Describe LA without a government for one week HW due Monday Vocab Charts Vocab Quiz I will analyze and discuss the importance of the concept of the “state of nature,” scoring a 2.7 or higher on an exit ticket paragraph. 12.1.1 Analyze the influence of Ancient and leading European political thinkers such as John Locke, Montesquieu, Machiavelli, and William Blackstone on the development of American government. HW due Monday Vocab Charts Vocab Quiz 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Do NOW Identifying Historical Significance State of Nature simulation State of Nature notes Real life state of Nature Discussion Prisoner’s Dilemma Exit Ticket Vocab chart Why is government necessary? Many political philosophers claim that without a strong government there would be those who would steal, kill, enslave, or otherwise oppress people who are weak. To some people, this view is realistic. To others, it is depressing and pessimistic. Why can’t people live peacefully and harmoniously without the authority of a government? Can they? You will compete in a “state of nature” and have the opportunity to create a political society. You can decide to live peacefully or brutally, in harmony or in conflict. You can create a society that is fair or one in which only the strong will survive. The goal of the game is to survive and acquire the most property. The winning team will be the one that survives the game with the most property. 1. As in life, there is inequality. There are seven teams and each team receives an assigned amount of property. Some teams will begin with a lot, but other teams will have very little. (Now, divide yourselves into 7 teams) Team Team Team Team Team Team Team 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= $60 $10 $40 $70 $30 $20 $50 2. There is NO government or authority. You may make agreements with other teams, but you are not bound to keep them. There are 3 rounds. In order from poorest to wealthiest, teams will decide what to do: 1. INVEST property and receive a 10% return. 2. Give some of the property to another team as part of an AGREEMENT. 3. Sell yourself into SLAVERY by giving up all of your property. You will survive as long as your owners do. 4. ATTACK a team with less money than you and take up to $20 from them. The state of nature is a situation where there is no government or laws New Orleans, LA after Hurricane Katrina The ability to do what you want without being punished. To be safe from harm, usually physical harm. People have total freedom, but very little security. We create government to get security, but we have to give up some freedom. The State of Nature is important in government because if we know how people are without a government, it helps us understand what kind of government we need. In your notes under TPS, write at least three sentences in response to the two questions at the bottom. Then, turn to a neighbor and share your responses. Imagine two worlds: 21st century America where the government is suddenly removed. No police, hospitals, case workers. Long long ago before governments existed. Mankind lives out in nature. 1) How does mankind treat eachother in each? 1) Explain what the state of nature is and why it is important to the idea of government. In your opinion, what did the state of nature look like. OR 2) The Mayans were right and doomsday has struck. The majority of mankind has been destroyed and you and your classmates number among the few survivors. There is no school, no government, no institutions of any kind. In a paragraph, creatively describe LA in the state of nature. In your opinion, what kind of government should there be now that we can rebuild. Terms you must use and underline: State of Nature, Security, Liberty Check for grammar, spelling, and organization Reread your paragraph Approximately half a page On a scale of -10 to +10, evaluate your own contribution to the class and your classmates Raise your hand and point out two positives you saw today