Committee Meeting Tuesday 2nd September 2014 at Westgate Leisure Chichester Present: Shaun, Mike P, Jason, Trycha, Brian, Steve L, Nicky, Stuart, Sophie and Emily Apologies: John Update on previous minuets; Shaun hand out the proposal for the amount committee members pay of a membership fee. There are 3 proposals but was decide to drop the 3 option. Shaun updated the committee and thought it important to say about some success the Youth members have achieved over the last couple of weeks, Amber finished 1st Female overrule at the Portsmouth sprint distance triathlon. Sam finished 11 th at the British champs at Liverpool and Sam finished 4th at the x-terror European champs. Shaun has also put together a re-election list of committee members and their role and if they would like to stay on the committee. This will be emailed out to all of the members and voted on at the up and coming AGM. 1. Membership numbers; email list update - Steve Around 89 adult members, email list is almost up to date, Sophie said there are still a number of duplicates which might be why it is higher than are membership number. 2. End of year social event – Emily Emily has stepped in as the clubs events coordinator till the AGM, where we will hopefully vote her in. Emily has produced a sheet which was handed out and had some option for this year end of season event. Below lists the outline for what was said; 3. Marketing – Shaun Marketing is going to be on the agenda for some time now to remind us all to market the club. This would be in all parts of the club starting with push the advertisement and how the club is marketed. For now it is down to each committee member to market their section of the club. Steve bone the sports editor of the Chi Observer has always been willing to print the clubs success if we email it into him with pictures. We will be look for a new committee member to take on this media role at the AGM. 4. Club’s charity update – Sophie Sophie has put together a draft email and sent it to the committee before sending out detailing how to vote for the club charity. Sophie just needs the AGM date confirmed which is in the next action. 5. AGM Venue – Jason Jason said the venue at Westgate on a Tuesday 11th Nov is not free. The only night that the meeting room is free at Westgate is Friday’s. It was decided that the club AGM will be held on Friday 7th Nov 19:15 at Westgate Leisure Chichester Ravenna Room. It was also decided that Emily will look at booking a table at a curry house after the AGM for any members if they wish to come along for a social after. AOB Emily said if it would be ok to get photos of the committee put up so that members know the faces of the committee and who to go to. Everyone agreed, Emily will contact the committee asking for phone to be sent in or Shaun said we could take them on the night of the AGM. Add Uni membership to next meeting Agenda and Shaun to talk to JK about some club presence at the fresher’s fair in September. And Chair email to be sent out Nicki would like more coaches for the juniors, if anyone knows of any, to please contact her Brian said he is happy to offer a free bike fit to any one that join the Club. Also, to ask any of our members on Strava to add CWTC or if it fits before their name so we can see our club on the leader boards. Brian will send out an email about this. Next meeting will be the AGM on 7th Nov 2014.