNE ZASNOVE Advantages and disadvantages of social media PRIČAKOVANI UČNI DOSEŽKI At the end of this module, the student will be able... 1. to describe the texting habits of U.S. teenagers; 2. to identify and disassemble five myths about teens and texting; 3. to list a minimum of five advantages and five disadvantages of texting; 4. to accurately verbalize bar graph data about teenage mobile phone use and texting; 5. to informally discuss teens' texting habits in the U.S., UK and Slovenia; 6. to state and describe three to five strategies for combatting mobile phone use and texting while driving; and 7. to construct and draw a comprehensive map of the unit at its conclusion. OUTJ-3 ČAS Priprava na kurikularno povezavo Interaktivno znotrajpredmetno timsko poučevanje pri ciljnem TJ 1. UČITELJ Preveri prisotnost Vpiše v dnevnik Pojasni cilje, pričakovani učne dosežke in potek ure 2. UČITELJ DIJAKI Poslušajo razlago nove teme POTEK URE -- DEJAVNOSTI Writes key words/ideas on the board Students answer knowledge survey Distributes handout/text for reading Monitors students' pronunciation and calls on students to read text out loud Sodelujejo in odgovarjajo na učiteljičina vprašanja Usvajajo nove poj e in jih znajo med seboj povezati (zapisujejo berejo, povedo svoje mnenje) Writes key concepts/ideas on the whiteboard and also leads students in discussion Students read text out loud Leads the students in discussion Students complete comprehension exercises Students copy questions into their notebooks Students discuss what they have seen, comment, answer teacher's questions, compare texting habits presented in video clip with their own OUTJ-3 Priprava na kurikularno povezavo Interaktivno znotrajpredmetno timsko poučevanje pri ciljnem TJ UGOTAVLJANJE UČNIH DOSEŽKOV PREVERJANJE OCENJEVANJE Complete these statements exercises Essential vocabulary gap fill/crossword/word find True/False questions Graph/Data gathering exercises Role play Critiquing video clips used in this module Small groups of students creating their ˝own˝ tests Argumentative essay about teens and texting Formal panel discussion about teens and texting Comparative essay about U.S. teens' texting habits as compared/contrasted to Slovenian teens' texting habits ˝Document It!˝ homework assignment (e.g. poem, essay, drawing, poster, video clip, radio announcement, Facebook page, visual road map or mind map of the module) REFLEKSIJA Think about your Facebook friends. How many Facebook friends do you have? When did you befriend him/her and why? Which characteristics do your Facebook friends have in common? Which characteristics do they not share? Can we agree upon a set of common characteristics shared by our Facebook friends and derive a whole-class definition of a Facebook friend? How do my Facebook friends differ from yours? Do Facebook friends differ according to age groups? Why/why not should a family member be a FB friend? Why/why not should a teacher be a FB friend? Are celebrities really FB friends or not? 1. UČITELJ LOGISTIKA ˝booking˝ the classroom makes sure the internet, projector and sound are in working order before the lesson takes place brainstorms possible student misunderstandings provides an example mind map 2. UČITELJ makes photocopies of all necessary materials including extra copy for self and co-teacher gets the register and key to the classroom provides answer key to exercises makes a list of critical questions to be asked throughout the module ZAPISKI Internet links: Tweet Less Kiss More article by Herbert http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/17/opinion/17herbert.html?_r=0 Frayer Model http://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/FrayerModel.html OUTJ-3 Priprava na kurikularno povezavo Interaktivno znotrajpredmetno timsko poučevanje pri ciljnem TJ MOŽNE POVEZAVE PO ZAKLJUČKU URE After completing this module,… A. Students create posters defining a facebook friend and display them in the school hallway B. Students research current statistics about teenage social media use in the U.S., UK, Australia, New Zealand and Slovenia and then diagram their findings. The following link may prove to be helpful in choosing the most appropriate graphic organizer: http://www.thinkport.org/technology/template.tp C. Students read and discuss the Facebook Checklist found here http://emdp.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Facebook-checklist-Nov2013.pdf or here http://www.bullyinginterventiongroup.co.uk/upload/Facebook-Checklist.pdf D. Students perform a self-check of their privacy settings on FB using this checklist found here http://www.iacpsocialmedia.org/Portals/1/documents/Checklists/FacebookPrivacyChecklist.pdf E. Students read and discuss article entitled Doc Warns About FB Use and Teen Depression http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/28/facebook-depression- 2011_n_841282.html F. Students can create a portfolio at the beginning of the school year entitled Welcome To My World and the student materials from this lesson plan could be included UČITELJEVA REFLEKSIJA Inquiry-based learning: http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/inquiry/index.html Teaching inquiry – authenticity: http://teachinquiry.com/index/Authenticity.html Think Pair Share teaching strategy: http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_files/03_ThinkingRoutines/03d_UnderstandingRoutines/ThinkPairShare/ThinkPairShare_Routine.html and http://www.readwritethink.org/professional-development/strategy-guides/using-think-pair-share-30626.html In retrospect, I had only met these students twice before; so my primary goal was to get them talking. I had used the Frayer model in the past to have first year students define key words as a supplemental exercise to a learning module from Way Up Intermediate, so I knew that getting the students to think about their thinking and demonstrate this by filling in the diagram/thinking organizer would take some time. Before writing the Ss ideas on the whiteboard, I used the think-pair-share teaching strategy before compiling students' responses on the whiteboard. I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome of this short exercise and especially pleased by its relevancy and authenticity and did reuse it during a texting and social media lesson at a different vocational college preparatory high school. OUTJ-3 Priprava na kurikularno povezavo Interaktivno znotrajpredmetno timsko poučevanje pri ciljnem TJ