
Course title:
Izbrana poglavja iz sodobne fizike
Selected Topics in Contemporary Physics
Študijski program in stopnja
Study programme and level
Študijska smer
Study field
Univerzitetni študijski program
3.stopnje Matematika in fizika
Third cycle academic study
program Mathematics and
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
obvezni predmet/compulsory course
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje Druge oblike
Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer:
Jeziki /
Samost. delo
Prof. dr. Boštjan Golob / Prof. dr. Boštjan Golob
Predavanja / Slovensko/Slovene
Vaje / Tutorial: Slovensko/Slovene
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje
študijskih obveznosti:
Vpis v letnik študija.
Content (Syllabus outline):
Enrollment into the program.
Teme A. Gomboc: Izzivi moderne visokoenergijske astrofizike, sodoben pogled na
razvoj galaksij, modeli nastanka osončij in
Topics of A. Gomboc: Challenges in modern
high-energy astrophysics, contemporary view
on evolution of galaxies, models of planetary
systems and exoplanets formation.
Teme T. Zwittra: Galaktična arheologija;
dinamika, zgodovina in nastanek Galaksije in
njenih komponent vključno z medzvezdnim
prostorom in temno snovjo; populacijske
lastnosti osnovnih parametrov zvezd (starost,
masa, velikost, rotacija, aktivnost in podrobna
kemična sestava) od prvih zvezd v vesolju do
danes in v prihodnje. Populacijske lastnosti
samostojnih, dvojnih, večkratnih zvezdnih
sistemov, ter planetov v takih sistemih.
Topics of T. Zwitter: Galactic archaeology;
dynamics, history and formation of our Galaxy
and its components, including interstellar
matter and dark matter; population properties
of basic stellar parameters (age, mass, size,
rotation, activity and detailed chemical
composition) from the first stars in the Universe
to the ones today and in the future. Population
properties of single, double, multiple stellar
systems, and of planets in such systems.
Teme S. Fajfer: Fizika izven Standardnega
modela, izvor nevtrinskih mas, teorije
poenotenja osnovnih interakcij, supersimetrične teorije, teorije v večdimenzionalnih prostorih.
Topics of S. Fajfer: Physics beyond standard
model, origin of neutrino masses, grand unified
theories of fundamental interactions,
supersymetric theories, theories in extra
dimensional space.
Teme P. Križana in B. Goloba: sodobne metode
v fiziki jedra in osnovnih delcev, rezultati
raziskav eksperimentov na pospeševanikih v
območju največjih energij oziroma pri velikih
pogostostih reakcij; meritve redkih procesov
pri poskusih globoko pod zemljo; rezultati
raziskav v astrofiziki osnovnih delcev.
Topics of P. Križan and B. Golob: contemporary
experimental methods in nuclear and particle
physics, research results from energy and
intensity frontier experiments; measurements
of rare processes in underground experiments;
research results in astroparticle physics.
Teme J. Bonče: Modeli močno koreliranih
elektronov, spinski ter frustrirani spinski
modeli, Mottovi izolatorji, Kondo sistemi,
topološki izolatorji, neravnovesni sistemi,
relaksacijska dinamika koreliranih elektronskih
sistemov, gnani večdelčni sistemi; numerične
metode za reševanje koreliranih elektronskih
sistemov: Lanczoseva metoda, metoda
renormalizacijske grupe, metoda dinamičnega
povprečnega polja, časovno odvisne metode.
Teme I. Muševiča: fizika tekočekristalnih
površin in koloidov - površine in struktura
mejnih plasti tekočih kristalov.
Eksperimentalne tehnike: strukturne sile, AFM,
STM, optična nelinearna spektroskopija.
Topics of J. Bonča: Model with strongly
correlated electrons, spin and frustrated spin
systems, Mott insulators, Kondo systems,
topological insulators, nonequilibrium systems,
relaxation dynamics of correlated electron
systems, driven many body systems; numerical
metods: Lanczos method, metod of numerical
renormalisation group, dynamical mean field
method, time-dependent methods.
Topics of I. Muševič: Physics of liquid crystal
surfaces and colloids – surfaces and structure of
liquid crystal interfaces. Experimental
techniques: structural forces, AFM, STM,
nonlinear optical spectroscopy. Nematic
colloids, topological defects in liquid crystals,
topology of nematic and chiral nematic colloids.
