CALL FOR PAPERS No. 2/3 14.02.2014 Dear Colleagues, RUSSIAN COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION and BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY announce an international scientific and practical conference “ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION” April 23-24, 2014, Minsk Thematic fields of the conference: Organizational Identity and Culture: Organizational identity in network organizations Constructing organizational image/identity via social media Business ethics and organizational ethics Cross-cultural business and organizational communications Organizational ideology and power relations Gender aspects of management and communication New Organizational Structures and ICTs: Communication in the innovative networks of cooperation Interorganizational alliances and open innovations ICTs in decision making Crowdsourcing Quitting the organization: motivation and strategies of freelancing New technologies in organizations’ internal communication Personal and computer-mediated communication in organizations Organizational Environment: Social networks and social media in organizational communication Integrated communications: promotion, branding, image-making Conflict, risk and crisis management Communication technologies in governance Networks of non-commercial organizations Structure and specifics of religious communication networks Problems of Organizational Communication Research: Promising fields in organizational communication research Social networks on the Internet and in organizations New media research Methods of organizational communication and social communication research Organizational Psychology: Psychology of relations within organizations Psychological technologies in organizational environment Discourse of organizational and social communication Your proposals concerning other relevant issues are also highly welcome! CALL FOR PAPERS No. 2/3 14.02.2014 The conference will take place on April 23-24, 2014 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University (Kalvaryiskaya str. 9, 5th floor). Working languages are Russian, Belarusian, and English. Paper proposals should be sent before March 15, 2014 to the email of the Organizing committee (, Cc: Proposals for participation should include the following information about the Author(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name and Surname Academic degree, title Country, city Organization, position Title of the presentation Thematic field Contact address and telephone(s) Indication whether the official invitation is necessary and what should be there The abstract of your presentation should be up to 3 pages long (Times New Roman, 14 pt, 1.15 between lines, 2.5 cm top, bottom, left, right; no page numbers). References to literature are put into brackets, e.g. [2, p. 45], the reference list should be provided after the text. The book of conference abstracts will be published as an e-book with an ISBN number. The Organizing Committee retains the right to select and edit the materials submitted for publication. During the conference, a number of round tables, master classes and interdisciplinary seminars will be held. Proposals for roundtables, master classes and seminars are welcome, deadline is March 31, 2014. Proposals should include the title and a brief description of the concept of event (up to 1 page long). The conference fee (including publication, coffee breaks, reception, excursion, and participant’s set) is 40 euro. The fee should be paid after receiving the letter that your paper has been included into conference program. Travel expenses, booking, accommodation and food expenses are to be covered by the sending organization. Organizing Committee’s contact information: Tel. (+375 17) 2597039, 2597060; email:; The students’ conference “Communication in XXI Century” will take place ibid on the March 25. No conference fee is charged. Best papers will be published. The conference “Current Issues of Educating Specialists in PR and Advertising” will take place on April 25, 2014, at the same venue (Minsk, Kalvaryiskaya st. 9). Deadline for proposals is March 10. The conference is held by the Department of Communication Technologies, Institute of Journalism, Belarusian State University. Yours, Organizing Committee