August 2015 - the Waukesha Bar Association

Monday, August 17, 2015
12:00 p.m.
Board Members In Attendance: Ryan Harrington, Sarah Ponath, Kimberly Haines, Bob Dehring,
Eric Love, Jean LaTour, Amy Freiman, Ron Sonderhouse
Also in Attendance: Sharron Stolpa
Absent and Missed: Tom Hofbauer, Linda Coyle
Call to Order: The meeting was duly called to order by President-Elect Ron Sonderhouse at
12:11 p.m.
Minutes of the June 15, 2015, Board of Directors Meeting: A motion was made by Ron
Sonderhouse to adopt and approve the Minutes. The motion was seconded by Eric Love. The
motion was passed with unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s and Membership Report: The Treasurer’s and Membership Report were reviewed.
There are 318 total applications received to date.
Old Business and Committee Reports:
a. Board of Governors Update: Kimberly Haines gave an overview of the actions from the
6/24/15 meeting in Lake Geneva. The next meeting is scheduled for 9/25-26 in Elkhart
b. Fridays at Four: The event on 6/19/15 at the Hippenmeyer Law Firm was well-attended.
The current goal/idea is to have these events quarterly. Ryan Harrington will look to see
if D’Angelo & Jones is again interested in hosting. Ron Sonderhouse will do the same for
Wolff & Sonderhouse.
c. Cabinet Committee: Amy Freiman provided an update. Everything is almost done; all
that is needed is to put the pictures of the new judges in the case. Everything else is
d. Ethics Seminar Update: The seminar is set for 11/12/15. Eric Love provided an update.
Eric arranged for three speakers: Tim Pierce, Dean Dietrich, and Keith Sellen.
e. State Bar Grant Application: Amy Freiman provided an update. A change in leadership
may spur growth/activity with the Young Lawyers Division. Amy will work with Jessica
Klein and Chelsea Williamson.
New Business:
a. Judges Night Out: Date is set for 10/15/15, which is set forth on the WCBA website with
the RSVP function. The Waukesha County Community Dental Clinic is having an event
on the same night, so some Waukesha County judges may not be available. Menu, bar,
and band is already set up. Price is $30.00 per individual / $50.00 per couple. Jesse
Blocher and Amy Freiman already have generated approximately $7,000.00 of
sponsorship support.
b. Website Updates: The RSVP online system is only programmed to have one price. It
would cost $1,700.00 for additional programming in order to have tiered pricing. A
motion was made by Ron Sonderhouse to approve this expenditure. The motion was
seconded by Amy Freiman. The motion was passed with unanimous approval.
c. Newsletter – Judicial Profile: The next profile will be for Judge Maria Lazar. Sarah
Ponath will take the lead on this.
d. Judicial Portraits: The WCBA Board has taken the lead with these in the past; however
DCA Mike Neimon will be contacted to see who shares the cost. The same artist will be
used for the new portraits. Non-glare glass will be requested. Sarah Ponath will ask
Judge Davis if he wants another portrait done.
e. Holiday Party: Entertainment is lined up. Jean LaTour will help Sarah Ponath with
organization, prizes, etc. The Board considered opening the party up for spouses
beginning next year. If this change is made, the Board may have to consider booking a
bigger venue.
f. Budget/Accounting Review: There is a need to revamp the Coding / Expense
Reimbursement Form. Sarah Ponath will forward a template to Bob Dehring to work on
implementing a new system.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Ron Sonderhouse, seconded by Jean LaTour to adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 21, 2015, at 12:00 p.m.
in Room AC G55, Waukesha County Courthouse.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Dehring Jr., Secretary/Treasurer