Nematski koloidi, topološki defekti v tekočih
kristalih, topologija nematskih in kiralnih
nematskih koloidov. Eksperimentalne tehnike:
konfokalna fluorescenčna mikroskopija,
optična pinceta in nelinearne tehnike
mikroskopije v mehki snovi.
Teme R. Podgornika, M. Ravnika in P. Ziherla:
Tekoči kristali: elastična teorija nematske,
lamelarne, kolumnarne in smektične faze;
nematodinamika; dislokacije, disklinacije in
topološki točkasti defekti; fazni prehodi v
tekočih kristalih.
Polimeri: statistika polimerov; Edwardsova
teorija; skalirni zakoni za polimere;
samousklajena teorija polja; Floryjeva teorija in
segregacija; interakcija polimerov s
površinami; dinamika posamezne verige in
sistema več verig; Rousova in Zimmova
dinamika; prepletenost.
Koloidi: efektivne interakcije v koloidih;
koloidna stekla in otrpla stanja snovi;
hidrodinamika koloidov.
Teme I. Drevenšek Olenik: Sodobna optična
spektroskopija, časovno ločene metode,
optične tehnike na osnovi sipanja svetlobe,
izbrani nelinearni optični pojavi, optične
komunikacije, optično procesiranje signalov,
specialni materiali za uporabo v fotoniki,
integrirana fotonska vezja.
Teme R. Jeraja: Sodobne metode v medicinski
fiziki; sodobne metodologije v fiziki
medicinskega slikanja (PET, SPECT, MRI, CT) in
biomedicinske optike; sodobne metodologije
v fiziki terapije (radioterapija, tarčne terapije);
rezultati kliničnih raziskav v onkologiji,
nevrologiji in kardiologiji; modeliranje
bioloških sistemov (tumorski sistemi,
nevrološki sistemi, kardiovaskularni sistemi)
Experimental techniques: confocal fluorescent
microscopy, optical tweezers and nonlinear
microscopy methods in soft matter.
Topics of R. Podgornik, M. Ravnik and P. Ziherl:
Liquid crystals: elasticity of nematic, lamellar,
columnar, and smectic phases;
nematodynamics; dislocations, disclinations,
and topological point defects; phase transitions
in liquid crystals.
Polymers: polymer statistics; Edwards theory;
polymer scaling; self-consistent field theory;
Flory theory and segregation; polymer-surface
interctions; dynamics of single chain and manychain systems; Rouse and Zimm dynamics,
entanglement effects.
Colloids: effective interactions in colloids;
colloidal glasses and arrested states of matter;
hydrodynamics of colloids.
Topics of I. Drevenšek Olenik: modern optical
spectroscopy, time-resolved methods, optical
techniques based on light scattering, selected
nonlinear optical phenomena, optical
communications, optical signal processing,
special materials for applications in photonics,
integrated photonics units.
Topics of R. Jeraj: Advanced methods in medical
physics; advanced methodologies in medical
imaging (PET, SPECT, MRI, CT) and biomedical
optics; advanced methodologies in therapy
(radiotherapy, targeted therapies); results of
clinical studies in oncology, neurology and
cardiology; modeling of biological systems
(tumors, neuro, cardiovascular systems)
Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings:
S. Rosswog, M. Bruggen, Introduction to High-Energy Astrophysics, (Cambridge University Press), 2007.
M. van Putten, A. Levinson, Relativistic Astrophysics of the Transient Universe, (Cambridge University Press),
H. Mo, F. van den Bosch, S. White,Galaxy Formation and Evolution, (Cambridge University Press), 2010.
P.J. Armitage, Astrophysics of Planet Formation, (Cambridge University Press), 2013.
B.W.Carroll, D.A.Ostlie: An introduction to Modern Astrophysics, Addison-Wesley, 2006.
D.F. Gray: The Observation and Analysis of Stellar Atmospheres, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005.
A.G.G.M Tielens: The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005.
K.Freeman, J. Bland-Hawthorn: The New Galaxy: Signatures of its Formation, Annual Review of Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2002) 40, 487.
Y. Nagashima, Beyond the standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics Wiley/VCH, 2012;
O.M.Boyarkin, The Standard Model and Beyond II, CRC Press 2011.
The Physics of the B Factories, Bevan, A., Golob, B., Mannel, Th., Prell, S., Yabsley, B. (Eds.), Springer 2015;
LHC Phenomenology, Einan Gardi, Nigel Glover, Aidan Robson (Eds.), Springer 2015
Y. Nagashima, Beyond the standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics Wiley/VCH, 2012;
O.M.Boyarkin, The Standard Model and Beyond II, CRC Press 2011.
