Ms. Hauser Oceanography 2015-2016 Course Description: This course will cover many features of the world’s oceans including sea floor features, interactions with the atmosphere, human influences, and life in the ocean. Daily class activities will include journal reflections and hands on learning opportunities that will incorporate real world events and data to support the understanding of Oceanography concepts. Tentative Schedule: Marking Period Topics Covered SOLs 1st 9 weeks Basic Scientific Principles Ocean Features Water Chemistry/Properties ES.1, 2 ES.7, 10 BIO.2 2nd 9 weeks Weather and Climate Bodies of Water ES.11,12 ES.8 3rd 9 weeks Life in the Ocean Human Connection BIO.4 c ES.6, 11 d, BIO.8 4th 9 weeks Ocean Exploration ES.1 Grading Policy: 9 week grade: TESTS/PROJECTS DAILY ASSIGNMENTS/HOMEWORK REFLECTION JOURNAL/WARM-UPS LABORTORIES PARTICIPATION 40% 20% 15% 15% 10% Semester grade: 1st NINE WEEK GRADE 2nd NINE WEEK GRADE EXAM GRADE 40% 40% 20% Final grade: 50% 50% 1st SEMESTER GRADE 2nd SEMESTER GRADE Reflection Journal/Warm-ups: Class will start with a Reflection Journal entry. Students will write and reflect on the question that is given. This will be used as a starting point for growth in the understanding of a topic. Other warm up activities may also be used to begin class which will count as a grade. Homework: Homework will be assigned every class. Homework will reflect what was covered in class. Homework must be turned in at the beginning of every class. For each day homework is turned in late will result in 20% off your homework grade. Participation: Students are expected to be active participants in class. Solid effort will be rewarded through the participation grade, whereas non-participation will reflect negatively on the participation score. Students may also be asked to complete assignments where there is no “right” or “wrong” answers. These assignments will be given a participation grade. Classroom Expectations: At the beginning of every class students are expected to come in and sit at their assigned seat and begin work in their reflection journal including getting out homework and required class supplies (binder). Each student is expected to show respect for the teacher and other members of the class by not talking when another person is talking. The restroom and drinking fountain should be used between classes, not during instructional time unless it is an extreme case. A student agenda is the only acceptable hall pass. Class Policies: Make-up work All students are to make up all assignments missed when absent or tardy. A student is allowed one day to complete make up work for each day s/he was absent up to a maximum of 5 days. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for make-up work. The best time to arrange for make-up work is before or after school. Students will not be able to make up work for unexcused absences. Late Work Any late work will result in 10% deducted from your grade for each day that it is not turned in following the assigned due date. No late work will be accepted after each unit test. Cheating/Plagiarism Cheating and plagiarism will result in a 0% on the assignment. Food and Drink Food and drink are not permitted in the classroom except for water. Laboratory Safety: Laboratory work is an integral part of science class. Safety is the responsibility of each student. The following guidelines should be followed at all times. Food/Drink – There is absolutely no food or drink allowed in the classroom except for water. Follow all instructions given by the teacher Notify the teacher immediately about any safety concern. Do not inhale or ingest anything unless told to do so by the teacher. Learn the location and use of safety equipment in the classroom. Keep your workspace and classroom clean. Supplies: Binder Loose-leaf paper Composition notebook Pencil Colored Pencils Contact: Please contact me via email Availability: Mondays Afterschool – 4pm Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30am –8am Or by appointment Course:__________________________ Teacher’s Name:_________________________ Student’s Name: _______________________________ I have read the syllabus for the course listed above, and I understand and will comply with its contents. ________________________________ Student’s Signature ________ Date PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read this syllabus and will expect my son/daughter to comply with its contents. _________________________________ Parent’s Signature ________ Date