English II Pre-Ap - Lesson Plans - Week of 11/17-11/21 Monday Tuesday Wed/Thur Friday Daily Objective: The student will make complex inferences about a text. The student will make effective revisions to a given reading passage. Daily Objective: The student Daily Objective: The student will will recognize elements of read, making complex inferences tragedy and of Shakespearean about a text. drama. The student will read the exposition of a text and make predictions. How Assessed: Snapshot 3, timed writing (12/5) How Assessed: Julius Caesar How Assessed: Julius Caesar test How Assessed: Julius test (12/10-12/11) (12/10-12/11) Caesar test (12/10-12/11) Materials Needed: copies of Snapshot 3, EdPlan answer documents, pencils Materials Needed: Literature textbooks, reading guide (comprehension & analysis) questions, butcher paper, Rome reading passage & SAR Materials Needed: Literature textbooks, reading guide (comprehension & analysis questions), yesterday’s butcher paper Daily Objective: The student will demonstrate their knowledge of literary terms. The student will read, making complex inferences about a text. Materials Needed: Revising Warmup, Vocab Sheet 4, Vocab quiz 3, Literature textbooks, reading guide Daily Activities: Daily Activities: Daily Activities: Daily Activities: 1. Do First – MUGS 1. Do First – Read Caesar 1. Do First – Rhetorical Appeal 1.Do First – Revising and Monday(7min) – article and answer Short identification warm-up. Editing sheets meanwhile, collect Answer response (20 min) 2. Finish Reading Act I, scene 1 2. Pass out vocab sheet #4 vocabulary sheet 3 2. Quick review in groups of and discuss. 2. Vocab quiz #3 homework 4-5 (these will be their 3. Read Act I, scene 2 as a whole 3. Begin reading Act II, 2. Quick Review – Rhetorical reading groups tomorrow) class – teacher continues to read scene 1 in 3 – whole class Appeals and how created of terms related to Cassius. – with reading (10min). Shakespeare & drama – 4. Intermission – in yesterday’s comprehension and 3. Snapshot 3 – counted as give students list of terms – groups, find examples of analysis questions. DOUBLE minor grade! they have 10 minutes to elements of tragedy & define as many as possible Shakespearean drama in these on butcher paper. scenes (the words defined 3. Begin reading Act I, scene yesterday.) Add to your butcher 1. Teacher reads the part paper (15 minutes) of Cassius 5. Divide into groups of 4-5 to read Act I, scene 3 (each group needs someone to read the parts of: stage directions and/or Cinna, Cicero, Casca, and Cassius.) Homework: Rhetorical appeals review Homework: None! Homework: Study for vocab quiz Homework: Vocab sheet 3! #3 due Tuesday