Gerald. D. Mahan, Many-Particle Physics, Plenum Press, New York 1990
A. Avella, F. Mancini, Strongly Correlated Systems, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 176, Spinger-Verlag
Berlin Heilderberg 2013.
J. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, Academic Press, 1992.
P. G. de Gennes, J. Prost, The Physics of Liquid Crystals, Oxford Science Publications, 1993.
P. M. Chaikin, T. C. Lubensky, Principles of condensed matter physics, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
M. Kleman in O. Lavrentovich, Soft Matter - An Introduction (Springer, Berlin, 2003).
T. A. Witten (s P. A. Pincusom), Structured Fluids: Polymers, Colloids, Surfactants (Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2004).
M. Daoud in C. E. Williams (ur.), Soft Matter Physics (Springer, Berlin, 1999).
P. G. de Gennes in J. Prost, The Physics of Liquid Crystals (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003).
P. G. de Gennes, Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1979).
M. Muthukumar, Polymer Translocation (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2011).
G. R. Strobl, The Physics of Polymers (Springer, Berlin, 2007).
C. Bechinger, F. Sciortino in P. Ziherl (ur.), Physics of Complex Colloids (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2013).
W. Demtroder, Laser Spectroscopy, 2. izdaja, Springer, 1995.
G. H. Rieke, Detection of Light, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
A. Yariv, Optical Electronics in Modern Communications, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Y. R. Shen, Principles of Nonlinear Optics, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
R. Weissleder, B. Ross, A. Rehemtulla, S Gambhir, Editors, 2009, Molecular Imaging, People's Medical
Publication House, ISBN: 978-1607950059
J. Van Dyk, Editor. 2013, The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Medical Physics Publishing, ISBN:
V. Cristini and J. Lowengrub, 2010, Multiscale Modeling of Cancer: An Integrated Experimental and
Mathematical Modeling Approach, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0521884426
Cilji in kompetence:
Predstavitev sodobnih izzivov in seznanitev z
najnovejšimi dognanji na različnih področjih
Objectives and competences:
Presentation of current challenges and
acquaintance with recent achievements in
various fields of physics.
Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Znanje in razumevanje
Študent pridobi pregled na trenutnimi odprtimi
znanstvenimi vprašanji na različnih področjih
fizike in razumevanje teoretičnih in
eksperimentalnih pristopov k reševanju le-teh.
Intended learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
Student acquires an overview of open scientific
questions in various fields of physics and
understanding of theoretical and experimental
methods to solve those.
Pridobljeno znanje študent uporabi pri
raziskovalnem delu za doktorsko disertacijo.
Obtained knowledge can be applied in doctoral
thesis scientific research.
Uporaba pridobljenega znanja za povezovanje
z sorodnimi problemi in znanstvenimi
metodami na področjih, ki niso neposredno
povezana s tematiko doktorske disertacije.
Usage of acquired knowledge to
interconnection of related problems and
scientific methods not directly involved in the
field of doctoral thesis.
Prenosljive spretnosti - niso vezane le na en
Poglobljeno razumevanje trenutnega
raziskovalnega stanja na različnih področjih
fizike omogoča povezovanje teoretičnih razlag
in eksperimentalnih metod.
Transferable skills:
Deepened insight into contemporary scientific
state-of-the-art in various fields provides
knowledge that enables interconnection of
theoretical and experimental methods.
Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Predavanja, konzultacije.
Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures, consultations.
Načini ocenjevanja:
 Aktivna udeležba na predavanjih in
v diskusijah
Delež (v %) /
Weight (in %)
 Active attendance at lectures and in
Razgovor, opravil / ni opravil (ob
upoštevanju Statuta UL in
fakultetnih pravil).
Discussion, passed / not passed
(according to the Statute of UL)
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
M. Starič, B. Golob et al., Evidence for D0 - D0 mixing. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007, vol. 98, str. 211803-1-211803-6.
A. Zupanc et al., Measurement of yCP in D0 meson decays to the KSK+K- final state. Phys. rev., D Part. fields
gravit. cosmol., 2009, vol. 80, str. 052006-1 052006-11.
B. Golob, Topics in charm hadrons at Belle. Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 2009, vol. 24, no. 18, str. 1383-1397.