Julius Caesar Vocabulary: Archaic Words & Definitions

Julius Caesar
Vocabulary Development
Unit Target: I can read and analyze a variety
of short stories, non fiction, novels, technical
selections, and classical works of literary merit.
Daily Target: I can recognize archaic words to
better my understanding of Shakespeare’s
Julius Caesar.
Archaic Words
Archaic words are words that are no
longer commonly used.
In Shakespeare’s writings you find
unfamiliar words that have passed out
of use altogether, as well as familiar
words that have archaic meanings.
The following words are from
Act I of Julius Caesar
Words no longer in
common use:
Ho: hey
Thou: you
Art: are
Wherefore: why
Doth: do
Withal: nevertheless (in spite of that)
Hie: hurry
Ere: before
Ghastly: ghostly
Words whose Meanings
have changed
Naughty: worthless
Hence: depart
Press: crowd
Marry: small promise
Soft: wait a minute
Falling Sickness: seizures
Sad: serious
Peace!: Silence!
Saucy: Presumptuous
Gentle: noble
The following words are
Act II of Julius Caesar
Words no longer in
common use:
taper: candle
moe: more
tis: it’s
redress: correct a wrong
betimes: at once
yon: demonstrative pronoun that points
at something
• prithee: pray thee; beg you
Words whose Meanings
have changed
craves: demands
closet: small private room; study
exhalations: meteors
prick: urge
put on: display
humor: mood
The following words are
Act III of Julius Caesar
Words no longer in
common use:
belike: probably
wit: intelligence
Ides of March: March 15th
sirrah: like sir, but used to address an
inferior, often intending disrespect or anger
• amiss: out of proper order
• puissant: powerful
• wilt: Will
Words whose Meanings
have changed
touches: concerns
schedule: scroll of paper
constant: calm
abide: take the consequences of
fall: happen