June 2015 - the Waukesha Bar Association

Monday, June 15, 2015
12:00 p.m.
Board Members In Attendance: Sarah Ponath, Linda Coyle, Bob Dehring, Eric Love, Jean
LaTour, Amy Freiman, Tom Hofbauer
Also in Attendance: Kimberly Haines, Traci Dehring
Absent and Missed: Ron Sonderhouse, Ryan Harrington
Call to Order: The meeting was duly called to order by President Sarah Ponath at 12:03 p.m.
Minutes of the April 8, 2015, Board of Directors Meeting: A motion was made by Linda Coyle
to adopt and approve the Minutes. The motion was seconded by Tom Hofbauer. The motion
was passed with unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s and Membership Report: The Treasurer’s and Membership Report were reviewed.
The current membership of 493 is at the highest level in at least the last seven years. Amy
Freiman forwarded to Breanne Bucher a BMO Harris bank statement regarding monies in the
Juvenile Section account.
Old Business and Committee Reports:
a. Board of Governors Update: Kimberly Haines gave an overview of the actions from the
4/24/15 meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 6/24/15.
b. June 4th CLE with Judge Aprahamian: Considered a success by all. There were 68
attendees. Three attendees agreed to become new WCBA members. Linda Coyle
applied for CLE credit on 6/12/15. Judge Aprahamian and other judges may consider
making CLE presentations on an annual basis. The Board will consider creating a CLE
committee at a later date.
c. Membership Drive Update: Membership packets will be forwarded to the printers this
week, pending approval of the Board. Linda Coyle will ask permission to post
information regarding WCBA membership in the courtrooms and courthouse elevators,
d. Fridays at Four: Next scheduled for 6/19/15 at the Hippenmeyer Law Firm.
e. Cabinet Committee: Amy Freiman will post pictures of the new judges, as well Judges
Kieffer and Davis for their Lifetime Achievement Awards. Michelle Martin is getting the
wall plaques engraved.
f. Ethics Seminar Update: The seminar is set for 11/12/15. Eric Love is working on getting
speakers. Jean LaTour will recommend to Eric a speaker with a Public Defender
background for diversity of topic purposes.
New Business:
a. Pro Bono Honor Society Award announcements: WCBA is being asked to do this again,
before the end of the year. The Board decided that the Ethics Seminar on 11/12 would
be an appropriate time to do so.
b. State Bar Grant Application: Lori Fabian had previously worked on this. WCBA needs to
reapply. Amy Freiman volunteered to take the lead. WCBA also needs to return the
portion of the $2,000.00 grant that was unused. Sharron Stolpa and Bob Dehring are to
investigate how much was unused.
c. Judges Night Out: Sarah Ponath will determine the date for this event by contacting the
Rotunda. Amy, Linda, and Jean volunteered to help in planning.
d. Website Updates, Newsletters, Announcements: Sarah Ponath will send out a “HowTo” manual on how to update and maintain the website. Sarah will send out an email
to Kimberly Haines, Jean LaTour, Bob Dehring, and Ron Sounderhouse for a date to train
over lunch.
e. Legal Action Board: The WCBA Board unanimously approved the reappointment of Ron
English to represent Waukesha County on the Legal Action Board.
f. Waukesha State Bank signature cards: Sarah Ponath and Bob Dehring signed the bank
forms to update the Board’s change in leadership. Ron Sonderhouse’s signature is still
g. Future Events: Linda Coyle will phone Bullwinkle’s and the Marriott to “save the date”
for the Holiday Party, Judge’s Update, and Support Staff Luncheon, respectively.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Jean LaTour, seconded by Linda Coyle to adjourn. The
meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 17, 2015, at 12:00 p.m. in
Room AC G55, Waukesha County Courthouse.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Dehring Jr., Secretary/Treasurer