Enzyme lab Part A handout

Enzyme Lab – Part A
Name: ________________________
Per: ___
Data Table 1: Organic VS Inorganic Reaction Rates
Level of IV
Tube # 1
no catalyst
Tube # 2
Orgainic catalyst:
Catalase enzyme in liver
Observations Reaction
Tube # 3
Inorganic Catalyst:
Manganese dioxide
Observations Reaction
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Average Reaction
Graph: Prepare a graph IN YOUR LAB BOOK of the data above. Include a title, axis titles and units.
Analysis Questions: (Answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES in your lab book.)
1. What effect did the water have on the reaction rate?
2. How do you know? (Give evidence from your data.
3. Which had a greater effect on reaction rate, the organic or inorganic catalyst?
4. How do you know? (Give evidence from your data.)
5. Why did you include test tube 1 in the experiment?
6. Why is it important to maintain the same volume of water and H2O2?
7. What is the independent variable?
8. What is the dependent variable?
9. What is the control in this experiment?
10. Are there any problems in the way the comparison between the organic (liver catalase) enzyme and
the inorganic manganese dioxide catalyst was set up?
11. Explain how enzyme function is like a lock and key. (You may draw and label a diagram in addition to
writing an explanation if that makes it easier for you.)
12. The function of the liver is to break down fats and build certain proteins. Cirrhosis of the liver is a
disease which causes the liver to become thickened and “rubbery.” Hypothesize how enzyme function
in the liver would be affected in a person with cirrhosis.
Conclusion: Write a Conclusion using TBEAR method in YOUR lab book.
T—Topic—what was your lab about. What was the objective?
B—Background--What background information do you know (think about enzymes in general)
E—Evidence--What was your evidence—discuss the data you collected
A—Analysis—Do catalysts affect the rate of reactions? Was your hypothesis correct? How do you know if it was correct—tie it back
to the data. Were there any areas of error in your lab work? Were there any uncontrolled variables?
R—Relevance—How does this lab relate to you or others around you? How can you extend this lab—what are next steps/next test?