enzyme data analysis

AP Biology Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide: rate of reaction analysis
(Insert images of annotated graphs showing data of rate with varied enzyme concentrations)
Enzyme Catalase Solution Concentration Levels
1.25g liver/500mL water
2.5g liver /500mL water
5.0g liver/500mL water
Level 1
List the rates of reaction for each concentration of enzyme used in order from fastest rate
to slowest rate.
Are the rates of reaction constant for each concentration level? Why or why not?
Level 2
Explain what RATE OF REACTION actually means in regards to enzyme substrate
Level 3
How does an increase in enzyme concentration affect the rate of reaction? Use data from
the experiment to support your answer.
AP Biology Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide: rate of reaction analysis
(Insert images of annotated graphs showing data of rate with varied substrate concentrations)
Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrations Used: 3.0%, 1.5%, 0.75%
Level 1
List the rates of reaction for each concentration of substrate used in order from fastest rate
to slowest rate.
Are the rates constant for each concentration? Why or why not?
Level 2
Predict what would happen to the rate of reaction if a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution were
Level 3
How does an increase in substrate concentration affect the rate of reaction? Use data from
the experiment and your prediction above to support your answer.