
HW BLOG: http://blogs.spsk12.net/9404
Teachers: Mr. Tomlin sanfordtomlin@spsk12.net
NRHS: 757-923-4101
Ms. Davenport letitiadavenport@spsk12.net
We hope you are excited about starting another year, especially those for whom this year may be their last of
high school. Here is an introduction to the course and required materials.
Expectations: We expect every student to be successful in our class. We will provide help during and after
school, and promptly return emails from both parents and students. In return, we expect students to take their
learning in their own hands and make an effort to complete assignments fully and on time. We also expect them
to use class time wisely and take advantage of the one-on-one help provided during this time. Our job is to
provide students with a productive learning environment and to share our knowledge of the ocean environment.
The job of the student is to come to class ready to learn, participate, and allow us to run a safe, productive
Five Classroom Rules: 1. Follow directions quickly. This starts with our warm-up routine each day!
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
4. Make smart choices.
5. Keep your teachers happy!
Whole brain teaching of these rules as well as Class-Yes, Hands and Eyes, Mirror, Echo, Teach-OK, and Switch
make class procedures effective and easy to follow. The Scoreboard class competition is back!
Students may not bring food or drink of any kind into the science room. Students will be allowed no more than
three hall passes per nine weeks for bathroom and water breaks unless there is a documented medical reason.
No passes will be issued during the first thirty minutes or last fifteen minutes of class.
What to bring to each class:
● Composition Notebook(s) (You will need a total of 4 for the year.)
● #2 Pencils are to be brought to each class and used on all classwork, quizzes, and tests.
● Colored pencils, pens, and/or crayons
● Scissors, Scotch Tape, Glue sticks
● Oceanography book (Cengage Learning 9th ed.)
● Lined notecards/index cards, 1 gallon plastic bag(s) and 1 box of quart size bags
● Your homework and enthusiasm! We need you to help us create the most positive, comfortable and
collaborative learning environment we can for everyone. We expect you to bring the above to class every
session and to be seated at the start of each class.
If able to do so, parents can donate any of these supplies to the classroom for free use during lessons.
Oceanography: Oceanography is considered an Earth Science II course, and as such, completion of Earth
Science is required. Hampton Roads is steeped in beautiful coastal regions, and is a source of jobs, food, and
recreation for us all. Students will learn how the oceans were formed, how humans interact with the oceans, the
chemistry of ocean water, and the life that lives in it. Topics that will be covered include: Marine Geology,
Ocean Currents and Winds, Ocean Life and Ecology, Ocean Water Chemistry, The History of Oceanography,
Ocean Waves, Ocean Sediments, and Climate.
Blog: We keep a blog on the SPS website. We post syllabi, links, homework, reviews, notes for class, and
alternative assignments. We encourage both parents and students to check it often to stay up-to-date about
these things. It can be accessed through the NRHS website, or directly at http://blogs.spsk12.net/9404.
Homework: For each 9 week period we will have 7 homework assignments due. They will always be a review of
news articles that we have chosen as being relative to the topic. We will not accept student chosen articles.
These homework assignments are posted on the blog, or available from me in class to check out like a book.
They are due on the last day of the week that I see a class (either Friday or Thursday). We will accept homework
articles late for a 30 point deduction up to one week after the due date (late article will be accepted until the
next article is due). No excuses, please! We sometimes give time in class to complete them and we accept early
Home Access Center: I encourage all parents and students to have access to the Home Access Center gradebook
so that everyone can be up-to-date with their current grades and assignments due. I try to promptly enter
assignments into the gradebook, but some changes may take 24hrs before they are visible to the parent. Also,
you may contact me through this service if you have any questions about your student’s grades. Sometimes
teachers put assignments in without grades, these are not considered missing until you see MSG as the grade.
Also, EXC is used for excused and INC for incomplete.
Tests and Quizzes: We will give good notice prior to tests and quizzes. Therefore, test and quiz dates are firm.
We will post test dates on the blog and in class, and we will give verbal reminders.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: If you need to speak to us via telephone or in person, please email us or call the
school to make an appointment. We will respond in detail to emails and return calls promptly.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us. I will do my best to ensure I provide the
student with everything they need to succeed. If the student completes all work and makes an effort during
class, they will be successful and have a positive learning experience.
Please sign and return this portion to the teacher for first homework credit. By signing both parent and
student have read and understood expectations of the classroom. Please contact me with any questions.
Please keep the above guidelines in your interactive notebook!
Student Name (Print)_________________________________(Sign/date) ________________________________
Parent Name (Print)__________________________________(Sign/date) ________________________________
Contact Information:_________________________________________________________________