Growth of a wheat plant Introduction A comparative study on vegetalgrowingfrom Canada and Czech Republic, withemphasis on hydrometeorological conditions occuringduringcropseason 2013 in Sept-Îles and Zbiroh Station material a) Photographymaterialwithtripod and scalingmaterial b) Recordingthermometer c) Air hygrometer d) Soilhygrometer e) Rain gauge f) Cloud chart g) Barometer Method Seed and soilanalysis Planting on June1st Variables a) Plant lineardevelopmentwithscaledphotographyfromfixviewpoint b) Day temperaturewithminima and maxima c) Air moisture d) Groundmoisture e) Precipitation f) Cloud formation and ratio of cloudedsky g) Barometrical pressure Data collectionschedule Weekly observation for a, d, f (Bothschedulesrelymostly onmanagerialdecisions Daily observation for b, c, e, g basedon staff availibility and activityplanning) Estimated 18 weeks observations Les Débrouillards willorganise on site workshops on a weekly basisduringsummer camp (5 weeks). Workshops willinvolvevariouspedagogicalmodelsrelated to project instruments.Kids willoperatevarious data collection andtheywill gauge their observations on station data. Data analysis Analysiswillcomparevariance of growth rate from Canadian and Czech stations. Analysiswill explore variance in hydrometerological data in order to explain major issue fromgrowth rate comparison. Discussion Why are Canadian and Czechgrowingprocess are similar or different in regard of indepedant variables. Findings